
  1. Headers
  2. Code
  3. Tables
  4. Making things look nice

Content on this wiki is edited using the Markdown extra syntax, which is a superset of Markdown syntax. Links to pages are made using [Square brackets]. New pages are created by linking to their name and then clicking the link.

Please read the linking instructions for more information.


The bad new is that you can create headers in many different ways. start and end the line with '#' will procudes a H1 header , starting and ending with '##' will create a h2 header. If you create header with h1 they will be added to a table of content on the page.

# h1 #
## h2 ##
### h3 ###


When editing the maemo Wiki you will often want to add code blocks. adding sample code is done by adding 4 spaces at the start of your lines

static void
hildon_caption_set_focus                        (GtkWindow *window,
                                                 GtkWidget *widget,
                                                 GtkWidget *caption);


Tables can be useful when comparing things. Creating tables is done in the following way:

| header1 | header 2|
| Maemo   | Yes     |
header1 header 2
Maemo Yes

Making things look nice

It is possible to make notes and warnings. but be warned that those don't apear immediately.

[note: This is a note]

This is a note

[warning: and this is a warning]

and this is a warning