
  1. VNCviewer by LARCES
  2. The Maemo vncviewer application
    1. (Did I mention that you should really, really use SSH tunnelling? VNC is not encrypted, so if you log in from your desktop through to a third machine, anyone can see the password you type. Well, anyone on the same sub-network having a packet sniffer.)

VNCviewer by LARCES

The lab LARCES of the UECE ( Universidade Estadual do CearĂ¡ ) have ported a VNCviewer application. This is a good tool for all system administrators and for people needing to monitor their computer in distance and quiet. Are need few .deb and libx for it.

The Maemo vncviewer application

(Apparently the vncviewer app that is on offer is the above one.)

No it is not. A fully hildonized version is now officially installable, and this text refers to it.

To use it, proceed as follows:

1 . On the desktop you want to access, start up vncserver. It will tell you which port it is on: port :1 means 5901, port :2 means 5902, etc.

2 . You can (re-)set your password with vncpasswd.

3 . on your Nokia, first set up an SSH tunnel (in an xterm, using openssh):

ssh -N -f -L 5902:localhost:5901

where the latter is the name of your desktop machine. It needs to have TCP port 22 (SSH) open towards the Nokia (i.e., toward the netblock that your service provider gives you an IP number from. You can find out that number by, after logging in over SSH from your Nokia, typing: echo $SSH_CONNECTION. Try a few times to get to know the netblock. Typically, your firewall entry would be something like for a B-class -- 16384 different numbers -- netblock.)

4 . Now, still on the Nokia, start up vncviewer from the GUI, and login to the local end of the tunnel:


(that means, local port 5902), and the login prompt appears for your VNC password defined earlier.

That's it!

(Did I mention that you should really, really use SSH tunnelling? VNC is not encrypted, so if you log in from your desktop through to a third machine, anyone can see the password you type. Well, anyone on the same sub-network having a packet sniffer.)
