
  1. Related Pages
  2. Status by feature

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This page keeps track of the changes backfolded from Maemo-Gtk to the upstream Gtk+ project.

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Status by feature

{1} ) Progress indicators: {o} partial; (./) done; {OK} in progress (blocking on upstream); M ) Migration advice or porting advice to upgrade to future Gtk+ versions; N/A means "No action required".

FEATURE {1} M__ Bug number Files
button timeouts (./) M02 142582 gtkcalendar.c, gtknotebook.c, gtkrange.c, gtksettings.c gtkspinbutton.c
display close (./) - 85715 357566 gdkpango.c, gdkscreen.c, gdkwindow.c, gdkdisplay-x11.c, gdkevents-x11.c, gdkkeys-x11.c, gdkscreen-x11.c, gdkvisual-x11.c
arrow sensitivity (./) M32 321056 347902 gtkrange.c
insensitive tooltips {OK} M22 65490 gtkmain.c gtkmenushell.hc gtktoolbutton.hc
logical colors (./) M27 M28 114355 346668 346751 349552 357132
refcountable hashtable (./) M10 114355
truncate multiline pastes (./) M03 322252 gtkentry.c
disable animations (./) M02 142582 gtktoolbar.c
rich text copy & paste (./) M30 324177 Proposal 337653 339195 342894 gtk.h
scroll on click (./) M12 323028 335912 gtkmenu.c
double-arrows property (./) M13 323028 335912 gtkmenu.c
horizontal-padding property (./) - 323036 gtkmenu.c
excessive memory use by JPEG loader (./) - 305894 gdk-pixbuf/io-jpeg.c
active window / window stack (./) - 320881 gdk/gdkscreen.h gdk/x11/gdkscreen-x11.c
order of rc file parsing {X} 324073 gtkrc.c
additional style properties (./) M11 325282 gtknotebook.c
child-spacing style property (./) M44 327202 gtkbutton.c
Rubberbanding (./) M05 80127 gtkstyle.c gtktreeprivate.h gtktreeview.c gtktreeselection.c
Dotted line drawing (./) M09 106406 gtktreeview.h gtktreeprivate.h gtktreeview.c
themeable separators (./) M08 332022 gtkseparator.c gtkhseparator.c gtkvseparator.c gtkmenuitem.c gtkcombobox.c
XLocale warnings (./) - 332317 gdkim-x11.c
tree iterator warnings (./) - 2006-02-00144 gtktextbtree.h gtktreemodel.h
x-settings maintenance (./) - 332736 needed to implement gtk-touchscreen-mode
show-expanders / level-indentation (./) M41 80869 gtktreeview.c gtktreeprivate.h
GtkMenu::scroll-arrow-height (./) - 333632 gtkmenu.c
row-ending-details (./) M45 333760 gtktreeview.c
GtkEntry inner-border (./) M06 333922 (316712) gtkentry.c
stop range auto-scrolling {X} 334446 R24 automatic range scrolling and dialog popups
show-last-char style property (./) M04 334560 gtkentry.c
scroll to focus child {X} 335247 R21 gtkscrolledwindow.c
max-child-expand style property (./) - 340722 gtktoolbar.c
don't select button on cursor navigation (./) M54 334742 322640 gtkradiobutton.c
two-part-trough style property (./) M48 342249 342257 gtkrange.c
draw-trough-under-steppers style property (./) M51 342339 342257 gtkrange.c
scroll to cursor on size_allocate {X} 344874 R28 gtktextview.c
stream-indicator and stream-position API (./) M31 349808 gtkrange.c gtkrange.h
distribute shrinkage across cells if too little space was allocated {OK} 350815 gtkcellview.c
don't wrap around when doing keyboard navigation (./) M47 309291 gtkmenushell.c gtknotebook.c
Pluggable widget types {X} 356864
Arrow size property (./) M15 357950 gtkcombobox.c
Navigate rows on left/right instead of up/down (./) M46 358293 358329 gtkcombobox.c
Failed KBD navigation (./) 322640 70986 318827 334726 334742 309291 cellrenderer combobox entry iconview imcontext label menu notebook radiobutton range spinbutton textview treeview
Tap-and-Hold {OK} 315645 treeview, container, widget
Unit Testing Framework {OK} 385787 everything
Scratch Images {OK} 169544 gdkinternals.h gdkdraw.c gdkimage.c gdkdrawable-x11.c
Entry scroll offset (./) r17134 gtkentry.c
Window key release (./) r17078 gtkwindow.c
Clip Rectangle (./) 398023 gtkcheckbutton.c gtkdnd.c gtkentry.c gtkmenu.c gtktreeview.c gtkviewport.c
JPG fixes (./) 397643 io-jpeg.c
PNG optimizations (./) 397621 io-png.c
Enabling extension events on realized widgets (./) 379550 gtkwidget.c gdkinput.c
Settings property to disable keyboard shortcuts (./) 72375 gtksettings.c gtklabel.c gtkaccellabel.c gtkmenushell.c gtkwindow.c
clamp insertion cursor (./) r17217 gtkstyle.c
block signal only if connected (./) r17215 gtkentrycompletion.c
destroy XIM only if it exists (./) r17218 gtkimcontextxim.c
Enable themeing of parent menu item depending on selection in submenu (./) r17234 gtkmenuitem.c
ButtonBox Center (./) 336159 gtk*bbox*
Factor out add_scroll_timeout() (./) r17192 gtktreeview.c
unref Combobox popup_widget (./) r17246 gtkcombobox.c
motion with extension events (./) 380281 gtk*.c
key presses during rubber banding {OK} 405027 gtkiconview.c gtktreeview.c
fixing frame thickness handling {OK} 403753 gtkframe.c
set the state of synthesized GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY events (./) r17291 gtkmenu.c
don't use hardcoded value when positioning drag window (./) r17292 gtktreeviewcolumn.c
GtkDialog::content-area-spacing {OK} 408244 gtkdialog.c
configurable max-items for EntryCompletion {OK} 408154 gtkentrycompletion.c
Use full width of the widget for the popup in list mode {OK} 407464 gtkcombobox.c
Move "move-focus" signal to GtkWidget (better gtkrc-customizing of cursor movement) {OK} 414947 gtkwidget.c gtktoolbar.c
Don't close menus when clicking on their border (./) 423761 gtkmenu.c
add GObjectClass->constructed() (./) 425324 gobject.hc
Dim combobox when model is empty {OK} 382291 gtkcombobox.c
Open/close submenus on click {OK} 128968 gtkmenu.c gtkmenushell.c
minimum progressbar height adjustment {OK} 429411 gtkprogressbar.c
arrow size in GtkRange {OK} 429427 gtkrange.c
make combobox popdown keybindable {OK} 433593 gtkcombobox.c
release rubber band grab on grab-notify (./) r17770 gtktreeview.c
get rid of GtkComboBox internal GtkFrame {OK} 435471 gtkcombobox.c