
  1. Results of Maemo@GUADEC hack contest
    1. 1st prizes
    2. 2nd prizes

Results of Maemo@GUADEC hack contest

Since all the submissions turned out to be applications we decided to award multiple 1st and 2nd prizes in a single category.

All can be enjoyed on a 770 with the latest software update.

The prizes were given personally to the winners during the Maemo party @ GUADEC 2006.

1st prizes

Nokia 770 Internet Tablet + N70 Multimedia Computer

In no particular order:

Dasher - Matthew Garrett

KanjiLearner - Xan Lopez

NFlick - Michael Dominic K.

2nd prizes

Nokia 770 Internet Tablet

In no particular order

Nethack - Josep Torra Valles a.k.a. ArthurDentN770

OOPresentationController - Ivan Frade (use python in maemo 2.0)