
Port of Screeble (Android) on Maemo 5

Posted on 2010-04-21 09:07 UTC by Jules Me. Status: Under consideration, Categories: System.

I have been thinking of an app that could wakup the N900 by simply taking the phone in hand, using the accelerometer to calculate the angle of the phone, therefore light up the screen. It has been done before and an application exists for Android (

This is exacly what I'd like the N900 to do. We do have the hardware to do this, but my coding skills aren't that great ...

I was think of a crond that reads a file to get the coordonates of the phone x,y,z.

the file /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord has the coordinates, if a crond could read the file then unlock the phone and light up the screen.
Any ideas?

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Coordinates file

Posted on 2010-04-21 09:08 UTC by Jules Me.

System file /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-3/3-001d/coord can be used