
Music Play Eye Candy

Posted on 2009-10-13 16:30 UTC by mike choy. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Media.

I was thinking that most media players are pretty boring when they are playing back music. So how about some different eyecandy ideas for playing back music


Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: Record Player style playtime indicator

Posted on 2009-10-13 18:39 UTC by mike choy.

Instead of a boring indicator bar showing where in the track you are, how about an animated record arm on a record that moves from the outside of the record to the inside. You could show a circular crop of the album art in the centre of the record going round and round as the track plays :-) Mike C

Solution #2: Pick Up arm to play track

Posted on 2009-10-13 16:36 UTC by mike choy.

You do a gesture swipe that moves a record arm from a rest position onto a rotating record to start play. The further you move the arm across the record, the further you move the play point in the track.

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