
MicroB WebBrowser: possibility to scroll fast in long websites

Posted on 2010-01-30 09:21 UTC by Helmuth M.. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Internet & Networking, User Experience.

The N900 touchscreen is great. But it's annoying to swipe about 20 times in long websites to reach the top of a page. We need a good solution for this issue! :)

Please talk about this Brainstorm here.

Related bug: #6357

Solutions for this brainstorm

Click on the screenshot to see a larger one!

Solution #1: Buttons to scroll fast to the top or the bottom

Posted on 2010-01-30 09:46 UTC by Helmuth M..

When we swipe from the left to the right in the screen, then we've got a Button to toogle the mouse coursor. We can put there 2 Buttons more to scroll direct to the top or the bottom of a webpage.

This is not a solution to reach a certain point. But the most often use case is to reach the top of the page (the menu). This workaround would help a lot.

Click on the screenshot to see a larger one!

Solution #2: Show scrollbar when you swipe from the right in the screen

Posted on 2010-01-30 10:02 UTC by Helmuth M..

Look at the animation when you swipe from the right in the screen. The Websitehistory scrolls from the left in the screen. It's more logical to change here the user interface. We should swipe from the left to the screen to get the history.

Then we can get the coursor toggle Button when we swipe from the right to the screen. There is enought space for a big and fast scrollbar. Please Vote!


Solution #3: Scrolling from the keyboard

Posted on 2010-02-11 22:11 UTC by Peter Oliver.

Provide the keyboard scrolling commands present on a PC but missing from the N900 keyboard.  For example, shift-up and shift-down could map to pageup and pagedown, and alt-up and alt-down could map to home and end.

This may be applicable to the platform in general and not just the browser.


Comment by Helmuth M.:Couldn't work on the most of the european keyboard layouts. There are no seperate up and down keys.


Solution #4: Better kinetic scrolling

Posted on 2010-02-15 18:34 UTC by ady oo.

The amount of Kinetic energy should be relative to the speed and lentgh of user input.

Solution #5: Implement gestures

Posted on 2010-03-14 15:01 UTC by Luis Soeiro.

Extra scrolling could be implemented as positional gestures on the screen. For example, swiping out of the screen on the top scrolls to the begining of the document. On the bottom, goes to the end. On the left goes to the left and right goes to the right.


Solution #6: Gesture to go into "autoscroll" mode (like on desktops with the middle mouse button)

Posted on 2010-09-10 21:35 UTC by Tiago Estill de Noronha.

It would work like the zoom swirly, you start dragging the page and when it recognizes the gesture it resets to the position wher eyou started the gesture and now instead of dragging the page the action of the gesture happens.


I guess a 4 steps zigzag/backborth (like, up-down-up-down) would be a fitting gesture to trigger auto-scroll mode , and it allows would allow the user to select whether to scroll only vertically (by doing the gesture vertically), only horizontally (by doing the gesture horizontally) or both (by doing the gesture diagonally),  it shouldn't matter which of the two directions the user starts with as long as the following motions remain mostly aligned (i guess it would have about 45 degrees of tolerance for each type,  dividing the imaginary pie in 8 slices, 2 for each straight direction and 4 for the diagonals), unless someone has a good reason to restrict for only starting the gesture when moving one certain way


There should be an option for the maximum scroll speed, that speed would be the speed when you do the gesture on one side of the screen and then drags your finger all the way to the other edge. Perhaps add an option to choose the unity for the speed setting, things like percentage of height/width, pixels without zoom, pixels with zoom, EM, lines etc.


Like the auto-scroll in desktop, the furthest you move the cursor from where you started the fastest the scrolling is.

Latest activities to brainstorm MicroB WebBrowser: possibility to scroll fast in long websites