
adding "Views" to the calendar destop widget

Posted on 2010-02-10 17:02 UTC by Z P. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Desktop.

I have a calendar "daily schedule" with a lot of events that occur daily or several times a week. If I make them visible they are displayed along with other events on the desktop calendar widget. The problem is that the important rare events get lost among the daily schedule events and if I make them invisible - I don't see them and also don't hear the alarm thet I set for them.

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: adding "Views" to the calendar destop widget

Posted on 2010-02-10 17:02 UTC by Z P.

add an optional second "view" to the desktop calendar widget, so that one can show different calendars(like private, birthdays, etc) in different views. For example I would like to have my daily schedule(which I define as separate calendar) in one "view" and parallel to it another view with the rest of events(in this view my "daily schedule" calendar is invisible).

Latest activities to brainstorm adding "Views" to the calendar destop widget