
Add Facebook Chat and AIM to IM accounts

Posted on 2009-10-21 14:38 UTC by Mark Guim. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Internet & Networking.

Currently, there's Ovi, Skype, Google talk, Jabber, and SIP. That's great, but can we also have Facebook Chat and AIM?

Solutions for this brainstorm


Solution #1: AIM: install haze

Posted on 2009-10-21 19:49 UTC by thomas p.

AIM is already available, simply install account-plugin-haze (i think that's the one) and you have AIM integrated, just as you have skype and other instant messaging services.


Solution #2: Provide LibPurple based plugin

Posted on 2009-12-15 22:04 UTC by Craig Woodward.

Provide a plugin that can tap libPurple (used by Pidgin).  This would allow connection to most popular IM protocols (YIM, AIM, ICQ, Facebook, etc) without the need for dozens of smaller modules.  You may want to consider listing protocols supported for plugins in end-user terminology.  (eg haze is the protocol name, but most AIM users don't know that...)

Latest activities to brainstorm Add Facebook Chat and AIM to IM accounts