

Search contacts with company name

Posted on 2010-01-23 14:25 UTC by Mahmoud Kassem. Status: Under consideration, Categories: User Experience.

Currently Contacts can not be searched by Company except if the contact First Name/Last Name/Nickname are empty

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Create a composite PDA 1-screen UI for the desktop?

Posted on 2010-01-25 23:31 UTC by Alex Dunne. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Desktop.

[ Forum discussion for this Brainstorm is here: Create a composite PDA 1-screen UI for the desktop?.]
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Add Printing option to the N900

Posted on 2010-01-26 21:50 UTC by Fadi Farah. Status: Under consideration, Categories: User Experience, System.

The N900 is advertised as a mobile computer, and as a mobile computer it should be able to do a simple task like printing.  So this brainstorm is for us to actually think about how we could implement it on Maemo 5.

The brainstorm thread can be located here:

There's also a bug about this:


Optimize time/performance/usability of common actions in Phone UI

Posted on 2010-01-26 23:47 UTC by Erik Nygren. Status: Under consideration, Categories: User Experience.

One of the challenges in using the N900 as a phone is that user interactivity with phone calls often has soft real-time requirements which application performance issues sometimes get in the way of.  This can be particularly bad when using services such as Google Voice or calling cards which require multiple interactions.

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MediaPlayer/Compilation albums: artists w/ 1 song

Posted on 2010-01-29 17:33 UTC by Karlo Luiten. Status: Under consideration, Categories: Media.

I have a lot of albums with various artists.

If I want to listen to these albums, I will go to Music>Albums
If I want to listen to a specific artist, I will go to Music>Artist

But now my artist list is very long with artist with only 1 song from the compilation albums.