
SoupCookie — HTTP Cookies


SoupCookie*         soup_cookie_new                     (const char *name,
                                                         const char *value,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *path,
                                                         int max_age);
SoupCookie*         soup_cookie_parse                   (const char *header,
                                                         SoupURI *origin);
SoupCookie*         soup_cookie_copy                    (SoupCookie *cookie);
gboolean            soup_cookie_equal                   (SoupCookie *cookie1,
                                                         SoupCookie *cookie2);
void                soup_cookie_free                    (SoupCookie *cookie);

void                soup_cookie_set_name                (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *name);
void                soup_cookie_set_value               (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *value);
void                soup_cookie_set_domain              (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *domain);
void                soup_cookie_set_path                (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *path);
void                soup_cookie_set_max_age             (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         int max_age);
#define             SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_HOUR
#define             SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_DAY
#define             SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_WEEK
#define             SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_YEAR
void                soup_cookie_set_expires             (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         SoupDate *expires);
void                soup_cookie_set_secure              (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         gboolean secure);
void                soup_cookie_set_http_only           (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         gboolean http_only);

gboolean            soup_cookie_applies_to_uri          (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         SoupURI *uri);

char*               soup_cookie_to_cookie_header        (SoupCookie *cookie);
char*               soup_cookie_to_set_cookie_header    (SoupCookie *cookie);

GSList*             soup_cookies_from_request           (SoupMessage *msg);
GSList*             soup_cookies_from_response          (SoupMessage *msg);
void                soup_cookies_to_request             (GSList *cookies,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);
void                soup_cookies_to_response            (GSList *cookies,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);
char*               soup_cookies_to_cookie_header       (GSList *cookies);
void                soup_cookies_free                   (GSList *cookies);


SoupCookie implements HTTP cookies, primarily as described by the original Netscape cookie specification, but with slight modifications based on RFC 2109, Microsoft's HttpOnly extension attribute, and observed real-world usage (and, in particular, based on what Firefox does).

To have a SoupSession handle cookies for your appliction automatically, use a SoupCookieJar.



typedef struct {
	char     *name;
	char     *value;
	char     *domain;
	char     *path;
	SoupDate *expires;
	gboolean  secure;
	gboolean  http_only;
} SoupCookie;

An HTTP cookie.

name and value will be set for all cookies. If the cookie is generated from a string that appears to have no name, then name will be the empty string.

domain and path give the host or domain, and path within that host/domain, to restrict this cookie to. If domain starts with ".", that indicates a domain (which matches the string after the ".", or any hostname that has domain as a suffix). Otherwise, it is a hostname and must match exactly.

expires will be non-NULL if the cookie uses either the original "expires" attribute, or the "max-age" attribute specified in RFC 2109. If expires is NULL, it indicates that neither "expires" nor "max-age" was specified, and the cookie expires at the end of the session.

If http_only is set, the cookie should not be exposed to untrusted code (eg, javascript), so as to minimize the danger posed by cross-site scripting attacks.

char *name; the cookie name
char *value; the cookie value
char *domain; the "domain" attribute, or else the hostname that the cookie came from.
char *path; the "path" attribute, or NULL
SoupDate *expires; the cookie expiration time, or NULL for a session cookie
gboolean secure; TRUE if the cookie should only be tranferred over SSL
gboolean http_only; TRUE if the cookie should not be exposed to scripts

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_new ()

SoupCookie*         soup_cookie_new                     (const char *name,
                                                         const char *value,
                                                         const char *domain,
                                                         const char *path,
                                                         int max_age);

Creates a new SoupCookie with the given attributes. (Use soup_cookie_set_secure() and soup_cookie_set_http_only() if you need to set those attributes on the returned cookie.)

max_age is used to set the "expires" attribute on the cookie; pass -1 to not include the attribute (indicating that the cookie expires with the current session), 0 for an already-expired cookie, or a lifetime in seconds. You can use the constants SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_HOUR, SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_DAY, SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_WEEK and SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_YEAR (or multiples thereof) to calculate this value. (If you really care about setting the exact time that the cookie will expire, use soup_cookie_set_expires().)

name : cookie name
value : cookie value
domain : cookie domain or hostname
path : cookie path, or NULL
max_age : max age of the cookie, or -1 for a session cookie
Returns : a new SoupCookie.

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_parse ()

SoupCookie*         soup_cookie_parse                   (const char *header,
                                                         SoupURI *origin);

Parses header and returns a SoupCookie. (If header contains multiple cookies, only the first one will be parsed.)

If header does not have "path" or "domain" attributes, they will be defaulted from origin. If origin is NULL, path will default to "/", but domain will be left as NULL. Note that this is not a valid state for a SoupCookie, and you will need to fill in some appropriate string for the domain if you want to actually make use of the cookie.

header : a cookie string (eg, the value of a Set-Cookie header)
origin : origin of the cookie, or NULL
Returns : a new SoupCookie, or NULL if it could not be parsed, or contained an illegal "domain" attribute for a cookie originating from origin.

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_copy ()

SoupCookie*         soup_cookie_copy                    (SoupCookie *cookie);

Copies cookie.

cookie : a SoupCookie
Returns : a copy of cookie

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_equal ()

gboolean            soup_cookie_equal                   (SoupCookie *cookie1,
                                                         SoupCookie *cookie2);

cookie1 :
cookie2 :
Returns :

soup_cookie_free ()

void                soup_cookie_free                    (SoupCookie *cookie);

Frees cookie

cookie : a SoupCookie

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_name ()

void                soup_cookie_set_name                (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *name);

Sets cookie's name to name

cookie : a SoupCookie
name : the new name

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_value ()

void                soup_cookie_set_value               (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *value);

Sets cookie's value to value

cookie : a SoupCookie
value : the new value

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_domain ()

void                soup_cookie_set_domain              (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *domain);

Sets cookie's domain to domain

cookie : a SoupCookie
domain : the new domain

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_path ()

void                soup_cookie_set_path                (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         const char *path);

Sets cookie's path to path

cookie : a SoupCookie
path : the new path

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_max_age ()

void                soup_cookie_set_max_age             (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         int max_age);

Sets cookie's max age to max_age. If max_age is -1, the cookie is a session cookie, and will expire at the end of the client's session. Otherwise, it is the number of seconds until the cookie expires. You can use the constants SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_HOUR, SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_DAY, SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_WEEK and SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_YEAR (or multiples thereof) to calculate this value. (A value of 0 indicates that the cookie should be considered already-expired.)

(This sets the same property as soup_cookie_set_expires().)

cookie : a SoupCookie
max_age : the new max age

Since 2.24


#define SOUP_COOKIE_MAX_AGE_ONE_HOUR (60 * 60)

A constant corresponding to 1 hour, for use with soup_cookie_new() and soup_cookie_set_max_age().

Since 2.24



A constant corresponding to 1 day, for use with soup_cookie_new() and soup_cookie_set_max_age().

Since 2.24



A constant corresponding to 1 week, for use with soup_cookie_new() and soup_cookie_set_max_age().

Since 2.24



A constant corresponding to 1 year, for use with soup_cookie_new() and soup_cookie_set_max_age().

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_expires ()

void                soup_cookie_set_expires             (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         SoupDate *expires);

Sets cookie's expiration time to expires. If expires is NULL, cookie will be a session cookie and will expire at the end of the client's session.

(This sets the same property as soup_cookie_set_max_age().)

cookie : a SoupCookie
expires : the new expiration time, or NULL

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_secure ()

void                soup_cookie_set_secure              (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         gboolean secure);

Sets cookie's secure attribute to secure. If TRUE, cookie will only be transmitted from the client to the server over secure (https) connections.

cookie : a SoupCookie
secure : the new value for the secure attribute

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_set_http_only ()

void                soup_cookie_set_http_only           (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         gboolean http_only);

Sets cookie's HttpOnly attribute to http_only. If TRUE, cookie will be marked as "http only", meaning it should not be exposed to web page scripts or other untrusted code.

cookie : a SoupCookie
http_only : the new value for the HttpOnly attribute

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_applies_to_uri ()

gboolean            soup_cookie_applies_to_uri          (SoupCookie *cookie,
                                                         SoupURI *uri);

Tests if cookie should be sent to uri.

(At the moment, this does not check that cookie's domain matches uri, because it assumes that the caller has already done that. But don't rely on that; it may change in the future.)

cookie : a SoupCookie
uri : a SoupURI
Returns : TRUE if cookie should be sent to uri, FALSE if not

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_to_cookie_header ()

char*               soup_cookie_to_cookie_header        (SoupCookie *cookie);

Serializes cookie in the format used by the Cookie header (ie, for returning a cookie from a SoupSession to a server).

cookie : a SoupCookie
Returns : the header

Since 2.24

soup_cookie_to_set_cookie_header ()

char*               soup_cookie_to_set_cookie_header    (SoupCookie *cookie);

Serializes cookie in the format used by the Set-Cookie header (ie, for sending a cookie from a SoupServer to a client).

cookie : a SoupCookie
Returns : the header

Since 2.24

soup_cookies_from_request ()

GSList*             soup_cookies_from_request           (SoupMessage *msg);

Parses msg's Cookie request header and returns a GSList of SoupCookies. As the "Cookie" header, unlike "Set-Cookie", only contains cookie names and values, none of the other SoupCookie fields will be filled in. (Thus, you can't generally pass a cookie returned from this method directly to soup_cookies_to_response().)

msg : a SoupMessage containing a "Cookie" request header
Returns : a GSList of SoupCookies, which can be freed with soup_cookies_free().

Since 2.24

soup_cookies_from_response ()

GSList*             soup_cookies_from_response          (SoupMessage *msg);

Parses msg's Set-Cookie response headers and returns a GSList of SoupCookies. Cookies that do not specify "path" or "domain" attributes will have their values defaulted from msg.

msg : a SoupMessage containing a "Set-Cookie" response header
Returns : a GSList of SoupCookies, which can be freed with soup_cookies_free().

Since 2.24

soup_cookies_to_request ()

void                soup_cookies_to_request             (GSList *cookies,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);

Adds the name and value of each cookie in cookies to msg's "Cookie" request. (If msg already has a "Cookie" request header, these cookies will be appended to the cookies already present. Be careful that you do not append the same cookies twice, eg, when requeuing a message.)

cookies : a GSList of SoupCookie
msg : a SoupMessage

Since 2.24

soup_cookies_to_response ()

void                soup_cookies_to_response            (GSList *cookies,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);

Appends a "Set-Cookie" response header to msg for each cookie in cookies. (This is in addition to any other "Set-Cookie" headers msg may already have.)

cookies : a GSList of SoupCookie
msg : a SoupMessage

Since 2.24

soup_cookies_to_cookie_header ()

char*               soup_cookies_to_cookie_header       (GSList *cookies);

Serializes a GSList of SoupCookie into a string suitable for setting as the value of the "Cookie" header.

cookies : a GSList of SoupCookie
Returns : the serialization of cookies

Since 2.24

soup_cookies_free ()

void                soup_cookies_free                   (GSList *cookies);

Frees cookies.

cookies : a GSList of SoupCookie

Since 2.24

See Also
