
SoupMessage — An HTTP request and response.



SoupMessage*        soup_message_new                    (const char *method,
                                                         const char *uri_string);
SoupMessage*        soup_message_new_from_uri           (const char *method,
                                                         SoupURI *uri);
void                soup_message_set_request            (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *content_type,
                                                         SoupMemoryUse req_use,
                                                         const char *req_body,
                                                         gsize req_length);
void                soup_message_set_response           (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *content_type,
                                                         SoupMemoryUse resp_use,
                                                         const char *resp_body,
                                                         gsize resp_length);

enum                SoupHTTPVersion;
void                soup_message_set_http_version       (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion version);
SoupHTTPVersion     soup_message_get_http_version       (SoupMessage *msg);
SoupURI*            soup_message_get_uri                (SoupMessage *msg);
void                soup_message_set_uri                (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupURI *uri);
SoupAddress*        soup_message_get_address            (SoupMessage *msg);

void                soup_message_set_status             (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         guint status_code);
void                soup_message_set_status_full        (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         guint status_code,
                                                         const char *reason_phrase);
gboolean            soup_message_is_keepalive           (SoupMessage *msg);

guint               soup_message_add_header_handler     (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *signal,
                                                         const char *header,
                                                         GCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
guint               soup_message_add_status_code_handler
                                                        (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *signal,
                                                         guint status_code,
                                                         GCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

enum                SoupMessageFlags;
void                soup_message_set_flags              (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupMessageFlags flags);
SoupMessageFlags    soup_message_get_flags              (SoupMessage *msg);
SoupBuffer*         (*SoupChunkAllocator)               (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         gsize max_len,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                soup_message_set_chunk_allocator    (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupChunkAllocator allocator,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_notify);

#define             SOUP_MESSAGE_METHOD
#define             SOUP_MESSAGE_URI
#define             SOUP_MESSAGE_HTTP_VERSION
#define             SOUP_MESSAGE_FLAGS
#define             SOUP_MESSAGE_STATUS_CODE
#define             SOUP_MESSAGE_REASON_PHRASE
#define             SOUP_MESSAGE_SERVER_SIDE


A SoupMessage represents an HTTP message that is being sent or received.

For client-side usage, you would create a SoupMessage with soup_message_new() or soup_message_new_from_uri(), set up its fields appropriate, and send it via a SoupSession.

For server-side usage, SoupServer will create SoupMessages automatically for incoming requests, which your application will receive via handlers.

Note that libsoup's terminology here does not quite match the HTTP specification: in RFC 2616, an "HTTP-message" is either a Request, or a Response. In libsoup, a SoupMessage combines both the request and the response.



typedef struct {
	GObject parent;

	const char         *method;

	guint               status_code;
	char               *reason_phrase;

	SoupMessageBody    *request_body;
	SoupMessageHeaders *request_headers;

	SoupMessageBody    *response_body;
	SoupMessageHeaders *response_headers;
} SoupMessage;

Represents an HTTP message being sent or received.

status_code will normally be a SoupKnownStatusCode, eg, SOUP_STATUS_OK, though of course it might actually be an unknown status code. reason_phrase is the actual text returned from the server, which may or may not correspond to the "standard" description of status_code. At any rate, it is almost certainly not localized, and not very descriptive even if it is in the user's language; you should not use reason_phrase in user-visible messages. Rather, you should look at status_code, and determine an end-user-appropriate message based on that and on what you were trying to do.

As described in the SoupMessageBody documentation, the request_body and response_body data fields will not necessarily be filled in at all times. When they are filled in, they will be terminated with a '\0' byte (which is not included in the length), so you can use them as ordinary C strings (assuming that you know that the body doesn't have any other '\0' bytes).

For a client-side SoupMessage, request_body's data is usually filled in right before libsoup writes the request to the network, but you should not count on this; use soup_message_body_flatten() if you want to ensure that data is filled in. response_body's data will be filled in before "finished" is emitted.

For a server-side SoupMessage, request_body's data will be filled in before "got_body" is emitted.

To prevent the data field from being filled in at all (eg, if you are handling the data from a "got_chunk", and so don't need to see it all at the end), call soup_message_body_set_accumulate() on response_body or request_body as appropriate, passing FALSE.

GObject parent;
const char *method; the HTTP method
guint status_code; the HTTP status code
char *reason_phrase; the status phrase associated with status_code
SoupMessageBody *request_body; the request body
SoupMessageHeaders *request_headers; the request headers
SoupMessageBody *response_body; the response body
SoupMessageHeaders *response_headers; the response headers

soup_message_new ()

SoupMessage*        soup_message_new                    (const char *method,
                                                         const char *uri_string);

Creates a new empty SoupMessage, which will connect to uri

method : the HTTP method for the created request
uri_string : the destination endpoint (as a string)
Returns : the new SoupMessage (or NULL if uri could not be parsed).

soup_message_new_from_uri ()

SoupMessage*        soup_message_new_from_uri           (const char *method,
                                                         SoupURI *uri);

Creates a new empty SoupMessage, which will connect to uri

method : the HTTP method for the created request
uri : the destination endpoint (as a SoupURI)
Returns : the new SoupMessage

soup_message_set_request ()

void                soup_message_set_request            (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *content_type,
                                                         SoupMemoryUse req_use,
                                                         const char *req_body,
                                                         gsize req_length);

Convenience function to set the request body of a SoupMessage. If content_type is NULL, the request body must be empty as well.

msg : the message
content_type : MIME Content-Type of the body
req_use : a SoupMemoryUse describing how to handle req_body
req_body : a data buffer containing the body of the message request.
req_length : the byte length of req_body.

soup_message_set_response ()

void                soup_message_set_response           (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *content_type,
                                                         SoupMemoryUse resp_use,
                                                         const char *resp_body,
                                                         gsize resp_length);

Convenience function to set the response body of a SoupMessage. If content_type is NULL, the response body must be empty as well.

msg : the message
content_type : MIME Content-Type of the body
resp_use : a SoupMemoryUse describing how to handle resp_body
resp_body : a data buffer containing the body of the message response.
resp_length : the byte length of resp_body.

enum SoupHTTPVersion

typedef enum {
	SOUP_HTTP_1_0 = 0,
	SOUP_HTTP_1_1 = 1
} SoupHTTPVersion;

Indicates the HTTP protocol version being used.

SOUP_HTTP_1_0 HTTP 1.0 (RFC 1945)
SOUP_HTTP_1_1 HTTP 1.1 (RFC 2616)

soup_message_set_http_version ()

void                soup_message_set_http_version       (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion version);

Sets the HTTP version on msg. The default version is SOUP_HTTP_1_1. Setting it to SOUP_HTTP_1_0 will prevent certain functionality from being used.

msg : a SoupMessage
version : the HTTP version

soup_message_get_http_version ()

SoupHTTPVersion     soup_message_get_http_version       (SoupMessage *msg);

Gets the HTTP version of msg. This is the minimum of the version from the request and the version from the response.

msg : a SoupMessage
Returns : the HTTP version

soup_message_get_uri ()

SoupURI*            soup_message_get_uri                (SoupMessage *msg);

Gets msg's URI

msg : a SoupMessage
Returns : the URI msg is targeted for.

soup_message_set_uri ()

void                soup_message_set_uri                (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupURI *uri);

Sets msg's URI to uri. If msg has already been sent and you want to re-send it with the new URI, you need to call soup_session_requeue_message().

msg : a SoupMessage
uri : the new SoupURI

soup_message_get_address ()

SoupAddress*        soup_message_get_address            (SoupMessage *msg);

Gets the address msg's URI points to. After first setting the URI on a message, this will be unresolved, although the message's session will resolve it before sending the message.

msg : a SoupMessage
Returns : the address msg's URI points to

Since 2.26

soup_message_set_status ()

void                soup_message_set_status             (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         guint status_code);

Sets msg's status code to status_code. If status_code is a known value, it will also set msg's reason_phrase.

msg : a SoupMessage
status_code : an HTTP status code

soup_message_set_status_full ()

void                soup_message_set_status_full        (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         guint status_code,
                                                         const char *reason_phrase);

Sets msg's status code and reason phrase.

msg : a SoupMessage
status_code : an HTTP status code
reason_phrase : a description of the status

soup_message_is_keepalive ()

gboolean            soup_message_is_keepalive           (SoupMessage *msg);

Determines whether or not msg's connection can be kept alive for further requests after processing msg, based on the HTTP version, Connection header, etc.

msg : a SoupMessage
Returns : TRUE or FALSE.

soup_message_add_header_handler ()

guint               soup_message_add_header_handler     (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *signal,
                                                         const char *header,
                                                         GCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Adds a signal handler to msg for signal, as with g_signal_connect(), but with two differences: the callback will only be run if msg has a header named header, and it will only be run if no earlier handler cancelled or requeued the message.

If signal is one of the "got" signals (eg, "got_headers"), or "finished" or "restarted", then header is matched against the incoming message headers (that is, the request_headers for a client SoupMessage, or the response_headers for a server SoupMessage). If signal is one of the "wrote" signals, then header is matched against the outgoing message headers.

msg : a SoupMessage
signal : signal to connect the handler to.
header : HTTP response header to match against
callback : the header handler
user_data : data to pass to handler_cb
Returns : the handler ID from g_signal_connect()

soup_message_add_status_code_handler ()

guint               soup_message_add_status_code_handler
                                                        (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *signal,
                                                         guint status_code,
                                                         GCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Adds a signal handler to msg for signal, as with g_signal_connect() but with two differences: the callback will only be run if msg has the status status_code, and it will only be run if no earlier handler cancelled or requeued the message.

signal must be a signal that will be emitted after msg's status is set. For a client SoupMessage, this means it can't be a "wrote" signal. For a server SoupMessage, this means it can't be a "got" signal.

msg : a SoupMessage
signal : signal to connect the handler to.
status_code : status code to match against
callback : the header handler
user_data : data to pass to handler_cb
Returns : the handler ID from g_signal_connect()

enum SoupMessageFlags

typedef enum {
} SoupMessageFlags;

Various flags that can be set on a SoupMessage to alter its behavior.

SOUP_MESSAGE_OVERWRITE_CHUNKS Deprecated: equivalent to calling soup_message_body_set_accumulate() on the incoming message body (ie, response_body for a client-side request), passing FALSE.
SOUP_MESSAGE_NO_REDIRECT The session should not follow redirect (3xx) responses received by this message.

soup_message_set_flags ()

void                soup_message_set_flags              (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupMessageFlags flags);

Sets the specified flags on msg.

msg : a SoupMessage
flags : a set of SoupMessageFlags values

soup_message_get_flags ()

SoupMessageFlags    soup_message_get_flags              (SoupMessage *msg);

Gets the flags on msg

msg : a SoupMessage
Returns : the flags

SoupChunkAllocator ()

SoupBuffer*         (*SoupChunkAllocator)               (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         gsize max_len,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

The prototype for a chunk allocation callback. This should allocate a new SoupBuffer and return it for the I/O layer to read message body data off the network into.

If max_len is non-0, it indicates the maximum number of bytes that could be read, based on what is known about the message size. Note that this might be a very large number, and you should not simply try to allocate that many bytes blindly. If max_len is 0, that means that libsoup does not know how many bytes remain to be read, and the allocator should return a buffer of a size that it finds convenient.

If the allocator returns NULL, the message will be paused. It is up to the application to make sure that it gets unpaused when it becomes possible to allocate a new buffer.

msg : the SoupMessage the chunk is being allocated for
max_len : the maximum length that will be read, or 0.
user_data : the data passed to soup_message_set_chunk_allocator()
Returns : the new buffer (or NULL)

soup_message_set_chunk_allocator ()

void                soup_message_set_chunk_allocator    (SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         SoupChunkAllocator allocator,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy_notify);

Sets an alternate chunk-allocation function to use when reading msg's body. Every time data is available to read, libsoup will call allocator, which should return a SoupBuffer. (See SoupChunkAllocator for additional details.) Libsoup will then read data from the network into that buffer, and update the buffer's length to indicate how much data it read.

Generally, a custom chunk allocator would be used in conjunction with soup_message_body_set_accumulate() FALSE and "got_chunk", as part of a strategy to avoid unnecessary copying of data. However, you cannot assume that every call to the allocator will be followed by a call to your got_chunk handler; if an I/O error occurs, then the buffer will be unreffed without ever having been used. If your buffer-allocation strategy requires special cleanup, use soup_buffer_new_with_owner() rather than doing the cleanup from the got_chunk handler.

The other thing to remember when using non-accumulating message bodies is that the buffer passed to the got_chunk handler will be unreffed after the handler returns, just as it would be in the non-custom-allocated case. If you want to hand the chunk data off to some other part of your program to use later, you'll need to ref the SoupBuffer (or its owner, in the soup_buffer_new_with_owner() case) to ensure that the data remains valid.

msg : a SoupMessage
allocator : the chunk allocator callback
user_data : data to pass to allocator
destroy_notify : destroy notifier to free user_data when msg is destroyed


#define SOUP_MESSAGE_METHOD        "method"

Alias for the "method" property. (The message's HTTP method.)


#define SOUP_MESSAGE_URI           "uri"

Alias for the "uri" property. (The message's SoupURI.)


#define SOUP_MESSAGE_HTTP_VERSION  "http-version"

Alias for the "http-version" property. (The message's SoupHTTPVersion.)


#define SOUP_MESSAGE_FLAGS         "flags"

Alias for the "flags" property. (The message's SoupMessageFlags.)


#define SOUP_MESSAGE_STATUS_CODE   "status-code"

Alias for the "status-code" property. (The message's HTTP response status code.)


#define SOUP_MESSAGE_REASON_PHRASE "reason-phrase"

Alias for the "reason-phrase" property. (The message's HTTP response reason phrase.)


#define SOUP_MESSAGE_SERVER_SIDE   "server-side"

Alias for the "server-side" property. (TRUE if the message was created by SoupServer.)

See Also

SoupMessageHeaders, SoupMessageBody