Soup Miscellaneous Utilities

Soup Miscellaneous Utilities — Miscellaneous functions


enum                SoupDateFormat;
SoupDate*           soup_date_new                       (int year,
                                                         int month,
                                                         int day,
                                                         int hour,
                                                         int minute,
                                                         int second);
SoupDate*           soup_date_new_from_string           (const char *date_string);
SoupDate*           soup_date_new_from_time_t           (time_t when);
SoupDate*           soup_date_new_from_now              (int offset_seconds);
char*               soup_date_to_string                 (SoupDate *date,
                                                         SoupDateFormat format);
time_t              soup_date_to_time_t                 (SoupDate *date);
void                soup_date_to_timeval                (SoupDate *date,
                                                         GTimeVal *time);
gboolean            soup_date_is_past                   (SoupDate *date);
void                soup_date_free                      (SoupDate *date);

guint               soup_headers_parse_request          (const char *str,
                                                         int len,
                                                         SoupMessageHeaders *req_headers,
                                                         char **req_method,
                                                         char **req_path,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion *ver);
gboolean            soup_headers_parse_response         (const char *str,
                                                         int len,
                                                         SoupMessageHeaders *headers,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion *ver,
                                                         guint *status_code,
                                                         char **reason_phrase);
gboolean            soup_headers_parse_status_line      (const char *status_line,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion *ver,
                                                         guint *status_code,
                                                         char **reason_phrase);
gboolean            soup_headers_parse                  (const char *str,
                                                         int len,
                                                         SoupMessageHeaders *dest);

GSList*             soup_header_parse_list              (const char *header);
GSList*             soup_header_parse_quality_list      (const char *header,
                                                         GSList **unacceptable);
void                soup_header_free_list               (GSList *list);
gboolean            soup_header_contains                (const char *header,
                                                         const char *token);
GHashTable*         soup_header_parse_param_list        (const char *header);
GHashTable*         soup_header_parse_semi_param_list   (const char *header);
void                soup_header_free_param_list         (GHashTable *param_list);
void                soup_header_g_string_append_param   (GString *string,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const char *value);

gboolean            soup_str_case_equal                 (gconstpointer v1,
                                                         gconstpointer v2);
guint               soup_str_case_hash                  (gconstpointer key);

GSource*            soup_add_completion                 (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         GSourceFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);
GSource*            soup_add_idle                       (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         GSourceFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);
GSource*            soup_add_io_watch                   (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         GIOChannel *chan,
                                                         GIOCondition condition,
                                                         GIOFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);
GSource*            soup_add_timeout                    (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         guint interval,
                                                         GSourceFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);

extern              const gboolean soup_ssl_supported;




typedef struct {
	int      year;
	int      month;
	int      day;

	int      hour;
	int      minute;
	int      second;

	gboolean utc;
	int      offset;
} SoupDate;

A date and time. The date is assumed to be in the (proleptic) Gregorian calendar. The time is in UTC if utc is TRUE. Otherwise, the time is a local time, and offset gives the offset from UTC in minutes (such that adding offset to the time would give the correct UTC time). If utc is FALSE and offset is 0, then the SoupDate represents a "floating" time with no associated timezone information.

int year; the year, 1 to 9999
int month; the month, 1 to 12
int day; day of the month, 1 to 31
int hour; hour of the day, 0 to 23
int minute; minute, 0 to 59
int second; second, 0 to 59 (or up to 61 in the case of leap seconds)
gboolean utc; TRUE if the date is in UTC
int offset; offset from UTC

enum SoupDateFormat

typedef enum {
} SoupDateFormat;

Date formats that soup_date_to_string() can use.

SOUP_DATE_HTTP and SOUP_DATE_COOKIE always coerce the time to UTC. SOUP_DATE_ISO8601_XMLRPC uses the time as given, ignoring the offset completely. SOUP_DATE_RFC2822 and the other ISO 8601 variants use the local time, appending the offset information if available.

This enum may be extended with more values in future releases.

SOUP_DATE_HTTP RFC 1123 format, used by the HTTP "Date" header. Eg "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT"
SOUP_DATE_COOKIE The format for the "Expires" timestamp in the Netscape cookie specification. Eg, "Sun, 06-Nov-1994 08:49:37 GMT".
SOUP_DATE_RFC2822 RFC 2822 format, eg "Sun, 6 Nov 1994 09:49:37 -0100"
SOUP_DATE_ISO8601_COMPACT ISO 8601 date/time with no optional punctuation. Eg, "19941106T094937-0100".
SOUP_DATE_ISO8601_FULL ISO 8601 date/time with all optional punctuation. Eg, "1994-11-06T09:49:37-01:00".
SOUP_DATE_ISO8601 An alias for SOUP_DATE_ISO8601_FULL.
SOUP_DATE_ISO8601_XMLRPC ISO 8601 date/time as used by XML-RPC. Eg, "19941106T09:49:37".

soup_date_new ()

SoupDate*           soup_date_new                       (int year,
                                                         int month,
                                                         int day,
                                                         int hour,
                                                         int minute,
                                                         int second);

Creates a SoupDate representing the indicated time, UTC.

year : the year (1-9999)
month : the month (1-12)
day : the day of the month (1-31, as appropriate for month)
hour : the hour (0-23)
minute : the minute (0-59)
second : the second (0-59, or up to 61 for leap seconds)
Returns : a new SoupDate

soup_date_new_from_string ()

SoupDate*           soup_date_new_from_string           (const char *date_string);

Parses date_string and tries to extract a date from it. This recognizes all of the "HTTP-date" formats from RFC 2616, all ISO 8601 formats containing both a time and a date, RFC 2822 dates, and reasonable approximations thereof. (Eg, it is lenient about whitespace, leading "0"s, etc.)

date_string : the date in some plausible format
Returns : a new SoupDate, or NULL if date_string could not be parsed.

soup_date_new_from_time_t ()

SoupDate*           soup_date_new_from_time_t           (time_t when);

Creates a SoupDate corresponding to when

when : a time_t
Returns : a new SoupDate

soup_date_new_from_now ()

SoupDate*           soup_date_new_from_now              (int offset_seconds);

Creates a SoupDate representing a time offset_seconds after the current time (or before it, if offset_seconds is negative). If offset_seconds is 0, returns the current time.

offset_seconds : offset from current time
Returns : a new SoupDate

soup_date_to_string ()

char*               soup_date_to_string                 (SoupDate *date,
                                                         SoupDateFormat format);

Converts date to a string in the format described by format.

date : a SoupDate
format : the format to generate the date in
Returns : date as a string

soup_date_to_time_t ()

time_t              soup_date_to_time_t                 (SoupDate *date);

Converts date to a time_t.

If date is not representable as a time_t, it will be clamped into range. (In particular, some HTTP cookies have expiration dates after "Y2.038k" (2038-01-19T03:14:07Z).)

date : a SoupDate
Returns : date as a time_t

soup_date_to_timeval ()

void                soup_date_to_timeval                (SoupDate *date,
                                                         GTimeVal *time);

Converts date to a GTimeVal.

date : a SoupDate
time : a GTimeVal structure in which to store the converted time.

Since 2.24

soup_date_is_past ()

gboolean            soup_date_is_past                   (SoupDate *date);

Determines if date is in the past.

date : a SoupDate
Returns : TRUE if date is in the past

Since 2.24

soup_date_free ()

void                soup_date_free                      (SoupDate *date);

Frees date.

date : a SoupDate

soup_headers_parse_request ()

guint               soup_headers_parse_request          (const char *str,
                                                         int len,
                                                         SoupMessageHeaders *req_headers,
                                                         char **req_method,
                                                         char **req_path,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion *ver);

Parses the headers of an HTTP request in str and stores the results in req_method, req_path, ver, and req_headers.

Beware that req_headers may be modified even on failure.

str : the header string (including the trailing blank line)
len : length of str up to (but not including) the terminating blank line.
req_headers : SoupMessageHeaders to store the header values in
req_method : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the request method
req_path : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the request path
ver : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the HTTP version
Returns : SOUP_STATUS_OK if the headers could be parsed, or an HTTP error to be returned to the client if they could not be.

soup_headers_parse_response ()

gboolean            soup_headers_parse_response         (const char *str,
                                                         int len,
                                                         SoupMessageHeaders *headers,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion *ver,
                                                         guint *status_code,
                                                         char **reason_phrase);

Parses the headers of an HTTP response in str and stores the results in ver, status_code, reason_phrase, and headers.

Beware that headers may be modified even on failure.

str : the header string (including the trailing blank line)
len : length of str up to (but not including) the terminating blank line.
headers : SoupMessageheaders to store the header values in
ver : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the HTTP version
status_code : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the status code
reason_phrase : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the reason phrase
Returns : success or failure.

soup_headers_parse_status_line ()

gboolean            soup_headers_parse_status_line      (const char *status_line,
                                                         SoupHTTPVersion *ver,
                                                         guint *status_code,
                                                         char **reason_phrase);

Parses the HTTP Status-Line string in status_line into ver, status_code, and reason_phrase. status_line must be terminated by either "\0" or "\r\n".

status_line : an HTTP Status-Line
ver : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the HTTP version
status_code : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the status code
reason_phrase : if non-NULL, will be filled in with the reason phrase
Returns : TRUE if status_line was parsed successfully.

soup_headers_parse ()

gboolean            soup_headers_parse                  (const char *str,
                                                         int len,
                                                         SoupMessageHeaders *dest);

Parses the headers of an HTTP request or response in str and stores the results in dest. Beware that dest may be modified even on failure.

This is a low-level method; normally you would use soup_headers_parse_request() or soup_headers_parse_response().

str : the header string (including the Request-Line or Status-Line, and the trailing blank line)
len : length of str up to (but not including) the terminating blank line.
dest : SoupMessageHeaders to store the header values in
Returns : success or failure

Since 2.26

soup_header_parse_list ()

GSList*             soup_header_parse_list              (const char *header);

Parses a header whose content is described by RFC2616 as "something", where "something" does not itself contain commas, except as part of quoted-strings.

header : a header value
Returns : a GSList of list elements, as allocated strings

soup_header_parse_quality_list ()

GSList*             soup_header_parse_quality_list      (const char *header,
                                                         GSList **unacceptable);

Parses a header whose content is a list of items with optional "qvalue"s (eg, Accept, Accept-Charset, Accept-Encoding, Accept-Language, TE).

If unacceptable is not NULL, then on return, it will contain the items with qvalue 0. Either way, those items will be removed from the main list.

header : a header value
unacceptable : on return, will contain a list of unacceptable values
Returns : a GSList of acceptable values (as allocated strings), highest-qvalue first.

soup_header_free_list ()

void                soup_header_free_list               (GSList *list);

Frees list.

soup_header_contains ()

gboolean            soup_header_contains                (const char *header,
                                                         const char *token);

Parses header to see if it contains the token token (matched case-insensitively). Note that this can't be used with lists that have qvalues.

header : An HTTP header suitable for parsing with soup_header_parse_list()
token : a token
Returns : whether or not header contains token

soup_header_parse_param_list ()

GHashTable*         soup_header_parse_param_list        (const char *header);

Parses a header which is a comma-delimited list of something like: token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ].

Tokens that don't have an associated value will still be added to the resulting hash table, but with a NULL value.

This also handles RFC2231 encoding (which in HTTP is mostly used for giving UTF8-encoded filenames in the Content-Disposition header).

header : a header value
Returns : a GHashTable of list elements, which can be freed with soup_header_free_param_list().

soup_header_parse_semi_param_list ()

GHashTable*         soup_header_parse_semi_param_list   (const char *header);

Parses a header which is a semicolon-delimited list of something like: token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ].

Tokens that don't have an associated value will still be added to the resulting hash table, but with a NULL value.

This also handles RFC2231 encoding (which in HTTP is mostly used for giving UTF8-encoded filenames in the Content-Disposition header).

header : a header value
Returns : a GHashTable of list elements, which can be freed with soup_header_free_param_list().

Since 2.24

soup_header_free_param_list ()

void                soup_header_free_param_list         (GHashTable *param_list);

Frees param_list.

param_list : a GHashTable returned from soup_header_parse_param_list() or soup_header_parse_semi_param_list()

soup_header_g_string_append_param ()

void                soup_header_g_string_append_param   (GString *string,
                                                         const char *name,
                                                         const char *value);

Appends something like name="value" to string, taking care to appropriately escape any quotes or backslashes in value.

Alternatively, if value is a non-ASCII UTF-8 string, it will be appended using RFC2231 syntax. Although in theory this is supposed to work anywhere in HTTP that uses this style of parameter, in reality, it can only be used portably with the Content-Disposition "filename" parameter.

If value is NULL, this will just append name to string.

string : a GString being used to construct an HTTP header value
name : a parameter name
value : a parameter value, or NULL

Since 2.26

soup_str_case_equal ()

gboolean            soup_str_case_equal                 (gconstpointer v1,
                                                         gconstpointer v2);

Compares v1 and v2 in a case-insensitive manner

v1 : an ASCII string
v2 : another ASCII string
Returns : TRUE if they are equal (modulo case)

soup_str_case_hash ()

guint               soup_str_case_hash                  (gconstpointer key);

Hashes key in a case-insensitive manner.

key : ASCII string to hash
Returns : the hash code.

soup_add_completion ()

GSource*            soup_add_completion                 (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         GSourceFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);

Adds function to be executed from inside async_context with the default priority. Use this when you want to complete an action in async_context's main loop, as soon as possible.

async_context : the GMainContext to dispatch the idle event in, or NULL for the default context
function : the callback to invoke
data : user data to pass to function
Returns : a GSource, which can be removed from async_context with g_source_destroy().

Since 2.24

soup_add_idle ()

GSource*            soup_add_idle                       (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         GSourceFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);

Adds an idle event as with g_idle_add(), but using the given async_context.

If you want function to run "right away", use soup_add_completion(), since that sets a higher priority on the GSource than soup_add_idle() does.

async_context : the GMainContext to dispatch the idle event in, or NULL for the default context
function : the callback to invoke at idle time
data : user data to pass to function
Returns : a GSource, which can be removed from async_context with g_source_destroy().

soup_add_io_watch ()

GSource*            soup_add_io_watch                   (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         GIOChannel *chan,
                                                         GIOCondition condition,
                                                         GIOFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);

Adds an I/O watch as with g_io_add_watch(), but using the given async_context.

async_context : the GMainContext to dispatch the I/O watch in, or NULL for the default context
chan : the GIOChannel to watch
condition : the condition to watch for
function : the callback to invoke when condition occurs
data : user data to pass to function
Returns : a GSource, which can be removed from async_context with g_source_destroy().

soup_add_timeout ()

GSource*            soup_add_timeout                    (GMainContext *async_context,
                                                         guint interval,
                                                         GSourceFunc function,
                                                         gpointer data);

Adds a timeout as with g_timeout_add(), but using the given async_context.

async_context : the GMainContext to dispatch the timeout in, or NULL for the default context
interval : the timeout interval, in milliseconds
function : the callback to invoke at timeout time
data : user data to pass to function
Returns : a GSource, which can be removed from async_context with g_source_destroy().


extern const gboolean soup_ssl_supported;

Can be used to test if libsoup was compiled with ssl support.