
SoupAuthDomainBasic — Server-side "Basic" authentication


SoupAuthDomain*     soup_auth_domain_basic_new          (const char *optname1,

gboolean            (*SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback)  (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                soup_auth_domain_basic_set_auth_callback
                                                        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify dnotify);



SoupAuthDomainBasic handles the server side of HTTP "Basic" (ie, cleartext password) authentication.



typedef struct {
	SoupAuthDomain parent;
} SoupAuthDomainBasic;

soup_auth_domain_basic_new ()

SoupAuthDomain*     soup_auth_domain_basic_new          (const char *optname1,

Creates a SoupAuthDomainBasic. You must set the SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REALM parameter, to indicate the realm name to be returned with the authentication challenge to the client. Other parameters are optional.

optname1 : name of first option, or NULL
... : option name/value pairs
Returns : the new SoupAuthDomain

SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback ()

gboolean            (*SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback)  (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         const char *password,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

Callback used by SoupAuthDomainBasic for authentication purposes. The application should verify that username and password and valid and return TRUE or FALSE.

If you are maintaining your own password database (rather than using the password to authenticate against some other system like PAM or a remote server), you should make sure you know what you are doing. In particular, don't store cleartext passwords, or easily-computed hashes of cleartext passwords, even if you don't care that much about the security of your server, because users will frequently use the same password for multiple sites, and so compromising any site with a cleartext (or easily-cracked) password database may give attackers access to other more-interesting sites as well.

domain : the domain
msg : the message being authenticated
username : the username provided by the client
password : the password provided by the client
user_data : the data passed to soup_auth_domain_basic_set_auth_callback()
Returns : TRUE if username and password are valid

soup_auth_domain_basic_set_auth_callback ()

void                soup_auth_domain_basic_set_auth_callback
                                                        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback callback,
                                                         gpointer user_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify dnotify);

Sets the callback that domain will use to authenticate incoming requests. For each request containing authorization, domain will invoke the callback, and then either accept or reject the request based on callback's return value.

You can also set the auth callback by setting the SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_BASIC_AUTH_CALLBACK and SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_BASIC_AUTH_DATA properties, which can also be used to set the callback at construct time.

domain : the domain
callback : the callback
user_data : data to pass to auth_callback
dnotify : destroy notifier to free user_data when domain is destroyed



Alias for the "auth-callback" property. (The SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback.)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_BASIC_AUTH_DATA     "auth-data"

Alias for the "auth-data" property. (The data to pass to the SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback.)