
SoupAuthDomain — Server-side authentication



void                soup_auth_domain_add_path           (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         const char *path);
void                soup_auth_domain_remove_path        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         const char *path);
gboolean            (*SoupAuthDomainFilter)             (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                soup_auth_domain_set_filter         (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupAuthDomainFilter filter,
                                                         gpointer filter_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify dnotify);
const char*         soup_auth_domain_get_realm          (SoupAuthDomain *domain);

gboolean            (*SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback)
                                                        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
void                soup_auth_domain_set_generic_auth_callback
                                                        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback auth_callback,
                                                         gpointer auth_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify dnotify);
gboolean            soup_auth_domain_check_password     (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         const char *password);

gboolean            soup_auth_domain_covers             (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);
char*               soup_auth_domain_accepts            (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);
void                soup_auth_domain_challenge          (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);

#define             SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REALM
#define             SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_PROXY
#define             SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH
#define             SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REMOVE_PATH
#define             SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER
#define             SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER_DATA


A SoupAuthDomain manages authentication for all or part of a SoupServer. To make a server require authentication, first create an appropriate subclass of SoupAuthDomain, and then add it to the server with soup_server_add_auth_domain().

In order for an auth domain to have any effect, you must add one or more paths to it (via soup_auth_domain_add_path() or the SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH property). To require authentication for all requests, add the path "/".

If you need greater control over which requests should and shouldn't be authenticated, add paths covering everything you might want authenticated, and then use a filter (soup_auth_domain_set_filter()) to bypass authentication for those requests that don't need it.



typedef struct {
	GObject parent;
} SoupAuthDomain;

soup_auth_domain_add_path ()

void                soup_auth_domain_add_path           (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         const char *path);

Adds path to domain, such that requests under path on domain's server will require authentication (unless overridden by soup_auth_domain_remove_path() or soup_auth_domain_set_filter()).

You can also add paths by setting the SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH property, which can also be used to add one or more paths at construct time.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
path : the path to add to domain

soup_auth_domain_remove_path ()

void                soup_auth_domain_remove_path        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         const char *path);

Removes path from domain, such that requests under path on domain's server will NOT require authentication.

This is not simply an undo-er for soup_auth_domain_add_path(); it can be used to "carve out" a subtree that does not require authentication inside a hierarchy that does. Note also that unlike with soup_auth_domain_add_path(), this cannot be overridden by adding a filter, as filters can only bypass authentication that would otherwise be required, not require it where it would otherwise be unnecessary.

You can also remove paths by setting the SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REMOVE_PATH property, which can also be used to remove one or more paths at construct time.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
path : the path to remove from domain

SoupAuthDomainFilter ()

gboolean            (*SoupAuthDomainFilter)             (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

The prototype for a SoupAuthDomain filter; see soup_auth_domain_set_filter() for details.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
msg : a SoupMessage
user_data : the data passed to soup_auth_domain_set_filter()
Returns : TRUE if msg requires authentication, FALSE if not.

soup_auth_domain_set_filter ()

void                soup_auth_domain_set_filter         (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupAuthDomainFilter filter,
                                                         gpointer filter_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify dnotify);

Adds filter as an authentication filter to domain. The filter gets a chance to bypass authentication for certain requests that would otherwise require it. Eg, it might check the message's path in some way that is too complicated to do via the other methods, or it might check the message's method, and allow GETs but not PUTs.

The filter function returns TRUE if the request should still require authentication, or FALSE if authentication is unnecessary for this request.

To help prevent security holes, your filter should return TRUE by default, and only return FALSE under specifically-tested circumstances, rather than the other way around. Eg, in the example above, where you want to authenticate PUTs but not GETs, you should check if the method is GET and return FALSE in that case, and then return TRUE for all other methods (rather than returning TRUE for PUT and FALSE for all other methods). This way if it turned out (now or later) that some paths supported additional methods besides GET and PUT, those methods would default to being NOT allowed for unauthenticated users.

You can also set the filter by setting the SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER and SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER_DATA properties, which can also be used to set the filter at construct time.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
filter : the auth filter for domain
filter_data : data to pass to filter
dnotify : destroy notifier to free filter_data when domain is destroyed

soup_auth_domain_get_realm ()

const char*         soup_auth_domain_get_realm          (SoupAuthDomain *domain);

Gets the realm name associated with domain

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
Returns : domain's realm

SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback ()

gboolean            (*SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback)
                                                        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

The prototype for a SoupAuthDomain generic authentication callback.

The callback should look up the user's password, call soup_auth_domain_check_password(), and use the return value from that method as its own return value.

In general, for security reasons, it is preferable to use the auth-domain-specific auth callbacks (eg, SoupAuthDomainBasicAuthCallback and SoupAuthDomainDigestAuthCallback), because they don't require keeping a cleartext password database. Most users will use the same password for many different sites, meaning if any site with a cleartext password database is compromised, accounts on other servers might be compromised as well. For many of the cases where SoupServer is used, this is not really relevant, but it may still be worth considering.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
msg : the SoupMessage being authenticated
username : the username from msg
user_data : the data passed to soup_auth_domain_set_generic_auth_callback()
Returns : TRUE if msg is authenticated, FALSE if not.

soup_auth_domain_set_generic_auth_callback ()

void                soup_auth_domain_set_generic_auth_callback
                                                        (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback auth_callback,
                                                         gpointer auth_data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify dnotify);

Sets auth_callback as an authentication-handling callback for domain. Whenever a request comes in to domain which cannot be authenticated via a domain-specific auth callback (eg, SoupAuthDomainDigestAuthCallback), the generic auth callback will be invoked. See SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback for information on what the callback should do.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
auth_callback : the auth callback
auth_data : data to pass to auth_callback
dnotify : destroy notifier to free auth_data when domain is destroyed

soup_auth_domain_check_password ()

gboolean            soup_auth_domain_check_password     (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         const char *password);

Checks if msg authenticates to domain via username and password. This would normally be called from a SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
msg : a SoupMessage
username : a username
password : a password
Returns : whether or not the message is authenticated

soup_auth_domain_covers ()

gboolean            soup_auth_domain_covers             (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);

Checks if domain requires msg to be authenticated (according to its paths and filter function). This does not actually look at whether msg *is* authenticated, merely whether or not is needs to be.

This is used by SoupServer internally and is probably of no use to anyone else.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
msg : a SoupMessage
Returns : TRUE if domain requires msg to be authenticated

soup_auth_domain_accepts ()

char*               soup_auth_domain_accepts            (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);

Checks if msg contains appropriate authorization for domain to accept it. Mirroring soup_auth_domain_covers(), this does not check whether or not domain *cares* if msg is authorized.

This is used by SoupServer internally and is probably of no use to anyone else.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
msg : a SoupMessage
Returns : the username that msg has authenticated as, if in fact it has authenticated. NULL otherwise.

soup_auth_domain_challenge ()

void                soup_auth_domain_challenge          (SoupAuthDomain *domain,
                                                         SoupMessage *msg);

Adds a "WWW-Authenticate" or "Proxy-Authenticate" header to msg, requesting that the client authenticate, and sets msg's status accordingly.

This is used by SoupServer internally and is probably of no use to anyone else.

domain : a SoupAuthDomain
msg : a SoupMessage


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REALM       "realm"

Alias for the "realm" property. (The realm of this auth domain.)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_PROXY       "proxy"

Alias for the "proxy" property. (Whether or not this is a proxy auth domain.)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_ADD_PATH    "add-path"

Alias for the "add-path" property. (Shortcut for calling soup_auth_domain_add_path().)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_REMOVE_PATH "remove-path"

Alias for the "remove-path" property. (Shortcut for calling soup_auth_domain_remove_path().)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER      "filter"

Alias for the "filter" property. (The SoupAuthDomainFilter for the domain.)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_FILTER_DATA "filter-data"

Alias for the "filter-data" property. (Data to pass to the SoupAuthDomainFilter.)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_GENERIC_AUTH_CALLBACK "generic-auth-callback"

Alias for the "auth-callback" property. (The SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.)


#define SOUP_AUTH_DOMAIN_GENERIC_AUTH_DATA     "generic-auth-data"

Alias for the "auth-data" property. (The data to pass to the SoupAuthDomainGenericAuthCallback.)

See Also
