
hildon-color-popup — A popup dialog for editing a color and showing the edited result


GtkWidget*  hildon_color_popup_new          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                             const GdkColor *initial_color,
                                             HildonColorPopup *popupdata);
void        hildon_color_popup_set_color_from_sliders
                                            (GdkColor *color,
                                             HildonColorPopup *popupdata);


HildonColorPopup is only used inside HildonColorButton. It is a popup dialog for editing a color. The color can be changed using three control bars that are used to adjust the red, green and blue color channels. The display is updated in real time when the bars are moved.


hildon_color_popup_new ()

GtkWidget*  hildon_color_popup_new          (GtkWindow *parent,
                                             const GdkColor *initial_color,
                                             HildonColorPopup *popupdata);

This function creates a new popup dialog with three controlbars (red, green, blue) and a drawing area with the current color.

Used as normal GtkDialog (run with gtk_dialog_run() and read stardard responses (GTK_RESPONSE_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL).

parent : the parent window of the dialog
initial_color : a GdkColor with the initial values to be used
popupdata :
Returns : the newly created popup dialog

hildon_color_popup_set_color_from_sliders ()

void        hildon_color_popup_set_color_from_sliders
                                            (GdkColor *color,
                                             HildonColorPopup *popupdata);

Sets the values in the given GdkColor to the values of the controlbars.

color : a pointer to GdkColor to which the new values will be put
popupdata :

See Also

HildonColorButton, HildonColorSelector