X11 Specific Support

X11 Specific Support — X11 specific API


void                clutter_x11_set_display             (Display *xdpy);
void                clutter_x11_disable_event_retrieval (void);
gboolean            clutter_x11_has_event_retrieval     (void);
ClutterStage*       clutter_x11_get_stage_from_window   (Window win);
ClutterX11FilterReturn clutter_x11_handle_event         (XEvent *xevent);
Display*            clutter_x11_get_default_display     (void);
int                 clutter_x11_get_default_screen      (void);
Window              clutter_x11_get_root_window         (void);
XVisualInfo*        clutter_x11_get_stage_visual        (ClutterStage *stage);
Window              clutter_x11_get_stage_window        (ClutterStage *stage);
gboolean            clutter_x11_set_stage_foreign       (ClutterStage *stage,
                                                         Window xwindow);
void                clutter_x11_trap_x_errors           (void);
gint                clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors         (void);
gboolean            clutter_x11_has_composite_extension (void);

ClutterX11FilterReturn (*ClutterX11FilterFunc)          (XEvent *xev,
                                                         ClutterEvent *cev,
                                                         gpointer data);
enum                ClutterX11FilterReturn;
void                clutter_x11_add_filter              (ClutterX11FilterFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);
void                clutter_x11_remove_filter           (ClutterX11FilterFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);

enum                ClutterX11InputDeviceType;
enum                ClutterX11XInputEventTypes;
ClutterX11InputDeviceType clutter_x11_get_input_device_type
                                                        (ClutterX11XInputDevice *device);
GSList*             clutter_x11_get_input_devices       (void);
gboolean            clutter_x11_has_xinput              (void);
void                clutter_x11_enable_xinput           (void);


The X11 backend for Clutter provides some specific API, allowing integration with the Xlibs API for embedding and manipulating the stage window, or for trapping X errors.

The ClutterX11 API is available since Clutter 0.6


clutter_x11_set_display ()

void                clutter_x11_set_display             (Display *xdpy);

Sets the display connection Clutter should use; must be called before clutter_init(), clutter_init_with_args() or other functions pertaining Clutter's initialization process.

If you are parsing the command line arguments by retrieving Clutter's GOptionGroup with clutter_get_option_group() and calling g_option_context_parse() yourself, you should also call clutter_x11_set_display() before g_option_context_parse().

xdpy :

pointer to a X display connection.

Since 0.8

clutter_x11_disable_event_retrieval ()

void                clutter_x11_disable_event_retrieval (void);

Disables retrieval of X events in the main loop. Use to create event-less canvas or in conjunction with clutter_x11_handle_event.

This function can only be called before calling clutter_init().

Since 0.8

clutter_x11_has_event_retrieval ()

gboolean            clutter_x11_has_event_retrieval     (void);

Queries the X11 backend to check if event collection has been disabled.

Returns :

TRUE if event retrival has been disabled. FALSE otherwise.

Since 0.8

clutter_x11_get_stage_from_window ()

ClutterStage*       clutter_x11_get_stage_from_window   (Window win);

Gets the stage for a particular X window.

win :

an X Window ID

Returns :

The stage or NULL if a stage does not exist for the window.

Since 0.8

clutter_x11_handle_event ()

ClutterX11FilterReturn clutter_x11_handle_event         (XEvent *xevent);

This function processes a single X event; it can be used to hook into external X event retrieval (for example that done by GDK).

xevent :

pointer to XEvent structure

Returns :

ClutterX11FilterReturn indicating what the caller should do with the original event.

Since 0.8

clutter_x11_get_default_display ()

Display*            clutter_x11_get_default_display     (void);

Retrieves the pointer to the default display.

Returns :

the default display

Since 0.6

clutter_x11_get_default_screen ()

int                 clutter_x11_get_default_screen      (void);

Gets the number of the default X Screen object.

Returns :

the number of the default screen

Since 0.6

clutter_x11_get_root_window ()

Window              clutter_x11_get_root_window         (void);

Retrieves the root window.

Returns :

the id of the root window

Since 0.6

clutter_x11_get_stage_visual ()

XVisualInfo*        clutter_x11_get_stage_visual        (ClutterStage *stage);

Returns the stage XVisualInfo

stage :

a ClutterStage

Returns :

The XVisualInfo for the stage.

Since 0.4

clutter_x11_get_stage_window ()

Window              clutter_x11_get_stage_window        (ClutterStage *stage);

Gets the stages X Window.

stage :

a ClutterStage

Returns :

An XID for the stage window.

Since 0.4

clutter_x11_set_stage_foreign ()

gboolean            clutter_x11_set_stage_foreign       (ClutterStage *stage,
                                                         Window xwindow);

Target the ClutterStage to use an existing external X Window

stage :

a ClutterStage

xwindow :

an existing X Window id

Returns :

TRUE if foreign window is valid

Since 0.4

clutter_x11_trap_x_errors ()

void                clutter_x11_trap_x_errors           (void);

Traps every X error until clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors() is called.

Since 0.6

clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors ()

gint                clutter_x11_untrap_x_errors         (void);

Removes the X error trap and returns the current status.

Returns :

the trapped error code, or 0 for success

Since 0.4

clutter_x11_has_composite_extension ()

gboolean            clutter_x11_has_composite_extension (void);

Returns :

ClutterX11FilterFunc ()

ClutterX11FilterReturn (*ClutterX11FilterFunc)          (XEvent *xev,
                                                         ClutterEvent *cev,
                                                         gpointer data);

Filter function for X11 native events.

xev :

Native X11 event structure

cev :

Clutter event structure

data :

user data passed to the filter function

Returns :

the result of the filtering

Since 0.6

enum ClutterX11FilterReturn

typedef enum {
} ClutterX11FilterReturn;

Return values for the ClutterX11FilterFunc function.


The event was not handled, continues the processing


Native event translated into a Clutter event, stops the processing


Remove the event, stops the processing

Since 0.6

clutter_x11_add_filter ()

void                clutter_x11_add_filter              (ClutterX11FilterFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);

Adds an event filter function.

func :

a filter function

data :

user data to be passed to the filter function, or NULL

Since 0.6

clutter_x11_remove_filter ()

void                clutter_x11_remove_filter           (ClutterX11FilterFunc func,
                                                         gpointer data);

Removes the given filter function.

func :

a filter function

data :

user data to be passed to the filter function, or NULL

Since 0.6

enum ClutterX11InputDeviceType

typedef enum {
} ClutterX11InputDeviceType;


typedef struct _ClutterX11XInputDevice ClutterX11XInputDevice;

enum ClutterX11XInputEventTypes

typedef enum {
} ClutterX11XInputEventTypes;

clutter_x11_get_input_device_type ()

ClutterX11InputDeviceType clutter_x11_get_input_device_type
                                                        (ClutterX11XInputDevice *device);

Retrieves the type of device.

device :

a ClutterX11XInputDevice

Returns :

the type of the device

Since 0.8

clutter_x11_get_input_devices ()

GSList*             clutter_x11_get_input_devices       (void);

Returns :

clutter_x11_has_xinput ()

gboolean            clutter_x11_has_xinput              (void);

Gets whether Clutter has XInput support.

Returns :

TRUE if Clutter was compiled with XInput support and XInput support is available at run time.

Since 0.8

clutter_x11_enable_xinput ()

void                clutter_x11_enable_xinput           (void);

Enables the use of the XInput extension if present on connected XServer and support built into Clutter. XInput allows for multiple pointing devices to be used. This must be called before clutter_init().

You should use clutter_x11_has_xinput to see if support was enabled.

Since 0.8