
ClutterBehaviourOpacity — Behaviour controlling the opacity


ClutterBehaviour*   clutter_behaviour_opacity_new       (ClutterAlpha *alpha,
                                                         guint8 opacity_start,
                                                         guint8 opacity_end);
void                clutter_behaviour_opacity_set_bounds
                                                        (ClutterBehaviourOpacity *behaviour,
                                                         guint8 opacity_start,
                                                         guint8 opacity_end);
void                clutter_behaviour_opacity_get_bounds
                                                        (ClutterBehaviourOpacity *behaviour,
                                                         guint8 *opacity_start,
                                                         guint8 *opacity_end);

Object Hierarchy



  "opacity-end"              guint                 : Read / Write
  "opacity-start"            guint                 : Read / Write


ClutterBehaviourOpacity controls the opacity of a set of actors.



typedef struct _ClutterBehaviourOpacity ClutterBehaviourOpacity;


typedef struct {
  ClutterBehaviourClass   parent_class;
} ClutterBehaviourOpacityClass;

clutter_behaviour_opacity_new ()

ClutterBehaviour*   clutter_behaviour_opacity_new       (ClutterAlpha *alpha,
                                                         guint8 opacity_start,
                                                         guint8 opacity_end);

Creates a new ClutterBehaviourOpacity object, driven by alpha which controls the opacity property of every actor, making it change in the interval between opacity_start and opacity_end.

alpha :

a ClutterAlpha instance, or NULL

opacity_start :

minimum level of opacity

opacity_end :

maximum level of opacity

Returns :

the newly created ClutterBehaviourOpacity

Since 0.2

clutter_behaviour_opacity_set_bounds ()

void                clutter_behaviour_opacity_set_bounds
                                                        (ClutterBehaviourOpacity *behaviour,
                                                         guint8 opacity_start,
                                                         guint8 opacity_end);

Sets the initial and final levels of the opacity applied by behaviour on each actor it controls.

behaviour :

a ClutterBehaviourOpacity

opacity_start :

minimum level of opacity

opacity_end :

maximum level of opacity

Since 0.6

clutter_behaviour_opacity_get_bounds ()

void                clutter_behaviour_opacity_get_bounds
                                                        (ClutterBehaviourOpacity *behaviour,
                                                         guint8 *opacity_start,
                                                         guint8 *opacity_end);

Gets the initial and final levels of the opacity applied by behaviour on each actor it controls.

behaviour :

a ClutterBehaviourOpacity

opacity_start :

return location for the minimum level of opacity, or NULL

opacity_end :

return location for the maximum level of opacity, or NULL

Since 0.6

Property Details

The "opacity-end" property

  "opacity-end"              guint                 : Read / Write

Final opacity level of the behaviour.

Allowed values: <= 255

Default value: 0

Since 0.2

The "opacity-start" property

  "opacity-start"            guint                 : Read / Write

Initial opacity level of the behaviour.

Allowed values: <= 255

Default value: 0

Since 0.2