
OssoABookServiceGroup — A smart group containing contacts related to a specific online service.


OssoABookGroup*     osso_abook_service_group_get        (McAccount *account);
McAccount*          osso_abook_service_group_get_account
                                                        (OssoABookServiceGroup *group);
OssoABookGroup*     osso_abook_service_group_lookup_by_name
                                                        (const char *unique_name);
char*               osso_abook_mc_account_get_display_string
                                                        (McAccount *account,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         const char *format);


OssoABookServiceGroup is an object that contains only contacts relating to a specified online service.



typedef struct {
} OssoABookServiceGroup;

All the fields of this structure are private to the object's implementation and should never be accessed directly.

osso_abook_service_group_get ()

OssoABookGroup*     osso_abook_service_group_get        (McAccount *account);

Retrieves the group for the given account type. Note this function is not threadsafe.

account : An McAccount to be attached to this group.
Returns : The OssoABookGroup. This is a singleton; don't g_object_unref() it. Will return NULL if account is incomplete.

osso_abook_service_group_get_account ()

McAccount*          osso_abook_service_group_get_account
                                                        (OssoABookServiceGroup *group);

Returns the service group's associated McAccount.

group :
Returns : The McAccount the service group is based around.

osso_abook_service_group_lookup_by_name ()

OssoABookGroup*     osso_abook_service_group_lookup_by_name
                                                        (const char *unique_name);

Retrieves the OssoABookServiceGroup for the specified McAccount.

unique_name : the unique McAccount name
Returns : The matching OssoABookServiceGroup, or NULL when no matching group exists.

osso_abook_mc_account_get_display_string ()

char*               osso_abook_mc_account_get_display_string
                                                        (McAccount *account,
                                                         const char *username,
                                                         const char *format);

account :
username :
format :
Returns :