
OssoABookGroup — Representation of a group.


const char*         osso_abook_group_get_name           (OssoABookGroup *group);
const char*         osso_abook_group_get_display_name   (OssoABookGroup *group);
const char*         osso_abook_group_get_display_title  (OssoABookGroup *group);
const char*         osso_abook_group_get_icon_name      (OssoABookGroup *group);
GtkWidget*          osso_abook_group_get_empty_widget   (OssoABookGroup *group);
OssoABookListStore* osso_abook_group_get_model          (OssoABookGroup *group);
gboolean            osso_abook_group_is_visible         (OssoABookGroup *group);
gboolean            osso_abook_group_includes_contact   (OssoABookGroup *group,
                                                         OssoABookContact *contact);
OssoABookListStoreCompareFunc osso_abook_group_get_sort_func
                                                        (OssoABookGroup *group);
int                 osso_abook_group_get_sort_weight    (OssoABookGroup *group);
gboolean            osso_abook_group_get_sensitive      (OssoABookGroup *group);
int                 osso_abook_group_compare            (OssoABookGroup *a,
                                                         OssoABookGroup *b);


OssoABookGroup is an object that represents a group in the osso-addressbook API.



typedef struct {
} OssoABookGroup;

All the fields of this structure are private to the object's implementation and should never be accessed directly.

osso_abook_group_get_name ()

const char*         osso_abook_group_get_name           (OssoABookGroup *group);

Retrieves the name of group. Use osso_abook_group_get_display_name() to get the translated name for display.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : The name of group. This string is owned by libosso-abook and should not be freed.

osso_abook_group_get_display_name ()

const char*         osso_abook_group_get_display_name   (OssoABookGroup *group);

Retrieves the name of group, translated for the current locale.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : The translated name of group. This string is owned by libosso-abook and should not be freed.

osso_abook_group_get_display_title ()

const char*         osso_abook_group_get_display_title  (OssoABookGroup *group);

Retrieves the window title for group, translated for the current locale.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : The translated display title of group. This string is owned by libosso-abook and should not be freed.

osso_abook_group_get_icon_name ()

const char*         osso_abook_group_get_icon_name      (OssoABookGroup *group);

Retrieves the icon name associated with group. The icon name can be used to look up the appropiate icon to represent group.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : The icon name associated with group. This string is owned by libosso-abook and should not be freed.

osso_abook_group_get_empty_widget ()

GtkWidget*          osso_abook_group_get_empty_widget   (OssoABookGroup *group);

Retrieves the widget to display when group is empty.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : The empty widget of group.

osso_abook_group_get_model ()

OssoABookListStore* osso_abook_group_get_model          (OssoABookGroup *group);

Retrieves the OssoABookListStore storing the contacts of this group.

group : a OssoABookGroup
Returns : A OssoABookListStore instance.

osso_abook_group_is_visible ()

gboolean            osso_abook_group_is_visible         (OssoABookGroup *group);

Returns a boolean indicating whether group is requested to be shown or not.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : TRUE if group is requested to be shown, FALSE otherwise.

osso_abook_group_includes_contact ()

gboolean            osso_abook_group_includes_contact   (OssoABookGroup *group,
                                                         OssoABookContact *contact);

Returns a boolean indicating whether this contact is included in group.

group : an OssoABookGroup
contact : an OssoABookContact whose inclusion is to be checked
Returns : TRUE if this contact is included in group, FALSE otherwise.

osso_abook_group_get_sort_func ()

OssoABookListStoreCompareFunc osso_abook_group_get_sort_func
                                                        (OssoABookGroup *group);

Returns a function the can be used to sort the OssoABookListStore that displays group. See also osso_abook_list_store_set_sort_key().

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : an GtkTreeIterCompareFunc or NULL

osso_abook_group_get_sort_weight ()

int                 osso_abook_group_get_sort_weight    (OssoABookGroup *group);

Returns the sort weight of group. Groups are sorted by first comparing the sort weights, and then collating the names. A lower sort weight indicates a higher sorting priority.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : An integer indicating the sort weight of group.

osso_abook_group_get_sensitive ()

gboolean            osso_abook_group_get_sensitive      (OssoABookGroup *group);

Returns the sensitivity of group.

group : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : TRUE if the group is sensitive, FALSE if not.

osso_abook_group_compare ()

int                 osso_abook_group_compare            (OssoABookGroup *a,
                                                         OssoABookGroup *b);

Compares group a to group b, first comparing the sort weights, and then collating the names. A lower sort weight indicates a higher sorting priority.

a : an OssoABookGroup
b : an OssoABookGroup
Returns : < 0 if group a compares before group b, 0 if they compare equal, > 0 if group a compares after group b.