
ClutterBehaviourPath — A behaviour interpolating position along a path


ClutterBehaviour*   clutter_behaviour_path_new          (ClutterAlpha *alpha,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knots,
                                                         guint n_knots);
GSList*             clutter_behaviour_path_get_knots    (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb);
void                clutter_behaviour_path_append_knot  (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knot);
void                clutter_behaviour_path_append_knots (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *first_knot,
void                clutter_behaviour_path_insert_knot  (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         guint offset,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knot);
void                clutter_behaviour_path_remove_knot  (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         guint offset);
void                clutter_behaviour_path_clear        (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb);

ClutterKnot*        clutter_knot_copy                   (const ClutterKnot *knot);
void                clutter_knot_free                   (ClutterKnot *knot);
gboolean            clutter_knot_equal                  (const ClutterKnot *knot_a,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knot_b);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

ClutterBehaviourPath implements


  "knot"                     ClutterKnot*          : Write


  "knot-reached"                                   : Run Last


ClutterBehaviourPath interpolates actors along a defined path.

A path is a set of ClutterKnots object given when creating a new ClutterBehaviourPath instance. Knots can be also added to the path using clutter_behaviour_path_append_knot(). The whole path can be cleared using clutter_behaviour_path_clear(). Each time the behaviour reaches a knot in the path, the "knot-reached" signal is emitted.

This first knot in the path is reached with the lower bound value provided by the ClutterAlpha objectused by the behaviour; the last knot in the path is reached with the upper bound value provided by the ClutterAlpha object used by the behaviour.


If the alpha function is a periodic function, i.e. it returns to 0 after reaching CLUTTER_ALPHA_MAX_ALPHA, then the actors will walk the path back to the starting ClutterKnot.

ClutterBehaviourPath is available since Clutter 0.2



typedef struct _ClutterBehaviourPath ClutterBehaviourPath;


typedef struct {
  void (*knot_reached) (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                        const ClutterKnot    *knot);
} ClutterBehaviourPathClass;

Since 0.2

knot_reached ()

signal class handler for the ClutterBehaviourPath::knot_reached signal

clutter_behaviour_path_new ()

ClutterBehaviour*   clutter_behaviour_path_new          (ClutterAlpha *alpha,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knots,
                                                         guint n_knots);

Creates a new path behaviour. You can use this behaviour to drive actors along the nodes of a path, described by the knots.

alpha :

a ClutterAlpha, or NULL

knots :

a list of ClutterKnots, or NULL for an empty path

n_knots :

the number of nodes in the path

Returns :

a ClutterBehaviour

Since 0.2

clutter_behaviour_path_get_knots ()

GSList*             clutter_behaviour_path_get_knots    (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb);

Returns a copy of the list of knots contained by pathb

pathb :

a ClutterBehvaiourPath

Returns :

a GSList of the paths knots.

Since 0.2

clutter_behaviour_path_append_knot ()

void                clutter_behaviour_path_append_knot  (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knot);

Appends a ClutterKnot to the path

pathb :

a ClutterBehvaiourPath

knot :

a ClutterKnot to append.

Since 0.2

clutter_behaviour_path_append_knots ()

void                clutter_behaviour_path_append_knots (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *first_knot,

Adds a NULL-terminated list of knots to a path. This function is equivalent to calling clutter_behaviour_path_append_knot() for each member of the list.

pathb :

a ClutterBehvaiourPath

first_knot :

the ClutterKnot knot to add to the path

... :

additional knots to add to the path

Since 0.2

clutter_behaviour_path_insert_knot ()

void                clutter_behaviour_path_insert_knot  (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         guint offset,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knot);

Inserts a ClutterKnot in the path at specified position. Values greater than total number of knots will append the knot at the end of path.

pathb :

a ClutterBehvaiourPath

offset :

position in path to insert knot.

knot :

a ClutterKnot to append.

Since 0.2

clutter_behaviour_path_remove_knot ()

void                clutter_behaviour_path_remove_knot  (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                         guint offset);

Removes a ClutterKnot in the path at specified offset.

pathb :

a ClutterBehvaiourPath

offset :

position in path to remove knot.

Since 0.2

clutter_behaviour_path_clear ()

void                clutter_behaviour_path_clear        (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb);

Removes all knots from a path

pathb :

a ClutterBehvaiourPath

Since 0.2


typedef struct {
  gint x;
  gint y;
} ClutterKnot;

Point in a path behaviour.

gint x;

X coordinate of the knot

gint y;

Y coordinate of the knot

Since 0.2

clutter_knot_copy ()

ClutterKnot*        clutter_knot_copy                   (const ClutterKnot *knot);

Makes an allocated copy of a knot.

knot :

a ClutterKnot

Returns :

the copied knot.

Since 0.2

clutter_knot_free ()

void                clutter_knot_free                   (ClutterKnot *knot);

Frees the memory of an allocated knot.

knot :

a ClutterKnot

Since 0.2

clutter_knot_equal ()

gboolean            clutter_knot_equal                  (const ClutterKnot *knot_a,
                                                         const ClutterKnot *knot_b);

Compares to knot and checks if the point to the same location.

knot_a :

First knot

knot_b :

Second knot

Returns :

TRUE if the knots point to the same location.

Since 0.2

Property Details

The "knot" property

  "knot"                     ClutterKnot*          : Write

This property can be used to append a new knot to the path.

Since 0.2

Signal Details

The "knot-reached" signal

void                user_function                      (ClutterBehaviourPath *pathb,
                                                        ClutterKnot          *knot,
                                                        gpointer              user_data)      : Run Last

This signal is emitted each time a node defined inside the path is reached.

pathb :

the object which received the signal

knot :

the ClutterKnot reached

user_data :

user data set when the signal handler was connected.

Since 0.2