
SharingEntry — Sharing entry object used to abstract all entries that can be made and used with Sharing.


SharingAccount*     sharing_entry_get_account           (const SharingEntry *self);
const gchar*        sharing_entry_get_option            (SharingEntry *self,
                                                         const gchar *id);
GSList*             sharing_entry_get_media             (SharingEntry *self);
guint64             sharing_entry_get_size              (const SharingEntry *self);


SharingEntry is abstraction of sharing entry. It holds methods to get and modify metadata of entry, methods to serialized entries to memory and ...


sharing_entry_get_account ()

SharingAccount*     sharing_entry_get_account           (const SharingEntry *self);

Get the SharingAccount marked as the target of a SharingEntry.

self : a SharingEntry
see_also : sharing_entry_get_account_id()
Returns : a newly-allocated SharingAccounton success, or NULL otherwise. The account must be freed with sharing_account_free() when it is no longer required

sharing_entry_get_option ()

const gchar*        sharing_entry_get_option            (SharingEntry *self,
                                                         const gchar *id);

Get the option value with the specified id.

self : a SharingEntry
id : an option ID
Returns : the value of the option on success, or NULL otherwise

sharing_entry_get_media ()

GSList*             sharing_entry_get_media             (SharingEntry *self);

Get all SharingEntryMedia of a SharingEntry.

self : a SharingEntry
Returns : a GSList of SharingEntryMedia on success, or NULL otherwise. Both the list and the objects are owned by the SharingEntry, and should not be modified or freed. Additionally, both the list and the objects are valid as long as SharingEntryMedia are not added or removed from the SharingEntry.

sharing_entry_get_size ()

guint64             sharing_entry_get_size              (const SharingEntry *self);

Get the total size of SharingEntryMedia elements of a SharingEntry. NOTE: Returns the size of elements not already sent, since the sent files are removed after sending.

self : a SharingEntry
Returns : the total size in bytes

See Also
