


typedef             EBookQuery;
enum                EBookQueryTest;
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_from_string            (const char *query_string);
char*               e_book_query_to_string              (EBookQuery *q);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_ref                    (EBookQuery *q);
void                e_book_query_unref                  (EBookQuery *q);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_copy                   (EBookQuery *q);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_and                    (int nqs,
                                                         EBookQuery **qs,
                                                         gboolean unref);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_andv                   (EBookQuery *q,
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_or                     (int nqs,
                                                         EBookQuery **qs,
                                                         gboolean unref);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_orv                    (EBookQuery *q,
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_not                    (EBookQuery *q,
                                                         gboolean unref);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_field_exists           (EContactField field);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_field_test             (EContactField field,
                                                         EBookQueryTest test,
                                                         const char *value);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_any_field_contains     (const char *value);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_vcard_field_exists     (const char *field);
EBookQuery*         e_book_query_vcard_field_test       (const char *field,
                                                         EBookQueryTest test,
                                                         const char *value);




typedef struct EBookQuery EBookQuery;

enum EBookQueryTest

typedef enum {

    Consider these "coming soon". 

} EBookQueryTest;

e_book_query_from_string ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_from_string            (const char *query_string);

Parse query_string and return a new EBookQuery representing it.

query_string : the query
Returns : the new EBookValue

e_book_query_to_string ()

char*               e_book_query_to_string              (EBookQuery *q);

Return the string representation of q.

q : an EBookQuery
Returns : The string form of the query. This string should be freed when finished with.

e_book_query_ref ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_ref                    (EBookQuery *q);

Increment the reference count on q.

q : a EBookQuery
Returns : q

e_book_query_unref ()

void                e_book_query_unref                  (EBookQuery *q);

Decrement the reference count on q. When the reference count reaches 0, q will be freed and any child queries will have e_book_query_unref() called.

q : an EBookQuery

e_book_query_copy ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_copy                   (EBookQuery *q);

Creates a copy of q.

q : an EBookQuery
Returns : A new EBookQuery identical to q.

e_book_query_and ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_and                    (int nqs,
                                                         EBookQuery **qs,
                                                         gboolean unref);

Create a new EBookQuery which is the logical AND of the queries in qs.

nqs : the number of queries to AND
qs : pointer to an array of EBookQuery items
unref : if TRUE, the new query takes ownership of the existing queries
Returns : A new EBookQuery

e_book_query_andv ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_andv                   (EBookQuery *q,

Creates a new EBookQuery which is the logical AND of the queries specified.

q : first EBookQuery
... : NULL terminated list of EBookQuery pointers
Returns : A new EBookQuery

e_book_query_or ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_or                     (int nqs,
                                                         EBookQuery **qs,
                                                         gboolean unref);

Creates a new EBookQuery which is the logical OR of the queries in qs.

nqs : the number of queries to OR
qs : pointer to an array of EBookQuery items
unref : if TRUE, the new query takes ownership of the existing queries
Returns : A new EBookQuery

e_book_query_orv ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_orv                    (EBookQuery *q,

Creates a new EBookQuery which is the logical OR of the queries specified.

q : first EBookQuery
... : NULL terminated list of EBookQuery pointers
Returns : A new EBookQuery

e_book_query_not ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_not                    (EBookQuery *q,
                                                         gboolean unref);

Creates a new EBookQuery which is the opposite of q.

q : an EBookQuery
unref : if TRUE, the new query takes ownership of the existing queries
Returns : the new EBookQuery

e_book_query_field_exists ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_field_exists           (EContactField field);

Creates a new EBookQuery which tests if the field field exists.

field : a EContactField
Returns : the new EBookQuery

e_book_query_field_test ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_field_test             (EContactField field,
                                                         EBookQueryTest test,
                                                         const char *value);

Creates a new EBookQuery which tests field for value using the test test.

field : an EContactField to test
test : the test to apply
value : the value to test for
Returns : the new EBookQuery

e_book_query_any_field_contains ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_any_field_contains     (const char *value);

Creates a new EBookQuery which tests if any field contains value.

value : a value
Returns : the new EBookQuery

e_book_query_vcard_field_exists ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_vcard_field_exists     (const char *field);

Creates a new EBookQuery which tests if the field field exists. field should be a vCard field name, such as FN or X-MSN.

field : a field name
Returns : the new EBookQuery

e_book_query_vcard_field_test ()

EBookQuery*         e_book_query_vcard_field_test       (const char *field,
                                                         EBookQueryTest test,
                                                         const char *value);

Creates a new EBookQuery which tests field for value using the test test.

field : an vCard field to test
test : the test to apply
value : the value to test for
Returns : the new EBookQuery