
EBook — An address book containing EContacts


EBook*              e_book_new                          (ESource *source,
                                                         GError **error);
EBook*              e_book_new_default_addressbook      (GError **error);
EBook*              e_book_new_from_uri                 (const char *uri,
                                                         GError **error);
EBook*              e_book_new_system_addressbook       (GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_set_default_addressbook      (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_set_default_source           (ESource *source,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_remove                       (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_open                         (EBook *book,
                                                         gboolean only_if_exists,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_supported_fields         (EBook *book,
                                                         GList **fields,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_supported_auth_methods   (EBook *book,
                                                         GList **auth_methods,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_required_fields          (EBook *book,
                                                         GList **fields,
                                                         GError **error);
ESource*            e_book_get_source                   (EBook *book);
gboolean            e_book_is_online                    (EBook *book);
gboolean            e_book_is_opened                    (EBook *book);
gboolean            e_book_authenticate_user            (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *passwd,
                                                         const char *auth_method,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_contact                  (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         EContact **contact,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_remove_contact               (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_remove_contacts              (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *ids,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_remove_all_contacts          (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_add_contact                  (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_add_contacts                 (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_commit_contact               (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_commit_contacts              (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_book_view                (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         GList *requested_fields,
                                                         int max_results,
                                                         EBookView **book_view,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_contacts                 (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         GList **contacts,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_changes                  (EBook *book,
                                                         char *changeid,
                                                         GList **changes,
                                                         GError **error);
void                e_book_free_change_list             (GList *change_list);
const char*         e_book_get_uri                      (EBook *book);
const char*         e_book_get_static_capabilities      (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_check_static_capability      (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *cap);
gboolean            e_book_is_writable                  (EBook *book);
gboolean            e_book_cancel                       (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_get_self                     (EContact **contact,
                                                         EBook **book,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_set_self                     (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            e_book_is_self                      (EContact *contact);
gboolean            e_book_get_addressbooks             (ESourceList **addressbook_sources,
                                                         GError **error);
void                (*EBookCallback)                    (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                (*EBookIdCallback)                  (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                (*EBookContactCallback)             (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                (*EBookListCallback)                (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         GList *list,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                (*EBookBookViewCallback)            (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         EBookView *book_view,
                                                         gpointer closure);
void                (*EBookEListCallback)               (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         EList *list,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_open                   (EBook *book,
                                                         gboolean only_if_exists,
                                                         EBookCallback open_response,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_remove                 (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_get_required_fields    (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookEListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_get_supported_fields   (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookEListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_get_supported_auth_methods
                                                        (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookEListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_authenticate_user      (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *passwd,
                                                         const char *auth_method,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_get_contact            (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         EBookContactCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_get_contacts           (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         EBookListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_get_changes            (EBook *book,
                                                         char *changeid,
                                                         EBookListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_remove_contact         (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_remove_contact_by_id   (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_remove_contacts        (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *ids,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_remove_all_contacts    (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_add_contact            (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         EBookIdCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_add_contacts           (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_commit_contact         (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_commit_contacts        (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);
guint               e_book_async_get_book_view          (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         GList *requested_fields,
                                                         int max_results,
                                                         EBookBookViewCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Object Hierarchy



  "auth-required"                                  : Run Last
  "backend-died"                                   : Run Last
  "connection-status"                              : Run Last
  "writable-status"                                : Run Last


EBook is the GObject-level representation of an address book backing store. It contains any number of EContacts and provides functions to add, remove, and modify contacts.

EBook also provides a means to get an EBookView filtered by an EBookQuery -- e_book_async_get_book_view() (or e_book_get_book_view(), if blocking is acceptable).



typedef struct _EBook EBook;

All the fields of this structure are private to the object's implementation and should never be accessed directly.

e_book_new ()

EBook*              e_book_new                          (ESource *source,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new EBook corresponding to the given source. There are only two operations that are valid on this book at this point: e_book_open(), and e_book_remove().

source : An ESource pointer
error : A GError pointer
Returns : a new but unopened EBook.

e_book_new_default_addressbook ()

EBook*              e_book_new_default_addressbook      (GError **error);

Creates a new EBook corresponding to the user's default addressbook. See the documentation for e_book_new for further information.

error : A GError pointer
Returns : a new but unopened EBook.

e_book_new_from_uri ()

EBook*              e_book_new_from_uri                 (const char *uri,
                                                         GError **error);

Creates a new EBook corresponding to the given uri. See the documentation for e_book_new for further information.

uri : the URI to load
error : A GError pointer
Returns : a new but unopened EBook.

e_book_new_system_addressbook ()

EBook*              e_book_new_system_addressbook       (GError **error);

Creates a new EBook corresponding to the user's system addressbook. See the documentation for e_book_new for further information.

error : A GError pointer
Returns : a new but unopened EBook.

e_book_set_default_addressbook ()

gboolean            e_book_set_default_addressbook      (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);

sets the ESource of the EBook as the "default" addressbook. This is the source that will be loaded in the e_book_get_default_addressbook call.

book : An EBook pointer
error : A GError pointer
Returns : TRUE if the setting was stored in libebook's ESourceList, otherwise FALSE.

e_book_set_default_source ()

gboolean            e_book_set_default_source           (ESource *source,
                                                         GError **error);

sets source as the "default" addressbook. This is the source that will be loaded in the e_book_get_default_addressbook call.

source : An ESource pointer
error : A GError pointer
Returns : TRUE if the setting was stored in libebook's ESourceList, otherwise FALSE.

e_book_remove ()

gboolean            e_book_remove                       (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);

Removes the backing data for this EBook. For example, with the file backend this deletes the database file. You cannot get it back!

book : an EBook
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE on failure.

e_book_open ()

gboolean            e_book_open                         (EBook *book,
                                                         gboolean only_if_exists,
                                                         GError **error);

Opens the addressbook, making it ready for queries and other operations.

book : an EBook
only_if_exists : if TRUE, fail if this book doesn't already exist, otherwise create it first
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if the book was successfully opened, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_get_supported_fields ()

gboolean            e_book_get_supported_fields         (EBook *book,
                                                         GList **fields,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets a list of fields that can be stored for contacts in this book. Other fields may be discarded. The list will contain pointers to allocated strings, and both the GList and the strings must be freed by the caller.

book : an EBook
fields : a GList of fields to set on success
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_get_supported_auth_methods ()

gboolean            e_book_get_supported_auth_methods   (EBook *book,
                                                         GList **auth_methods,
                                                         GError **error);

Queries book for the list of authentication methods it supports. The list will contain pointers to allocated strings, and both the GList and the strings must be freed by the caller.

book : an EBook
auth_methods : a GList of auth methods to set on success
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_get_required_fields ()

gboolean            e_book_get_required_fields          (EBook *book,
                                                         GList **fields,
                                                         GError **error);

Gets a list of fields that are required to be filled in for all contacts in this book. The list will contain pointers to allocated strings, and both the GList and the strings must be freed by the caller.

book : an EBook
fields : a GList of fields to set on success
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_get_source ()

ESource*            e_book_get_source                   (EBook *book);

Get the ESource that this book has loaded.

book : an EBook
Returns : The source.

e_book_is_online ()

gboolean            e_book_is_online                    (EBook *book);

Check if this book is connected.

book : an EBook
Returns : TRUE if this book is connected, otherwise FALSE.

e_book_is_opened ()

gboolean            e_book_is_opened                    (EBook *book);

Check if this book has been opened.

book : and EBook
Returns : TRUE if this book has been opened, otherwise FALSE.

e_book_authenticate_user ()

gboolean            e_book_authenticate_user            (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *passwd,
                                                         const char *auth_method,
                                                         GError **error);

Authenticates user with passwd, using the auth method auth_method. auth_method must be one of the authentication methods returned using e_book_get_supported_auth_methods.

book : an EBook
user : a string
passwd : a string
auth_method : a string
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_get_contact ()

gboolean            e_book_get_contact                  (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         EContact **contact,
                                                         GError **error);

Fills in contact with the contents of the vcard in book corresponding to id.

book : an EBook
id : a unique string ID specifying the contact
contact : an EContact
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_remove_contact ()

gboolean            e_book_remove_contact               (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         GError **error);

Removes the contact with id id from book.

book : an EBook
id : a string
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_remove_contacts ()

gboolean            e_book_remove_contacts              (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *ids,
                                                         GError **error);

Removes the contacts with ids from the list ids from book. This is always more efficient than calling e_book_remove_contact_by_id if you have more than one id to remove, as some backends can implement it as a batch request.

book : an EBook
ids : an GList of const char *id's
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_remove_all_contacts ()

gboolean            e_book_remove_all_contacts          (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);

Removes all contacts from book. This is always more efficient than calling e_book_remove_contacts(), as some backends can implement it as a batch request.

book : an EBook
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_add_contact ()

gboolean            e_book_add_contact                  (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         GError **error);

Adds contact to book.

book : an EBook
contact : an EContact
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_add_contacts ()

gboolean            e_book_add_contacts                 (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         GError **error);

Adds contacts to book. This is always more efficient than calling e_book_add_contact if you have more than one contacts to add, as some backends can implement it as a batch request.

book : an EBook
contacts : an GList of EContacts
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_commit_contact ()

gboolean            e_book_commit_contact               (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         GError **error);

Applies the changes made to contact to the stored version in book.

book : an EBook
contact : an EContact
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_commit_contacts ()

gboolean            e_book_commit_contacts              (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         GError **error);

Applies the changes made to contacts to the stored versions in book.

book : an EBook
contacts : a GList of EContacts
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_get_book_view ()

gboolean            e_book_get_book_view                (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         GList *requested_fields,
                                                         int max_results,
                                                         EBookView **book_view,
                                                         GError **error);

Query book with query, creating a EBookView in book_view with the fields specified by requested_fields and limited at max_results records. On an error, error is set and FALSE returned.

book : an EBook
query : an EBookQuery
requested_fields : a GList containing the names of fields to return, or NULL for all
max_results : the maximum number of contacts to show (or 0 for all)
book_view : A EBookView pointer, will be set to the view
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_get_contacts ()

gboolean            e_book_get_contacts                 (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         GList **contacts,
                                                         GError **error);

Query book with query, setting contacts to the list of contacts which matched. On failed, error will be set and FALSE returned.

book : an EBook
query : an EBookQuery
contacts : a GList pointer, will be set to the list of contacts
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

e_book_get_changes ()

gboolean            e_book_get_changes                  (EBook *book,
                                                         char *changeid,
                                                         GList **changes,
                                                         GError **error);

Get the set of changes since the previous call to e_book_get_changes for a given change ID.

book : an EBook
changeid : the change ID
changes : return location for a GList of EBookChange items
error : a GError to set on failure.
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

e_book_free_change_list ()

void                e_book_free_change_list             (GList *change_list);

Free the contents of change_list, and the list itself.

change_list : a GList of EBookChange items

e_book_get_uri ()

const char*         e_book_get_uri                      (EBook *book);

Get the URI that this book has loaded. This string should not be freed.

book : an EBook
Returns : The URI.

e_book_get_static_capabilities ()

const char*         e_book_get_static_capabilities      (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);

Get the list of capabilities which the backend for this address book supports. This string should not be freed.

book : an EBook
error : an GError to set on failure
Returns : The capabilities list

e_book_check_static_capability ()

gboolean            e_book_check_static_capability      (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *cap);

Check to see if the backend for this address book supports the capability cap.

book : an EBook
cap : A capability string
Returns : TRUE if the backend supports cap, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_is_writable ()

gboolean            e_book_is_writable                  (EBook *book);

Check if this book is writable.

book : an EBook
Returns : TRUE if this book is writable, otherwise FALSE.

e_book_cancel ()

gboolean            e_book_cancel                       (EBook *book,
                                                         GError **error);

Used to cancel an already running operation on book. This function makes a synchronous CORBA to the backend telling it to cancel the operation. If the operation wasn't cancellable (either transiently or permanently) or had already comopleted on the server side, this function will return E_BOOK_STATUS_COULD_NOT_CANCEL, and the operation will continue uncancelled. If the operation could be cancelled, this function will return E_BOOK_ERROR_OK, and the blocked e_book function corresponding to current operation will return with a status of E_BOOK_STATUS_CANCELLED.

book : an EBook
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

e_book_get_self ()

gboolean            e_book_get_self                     (EContact **contact,
                                                         EBook **book,
                                                         GError **error);

Get the EContact referring to the user of the address book and set it in contact and book.

contact : an EContact pointer to set
book : an EBook pointer to set
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.

e_book_set_self ()

gboolean            e_book_set_self                     (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         GError **error);

Specify that contact residing in book is the EContact that refers to the user of the address book.

book : an EBook
contact : an EContact
error : a GError to set on failure
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_is_self ()

gboolean            e_book_is_self                      (EContact *contact);

Check if contact is the user of the address book.

contact : an EContact
Returns : TRUE if contact is the user, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_get_addressbooks ()

gboolean            e_book_get_addressbooks             (ESourceList **addressbook_sources,
                                                         GError **error);

Populate *addressbook_sources with the list of all sources which have been added to Evolution.

addressbook_sources : A pointer to a ESourceList* to set
error : A pointer to a GError* to set on error
Returns : TRUE if addressbook_sources was set, otherwise FALSE.

EBookCallback ()

void                (*EBookCallback)                    (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Specifies the type of function passed to many asynchronous EBook functions and used as a callback.

book : an EBook
status : an EBookStatus
closure : the user-provided data

EBookIdCallback ()

void                (*EBookIdCallback)                  (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Specifies the type of function passed to e_book_async_add_contact() and used as a callback.

book : an EBook
status : an EBookStatus
id : the UID of the relevant contact
closure : the user-provided data

EBookContactCallback ()

void                (*EBookContactCallback)             (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Specifies the type of function passed to e_book_async_get_contact() and used as a callback.

book : an EBook
status : an EBookStatus
contact : the relevant EContact
closure : the user-provided data

EBookListCallback ()

void                (*EBookListCallback)                (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         GList *list,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Specifies the type of function passed to e_book_async_get_changes() and e_book_async_get_contacts() and used as a callback.

book : an EBook
status : an EBookStatus
list : a GList of EContacts
closure : the user-provided data

EBookBookViewCallback ()

void                (*EBookBookViewCallback)            (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         EBookView *book_view,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Specifies the type of function passed to e_book_async_get_book_view() and used as a callback.

book : an EBook
status : an EBookStatus
book_view : the relevant EBookView
closure : the user-provided data

EBookEListCallback ()

void                (*EBookEListCallback)               (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookStatus status,
                                                         EList *list,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Specifies the type of function passed to a few asynchronous EBook functions and used as a callback.

book : an EBook
status : an EBookStatus
list : an EList of vCard field names
closure : the user-provided data

e_book_async_open ()

guint               e_book_async_open                   (EBook *book,
                                                         gboolean only_if_exists,
                                                         EBookCallback open_response,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Opens the addressbook, making it ready for queries and other operations. This function does not block.

book : an EBook
only_if_exists : if TRUE, fail if this book doesn't already exist, otherwise create it first
open_response : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : FALSE if successful, TRUE otherwise.

e_book_async_remove ()

guint               e_book_async_remove                 (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Remove the backing data for this EBook. For example, with the file backend this deletes the database file. You cannot get it back!

book : an EBook
cb : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : FALSE if successful, TRUE otherwise.

e_book_async_get_required_fields ()

guint               e_book_async_get_required_fields    (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookEListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Gets a list of fields that are required to be filled in for all contacts in this book. This function does not block.

book : an EBook
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if the operation was started, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_async_get_supported_fields ()

guint               e_book_async_get_supported_fields   (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookEListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Gets a list of fields that can be stored for contacts in this book. Other fields may be discarded. This function does not block.

book : an EBook
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_async_get_supported_auth_methods ()

guint               e_book_async_get_supported_auth_methods
                                                        (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookEListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Queries book for the list of authentication methods it supports. This function does not block.

book : an EBook
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_async_authenticate_user ()

guint               e_book_async_authenticate_user      (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *user,
                                                         const char *passwd,
                                                         const char *auth_method,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Authenticate user with passwd, using the auth method auth_method. auth_method must be one of the authentication methods returned using e_book_get_supported_auth_methods. This function does not block.

book : an EBook
user : user name
passwd : password
auth_method : string indicating authentication method
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : FALSE if successful, TRUE otherwise.

e_book_async_get_contact ()

guint               e_book_async_get_contact            (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         EBookContactCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Retrieves a contact specified by id from book.

book : an EBook
id : a unique string ID specifying the contact
cb : function to call when operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : FALSE if successful, TRUE otherwise

e_book_async_get_contacts ()

guint               e_book_async_get_contacts           (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         EBookListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Query book with query.

book : an EBook
query : an EBookQuery
cb : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : FALSE on success, TRUE otherwise

e_book_async_get_changes ()

guint               e_book_async_get_changes            (EBook *book,
                                                         char *changeid,
                                                         EBookListCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Get the set of changes since the previous call to e_book_async_get_changes for a given change ID.

book : an EBook
changeid : the change ID
cb : function to call when operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

e_book_async_remove_contact ()

guint               e_book_async_remove_contact         (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Removes contact from book.

book : an EBook
contact : an EContact
cb : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_async_remove_contact_by_id ()

guint               e_book_async_remove_contact_by_id   (EBook *book,
                                                         const char *id,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Removes the contact with id id from book.

book : an EBook
id : a unique ID string specifying the contact
cb : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_async_remove_contacts ()

guint               e_book_async_remove_contacts        (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *ids,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Removes the contacts with ids from the list ids from book. This is always more efficient than calling e_book_remove_contact() if you have more than one id to remove, as some backends can implement it as a batch request.

book : an EBook
ids : a GList of const char *id's
cb : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_async_remove_all_contacts ()

guint               e_book_async_remove_all_contacts    (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Removes all contacts from book. This is always more efficient than calling e_book_remove_contact(), as some backends can implement it as a batch request.

book : an EBook
cb : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise

e_book_async_add_contact ()

guint               e_book_async_add_contact            (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         EBookIdCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Adds contact to book without blocking.

book : an EBook
contact : an EContact
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if the operation was started, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_async_add_contacts ()

guint               e_book_async_add_contacts           (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Adds contacts to book without blocking. This is always more efficient than calling e_book_add_contact if you have more than one contacts to add, as some backends can implement it as a batch request.

book : an EBook
contacts : a GList of EContacts
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if the operation was started, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_async_commit_contact ()

guint               e_book_async_commit_contact         (EBook *book,
                                                         EContact *contact,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Applies the changes made to contact to the stored version in book without blocking.

book : an EBook
contact : an EContact
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if the operation was started, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_async_commit_contacts ()

guint               e_book_async_commit_contacts        (EBook *book,
                                                         GList *contacts,
                                                         EBookCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Applies the changes made to contacts to the stored versions in book without blocking.

book : an EBook
contacts : a GList of EContacts
cb : function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : TRUE if the operation was started, FALSE otherwise.

e_book_async_get_book_view ()

guint               e_book_async_get_book_view          (EBook *book,
                                                         EBookQuery *query,
                                                         GList *requested_fields,
                                                         int max_results,
                                                         EBookBookViewCallback cb,
                                                         gpointer closure);

Query book with query, creating a EBookView with the fields specified by requested_fields and limited at max_results records.

book : an EBook
query : an EBookQuery
requested_fields : a GList containing the names of fields to return, or NULL for all
max_results : the maximum number of contacts to show (or 0 for all)
cb : a function to call when the operation finishes
closure : data to pass to callback function
Returns : FALSE if successful, TRUE otherwise

Signal Details

The "auth-required" signal

void                user_function                      (EBook   *book,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

This signal is emitted when the back-end for the book requires authentication to connect to the database.

book : an EBook
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "backend-died" signal

void                user_function                      (EBook   *book,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

This signal is emitted when the back-end for the book disappeared for some reason (eg, it crashed).

book : an EBook
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "connection-status" signal

void                user_function                      (EBook   *book,
                                                        gboolean connected,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

This signal is emitted when the back-end for the book's connection changes status.

book : an EBook
connected : TRUE if now connected
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "writable-status" signal

void                user_function                      (EBook   *book,
                                                        gboolean writable,
                                                        gpointer user_data)      : Run Last

This signal is emitted when the back-end for the book becomes writable or unwritable.

book : an EBook
writable : TRUE if now writable
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

See Also

EBookView, EContact, EVCard