Internet Connectivity daemon version 2

Responsibilities of the different components

Responsibility of establishing a network connection is divided between the connectivity library, ICd with its modules and the UI. The connectivity library used by the application creates a D-Bus request and sends it to ICd. ICd processes the request and invokes the UI when necessary. After network connection establishment the connectivity library is informed with the outcome of the network establishment.

The UI can also be invoked without interaction from the connectivity library. In such cases the 'Select connection' dialog is requesting ICd to provide it with and updated view of available networks. ICd will provide the UI with an up to date view of the networks. It is up to the UI design wheter service level ("hotspot") connections are shown with the associated physical networks or wheter the service level connections are collapsed into one entry only. From the displayed connnections the user selects one which the UI requests ICd to try to establish. The connection request to ICd is done using the same methods as are available for the connectivity library.

Internal structure

ICd2 consists of the following components:

Generated on Thu Mar 11 09:04:50 2010 for ICd2 by  doxygen 1.5.6