
GstPluginFeature — Base class for contents of a GstPlugin


#include <gst/gst.h>

#define             GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_NAME             (feature)
gboolean            (*GstPluginFeatureFilter)           (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         gpointer user_data);
enum                GstRank;
gboolean            gst_plugin_feature_type_name_filter (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         GstTypeNameData *data);
void                gst_plugin_feature_set_rank         (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         guint rank);
void                gst_plugin_feature_set_name         (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         const gchar *name);
guint               gst_plugin_feature_get_rank         (GstPluginFeature *feature);
const gchar*        gst_plugin_feature_get_name         (GstPluginFeature *feature);
GstPluginFeature*   gst_plugin_feature_load             (GstPluginFeature *feature);
void                gst_plugin_feature_list_free        (GList *list);
gboolean            gst_plugin_feature_check_version    (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         guint min_major,
                                                         guint min_minor,
                                                         guint min_micro);

Object Hierarchy



This is a base class for anything that can be added to a GstPlugin.



typedef struct _GstPluginFeature GstPluginFeature;

Opaque GstPluginFeature structure.


#define GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE_NAME(feature)  (GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (feature)->name)

Get the name of the feature

feature : The feature to query


typedef struct {
  const gchar   *name;
  GType          type;
} GstTypeNameData;

Structure used for filtering based on name and type.

const gchar *name; a name
GType type; a GType

GstPluginFeatureFilter ()

gboolean            (*GstPluginFeatureFilter)           (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         gpointer user_data);

A function that can be used with e.g. gst_registry_feature_filter() to get a list of pluginfeature that match certain criteria.

feature : the pluginfeature to check
user_data : the user_data that has been passed on e.g. gst_registry_feature_filter()
Returns : TRUE for a positive match, FALSE otherwise

enum GstRank

typedef enum {
  GST_RANK_NONE                 = 0,
  GST_RANK_MARGINAL             = 64,
  GST_RANK_SECONDARY            = 128,
  GST_RANK_PRIMARY              = 256
} GstRank;

Element priority ranks. Defines the order in which the autoplugger (or similar rank-picking mechanisms, such as e.g. gst_element_make_from_uri()) will choose this element over an alternative one with the same function.

These constants serve as a rough guidance for defining the rank of a GstPluginFeature. Any value is valid, including values bigger than GST_RANK_PRIMARY.

GST_RANK_NONE will be chosen last or not at all
GST_RANK_MARGINAL unlikly to be chosen
GST_RANK_SECONDARY likely to be chosen
GST_RANK_PRIMARY will be chosen first

gst_plugin_feature_type_name_filter ()

gboolean            gst_plugin_feature_type_name_filter (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         GstTypeNameData *data);

Compares type and name of plugin feature. Can be used with gst_filter_run().

feature : the GstPluginFeature
data : the type and name to check against
Returns : TRUE if equal.

gst_plugin_feature_set_rank ()

void                gst_plugin_feature_set_rank         (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         guint rank);

Specifies a rank for a plugin feature, so that autoplugging uses the most appropriate feature.

feature : feature to rank
rank : rank value - higher number means more priority rank

gst_plugin_feature_set_name ()

void                gst_plugin_feature_set_name         (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         const gchar *name);

Sets the name of a plugin feature. The name uniquely identifies a feature within all features of the same type. Renaming a plugin feature is not allowed. A copy is made of the name so you should free the supplied name after calling this function.

feature : a feature
name : the name to set

gst_plugin_feature_get_rank ()

guint               gst_plugin_feature_get_rank         (GstPluginFeature *feature);

Gets the rank of a plugin feature.

feature : a feature
Returns : The rank of the feature

gst_plugin_feature_get_name ()

const gchar*        gst_plugin_feature_get_name         (GstPluginFeature *feature);

Gets the name of a plugin feature.

feature : a feature
Returns : the name

gst_plugin_feature_load ()

GstPluginFeature*   gst_plugin_feature_load             (GstPluginFeature *feature);

Loads the plugin containing feature if it's not already loaded. feature is unaffected; use the return value instead.

Normally this function is used like this:

GstPluginFeature *loaded_feature;

loaded_feature = gst_plugin_feature_load (feature);
// presumably, we're no longer interested in the potentially-unloaded feature
gst_object_unref (feature);
feature = loaded_feature;

feature : the plugin feature to check
Returns : A reference to the loaded feature, or NULL on error.

gst_plugin_feature_list_free ()

void                gst_plugin_feature_list_free        (GList *list);

Unrefs each member of list, then frees the list.

list : list of GstPluginFeature

gst_plugin_feature_check_version ()

gboolean            gst_plugin_feature_check_version    (GstPluginFeature *feature,
                                                         guint min_major,
                                                         guint min_minor,
                                                         guint min_micro);

Checks whether the given plugin feature is at least the required version

feature : a feature
min_major : minimum required major version
min_minor : minimum required minor version
min_micro : minimum required micro version
Returns : TRUE if the plugin feature has at least the required version, otherwise FALSE.

See Also
