
GstUriHandler — Interface to ease URI handling in plugins.


#include <gst/gst.h>

enum                GstURIType;
#define             GST_URI_TYPE_IS_VALID               (type)
gboolean            gst_uri_protocol_is_valid           (const gchar *protocol);
gboolean            gst_uri_protocol_is_supported       (const GstURIType type,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);
gboolean            gst_uri_is_valid                    (const gchar *uri);
gboolean            gst_uri_has_protocol                (const gchar *uri,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);
gchar*              gst_uri_get_protocol                (const gchar *uri);
gchar*              gst_uri_get_location                (const gchar *uri);
gchar*              gst_uri_construct                   (const gchar *protocol,
                                                         const gchar *location);
GstElement*         gst_element_make_from_uri           (const GstURIType type,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         const gchar *elementname);
guint               gst_uri_handler_get_uri_type        (GstURIHandler *handler);
gchar**             gst_uri_handler_get_protocols       (GstURIHandler *handler);
gchar*              gst_uri_handler_get_uri             (GstURIHandler *handler);
gboolean            gst_uri_handler_set_uri             (GstURIHandler *handler,
                                                         const gchar *uri);
void                gst_uri_handler_new_uri             (GstURIHandler *handler,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Object Hierarchy



  "new-uri"                                        : Run Last


The URIHandler is an interface that is implemented by Source and Sink GstElement to simplify then handling of URI.

An application can use the following functions to quickly get an element that handles the given URI for reading or writing (gst_element_make_from_uri()).

Source and Sink plugins should implement this interface when possible.

Last reviewed on 2005-11-09 (0.9.4)



typedef struct _GstURIHandler GstURIHandler;

Opaque GstURIHandler structure.


typedef struct {
  GTypeInterface	parent;

  /* querying capabilities */
  GstURIType		(* get_type)		(void);
  gchar **		(* get_protocols)	(void);

  /* using the interface */
  G_CONST_RETURN gchar *(* get_uri)		(GstURIHandler * handler);
  gboolean		(* set_uri)		(GstURIHandler * handler,
						 const gchar *	 uri);

  GstURIType		(* get_type_full)	(GType type);
  gchar **		(* get_protocols_full)	(GType type);
} GstURIHandlerInterface;

GstElements using this interface should implement these methods.

GTypeInterface parent; The parent interface type
get_type () Method to tell whether the element handles source or sink URI.
get_protocols () Method to return the list of protocols handled by the element.
get_uri () Method to return the URI currently handled by the element.
set_uri () Method to set a new URI.
get_type_full () Variant of get_type which takes a GType argument. This is for use by bindings that need to pass context when creating a URI Handler. * If implemented, get_type will be used in preference to get_type_full. Since: 0.10.15
get_protocols_full () Variant of get_type which takes a GType argument. This is for use by bindings that need to pass context when creating a URI Handler. If implemented, get_protocols will be used in preference to get_protocols_full. Since: 0.10.15

enum GstURIType

typedef enum {
} GstURIType;

The different types of URI direction.

GST_URI_UNKNOWN The URI direction is unknown
GST_URI_SINK The URI is a consumer.
GST_URI_SRC The URI is a producer.


#define GST_URI_TYPE_IS_VALID(type) ((type) == GST_URI_SRC || (type) == GST_URI_SINK)

Tests if the type direction is valid.

type : A GstURIType

gst_uri_protocol_is_valid ()

gboolean            gst_uri_protocol_is_valid           (const gchar *protocol);

Tests if the given string is a valid protocol identifier. Protocols must consist of alphanumeric characters, '+', '-' and '.' and must start with a alphabetic character. See RFC 3986 Section 3.1.

protocol : A string
Returns : TRUE if the string is a valid protocol identifier, FALSE otherwise.

gst_uri_protocol_is_supported ()

gboolean            gst_uri_protocol_is_supported       (const GstURIType type,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);

Checks if an element exists that supports the given URI protocol. Note that a positive return value does not imply that a subsequent call to gst_element_make_from_uri() is guaranteed to work.

type : Whether to check for a source or a sink
protocol : Protocol that should be checked for (e.g. "http" or "smb")
Returns : TRUE

Since 0.10.13

gst_uri_is_valid ()

gboolean            gst_uri_is_valid                    (const gchar *uri);

Tests if the given string is a valid URI identifier. URIs start with a valid scheme followed by ":" and maybe a string identifying the location.

uri : A URI string
Returns : TRUE if the string is a valid URI

gst_uri_has_protocol ()

gboolean            gst_uri_has_protocol                (const gchar *uri,
                                                         const gchar *protocol);

Checks if the protocol of a given valid URI matches protocol.

uri : an URI string
protocol : a protocol string (e.g. "http")
Returns : TRUE if the protocol matches.

Since 0.10.4

gst_uri_get_protocol ()

gchar*              gst_uri_get_protocol                (const gchar *uri);

Extracts the protocol out of a given valid URI. The returned string must be freed using g_free().

uri : A URI string
Returns : The protocol for this URI.

gst_uri_get_location ()

gchar*              gst_uri_get_location                (const gchar *uri);

Extracts the location out of a given valid URI, ie. the protocol and "://" are stripped from the URI, which means that the location returned includes the hostname if one is specified. The returned string must be freed using g_free().

uri : A URI string
Returns : The location for this URI. Returns NULL if the URI isn't valid. If the URI does not contain a location, an empty string is returned.

gst_uri_construct ()

gchar*              gst_uri_construct                   (const gchar *protocol,
                                                         const gchar *location);

Constructs a URI for a given valid protocol and location.

protocol : Protocol for URI
location : Location for URI
Returns : a new string for this URI. Returns NULL if the given URI protocol is not valid, or the given location is NULL.

gst_element_make_from_uri ()

GstElement*         gst_element_make_from_uri           (const GstURIType type,
                                                         const gchar *uri,
                                                         const gchar *elementname);

Creates an element for handling the given URI.

type : Whether to create a source or a sink
uri : URI to create an element for
elementname : Name of created element, can be NULL.
Returns : a new element or NULL if none could be created

gst_uri_handler_get_uri_type ()

guint               gst_uri_handler_get_uri_type        (GstURIHandler *handler);

Gets the type of the given URI handler

handler : A GstURIHandler.
Returns : the GstURIType of the URI handler. Returns GST_URI_UNKNOWN if the handler isn't implemented correctly.

gst_uri_handler_get_protocols ()

gchar**             gst_uri_handler_get_protocols       (GstURIHandler *handler);

Gets the list of protocols supported by handler. This list may not be modified.

handler : A GstURIHandler.
Returns : the supported protocols. Returns NULL if the handler isn't implemented properly, or the handler doesn't support any protocols.

gst_uri_handler_get_uri ()

gchar*              gst_uri_handler_get_uri             (GstURIHandler *handler);

Gets the currently handled URI.

handler : A GstURIHandler
Returns : the URI currently handled by the handler. Returns NULL if there are no URI currently handled. The returned string must not be modified or freed.

gst_uri_handler_set_uri ()

gboolean            gst_uri_handler_set_uri             (GstURIHandler *handler,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Tries to set the URI of the given handler.

handler : A GstURIHandler
uri : URI to set
Returns : TRUE if the URI was set successfully, else FALSE.

gst_uri_handler_new_uri ()

void                gst_uri_handler_new_uri             (GstURIHandler *handler,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Emits the new-uri signal for a given handler, when that handler has a new URI. This function should only be called by URI handlers themselves.

handler : A GstURIHandler
uri : new URI or NULL if it was unset

Signal Details

The "new-uri" signal

void                user_function                      (GstURIHandler *handler,
                                                        gchar         *uri,
                                                        gpointer       user_data)      : Run Last

The URI of the given handler has changed.

handler : The GstURIHandler which emitted the signal
uri : The new URI, or NULL if the URI was removed
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.