
hildon-dialoghelp — A helper which contains a button in a normal dialog to open a help if required


void        gtk_dialog_help_enable          (GtkDialog *dialog);
void        gtk_dialog_help_disable         (GtkDialog *dialog);


HildonDialoghelp is a helper that provides an API for enabling or disabling a help button in the titlebar area of normal dialogs that are derived from GtkDialog.


gtk_dialog_help_enable ()

void        gtk_dialog_help_enable          (GtkDialog *dialog);

Enables context help button for a given dialog. The signal "help" can be connected to handler by normal GTK methods. Note that this function has to be called before the dialog is shown.

The "help" signal itself has no other parameters than the dialog where it is connected to, ie.: void user_function(GtkDialog *dialog, gpointer user_data);

dialog : The dialog for which help is to be enabled.

gtk_dialog_help_disable ()

void        gtk_dialog_help_disable         (GtkDialog *dialog);

Disables context help button for the given dialog.

dialog : The dialog for which help is to be disabled.