
HildonFindToolbar — A special toolbar to be used with HildonAppView


#define     HILDON_FIND_TOOLBARClass        (klass)
GtkWidget*  hildon_find_toolbar_new         (const gchar *label);
GtkWidget*  hildon_find_toolbar_new_with_model
                                            (const gchar *label,
                                             GtkListStore *model,
                                             gint column);
void        hildon_find_toolbar_highlight_entry
                                            (HildonFindToolbar *ftb,
                                             gboolean get_focus);


HildonFindToolbar is a predefined toolbar for text searching purpose. It contains a GtkListStore which has the text items that the user has searched. But once the application is terminated, or HildonFindToolbar is trashed. Programmer is responsible for getting the GtkListStore through property "list", if he/she wants to use the information in the future. And through the same property, programmer is able to set the GtkListStore. Note, once the search button is pressed, string in the GtkComboxEntry is automatically added to the existing model, unless it is empty.



#define     HILDON_FIND_TOOLBARClass(klass)

klass :


typedef struct _HildonFindToolbarPrivate HildonFindToolbarPrivate;

hildon_find_toolbar_new ()

GtkWidget*  hildon_find_toolbar_new         (const gchar *label);

Returns a new HildonFindToolbar.

Create a HildonFindToolbar without any preset GtkListStore.

label : label for the find_toolbar, NULL to set the label to default "Find"
Returns : a new HildonFindToolbar

hildon_find_toolbar_new_with_model ()

GtkWidget*  hildon_find_toolbar_new_with_model
                                            (const gchar *label,
                                             GtkListStore *model,
                                             gint column);

Returns a new HildonFindToolbar, with a model.

Creat a HildonFindToolbar with a preset GtkListStore.

label : label for the find_toolbar, NULL to set the label to default "Find"
model : a GtkListStore
column : indicating which column the search histry list will retreive string from
Returns : a new HildonFindToolbar

hildon_find_toolbar_highlight_entry ()

void        hildon_find_toolbar_highlight_entry
                                            (HildonFindToolbar *ftb,
                                             gboolean get_focus);

ftb : find Toolbar whose entry is to be highlighted
get_focus : if user passes TRUE to this value, then the text in the entry will not only get highlighted, but also get focused.

See Also
