
OssoABookAvatarCache — A global LRU cache for avatars.


OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_new       (void);
OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_default
OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_for_scale
                                                        (int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         gboolean crop);
OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_for_name
                                                        (const char *name);
void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_set_limit   (OssoABookAvatarCache *self,
                                                         unsigned  limit);
unsigned            osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_limit   (OssoABookAvatarCache *self);
GdkPixbuf*          osso_abook_avatar_cache_lookup      (OssoABookAvatarCache *self,
                                                         OssoABookAvatar *avatar);
void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_add         (OssoABookAvatarCache *self,
                                                         OssoABookAvatar *avatar,
                                                         GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);
void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_clear       (OssoABookAvatarCache *self);
void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_drop_by_name
                                                        (const char *name);

Object Hierarchy



  "cache-limit"              guint                 : Read / Write / Construct


This is a global LRU avatar cache to avoid scaling and loading avatar images over and over again.

The size of the cache is limited by the "cache-limit" property. When adding more pixbufs than permited by this property, the least recently used avatars are removed from the cache.

Avatars also are removed when they get destroyed or when they signal that their avatar image has changed.



typedef struct _OssoABookAvatarCache OssoABookAvatarCache;

osso_abook_avatar_cache_new ()

OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_new       (void);

Creates a new avatar cache.

Returns : A newly allocated OssoABookAvatarCache instance.

osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_default ()

OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_default

Retrieves the default avatar cache.

Returns : The default OssoABookAvatarCache. It is owned by the library and should not be freed.

osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_for_scale ()

OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_for_scale
                                                        (int width,
                                                         int height,
                                                         gboolean crop);

Retrieves the shared avatar cache for the given image scale. Consult osso_abook_avatar_get_image_scaled() for more information about arguments.

width : image width
height : image height
crop : image cropping mode
Returns : The shared OssoABookAvatarCache for this scale. It is owned by the library and should not be freed.

osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_for_name ()

OssoABookAvatarCache* osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_for_name
                                                        (const char *name);

Retrieves the shared avatar cache for a given name.

name : the cache id
Returns : The shared OssoABookAvatarCache for this name. It is owned by the library and should not be freed.

osso_abook_avatar_cache_set_limit ()

void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_set_limit   (OssoABookAvatarCache *self,
                                                         unsigned  limit);

Updates the "cache-limit" property.

cache : the OssoABookAvatarCache
limit : new maximum number of pixbufs to cache

osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_limit ()

unsigned            osso_abook_avatar_cache_get_limit   (OssoABookAvatarCache *self);

Retrieves the current maximum number of pixbufs to cache

cache : the OssoABookAvatarCache
Returns : The current value of the "cache-limit" property.

osso_abook_avatar_cache_lookup ()

GdkPixbuf*          osso_abook_avatar_cache_lookup      (OssoABookAvatarCache *self,
                                                         OssoABookAvatar *avatar);

Retrieves the avatar image for this avatar when possible.

cache : the OssoABookAvatarCache
avatar : the OssoABookAvatar for which to find a pixbuf
Returns : The avatar image for this avatar, or NULL when the avatar is not know to this cache yet. The returned GdkPixbuf is owned by the cache and should not be freed.

osso_abook_avatar_cache_add ()

void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_add         (OssoABookAvatarCache *self,
                                                         OssoABookAvatar *avatar,
                                                         GdkPixbuf *pixbuf);

Updates the current image for the avatar. The pixbuf is removed from the cache when avatar image changes.

cache : the OssoABookAvatarCache
avatar : the OssoABookAvatar for which to update the pixbuf
pixbuf : the new GdkPixbuf

osso_abook_avatar_cache_clear ()

void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_clear       (OssoABookAvatarCache *self);

Entirely cleans the cache.

cache : the OssoABookAvatarCache

osso_abook_avatar_cache_drop_by_name ()

void                osso_abook_avatar_cache_drop_by_name
                                                        (const char *name);

Entirely cleans the named OssoABookAvatarCache and removes it from the shared avatar cache table. If there are no other references on this cache, the cache is destroyed.

name : the cache name

Property Details

The "cache-limit" property

  "cache-limit"              guint                 : Read / Write / Construct

The maximum number of pixbufs to cache. When adding more pixbufs than permited by this property, the least recently used avatars are removed from the cache.

Default value: 100