
HildonWeekdayPicker — A widget for picking days on which a certain event should take place.


GtkWidget*          hildon_weekday_picker_new           (void);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_day       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day    (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_all       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);
gboolean            hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonWeekdayPicker implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "selection-changed"                              : Run Last / Action


HildonWeekdayPicker supports non-mutually exclusive selection of days of the week. Selected days of the week are shown with a pushed-in effect.

HildonWeekdayPicker is used where users are required to pick days on which a certain event should take place, for example, which days a Calendar event should be repeated on. It is used in Calendar in the Repeat dialog, in Tasks in the Repeat dialog and in the Email set-up wizard.

Example 11. HildonWeekdayPicker example

gint i;
HildonWeekdayPicker *picker = hildon_weekday_picker_new ();

hildon_weekday_picker_set_day (picker, i);
hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day (picker, i);
hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day (picker, i);
hildon_weekday_picker_set_all (picker);

hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all( picker );



typedef struct _HildonWeekdayPicker HildonWeekdayPicker;


HildonWeekdayPicker is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

hildon_weekday_picker_new ()

GtkWidget*          hildon_weekday_picker_new           (void);


hildon_weekday_picker_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Creates a new HildonWeekdayPicker.

Returns : pointer to a new HildonWeekdayPicker widget.

hildon_weekday_picker_set_day ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_day       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_set_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets specified weekday active.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be set active

hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Unselect specified weekday.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be set inactive

hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day    (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Toggles current status of the specified weekday.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be toggled

hildon_weekday_picker_set_all ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_all       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);


hildon_weekday_picker_set_all is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets all weekdays active.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget

hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);


hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets all weekdays inactive.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget

hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day ()

gboolean            hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Checks if the specified weekday is set active.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be checked.
Returns : TRUE if the day is set, FALSE if the day is not set

Signal Details

The "selection-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (HildonWeekdayPicker *hildonweekdaypicker,
                                                        gint                 arg1,
                                                        gpointer             user_data)                : Run Last / Action

hildonweekdaypicker : the object which received the signal.
arg1 :
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

See Also
