
HildonAppMenu — Widget representing the application menu in the Hildon framework.


GtkWidget*          hildon_app_menu_new                 (void);
void                hildon_app_menu_append              (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item);
void                hildon_app_menu_prepend             (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item);
void                hildon_app_menu_insert              (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item,
                                                         gint position);
void                hildon_app_menu_reorder_child       (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item,
                                                         gint position);
void                hildon_app_menu_add_filter          (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *filter);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonAppMenu implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.

Style Properties

  "external-border"          guint                 : Read
  "horizontal-spacing"       guint                 : Read
  "inner-border"             guint                 : Read
  "vertical-spacing"         guint                 : Read


The HildonAppMenu is a GTK widget which represents an application menu in the Hildon framework.

This menu opens from the top of the screen and contains a number of entries (GtkButton) organized in one or two columns, depending on the size of the screen (the number of columns changes automatically if the screen is resized). Entries are added left to right and top to bottom.

Besides that, the HildonAppMenu can contain a group of filter buttons (GtkToggleButton or GtkRadioButton).

To use a HildonAppMenu, add it to a HildonStackableWindow using hildon_stackable_window_set_main_menu(). The menu will appear when the user presses the window title bar. Alternatively, you can show it by hand using gtk_widget_show().

The menu will be automatically hidden when one of its buttons is clicked. Use g_signal_connect_after() when connecting callbacks to buttons to make sure that they're called after the menu disappears. Alternatively, you can add the button to the menu before connecting any callback.

Although implemented with a GtkWindow, HildonAppMenu behaves like a normal ref-counted widget, so g_object_ref(), g_object_unref(), g_object_ref_sink() and friends will behave just like with any other non-toplevel widget.

Example 13. Creating a HildonAppMenu

HildonStackableWindow *win;
HildonAppMenu *menu;
GtkWidget *button;
GtkWidget *filter;

win = HILDON_STACKABLE_WINDOW (hildon_stackable_window_new ());
menu = HILDON_APP_MENU (hildon_app_menu_new ());

// Create a button and add it to the menu
button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Menu command one");
g_signal_connect_after (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (button_one_clicked), userdata);
hildon_app_menu_append (menu, GTK_BUTTON (button));

// Another button
button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Menu command two");
g_signal_connect_after (button, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (button_two_clicked), userdata);
hildon_app_menu_append (menu, GTK_BUTTON (button));

// Create a filter and add it to the menu
filter = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label (NULL, "Filter one");
gtk_toggle_button_set_mode (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (filter), FALSE);
g_signal_connect_after (filter, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (filter_one_clicked), userdata);
hildon_app_menu_add_filter (menu, GTK_BUTTON (filter));

// Add a new filter
filter = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label_from_widget (GTK_RADIO_BUTTON (filter), "Filter two");
gtk_toggle_button_set_mode (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (filter), FALSE);
g_signal_connect_after (filter, "clicked", G_CALLBACK (filter_two_clicked), userdata);
hildon_app_menu_add_filter (menu, GTK_BUTTON (filter));

// Add the menu to the window
hildon_stackable_window_set_main_menu (win, menu);



typedef struct _HildonAppMenuPrivate HildonAppMenuPrivate;


typedef struct _HildonAppMenu HildonAppMenu;

hildon_app_menu_new ()

GtkWidget*          hildon_app_menu_new                 (void);

Creates a new HildonAppMenu.

Returns : A HildonAppMenu.

hildon_app_menu_append ()

void                hildon_app_menu_append              (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item);

Adds item to the end of the menu's item list.

menu : A HildonAppMenu
item : A GtkButton to add to the HildonAppMenu

hildon_app_menu_prepend ()

void                hildon_app_menu_prepend             (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item);

Adds item to the beginning of the menu's item list.

menu : A HildonAppMenu
item : A GtkButton to add to the HildonAppMenu

hildon_app_menu_insert ()

void                hildon_app_menu_insert              (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item,
                                                         gint position);

Adds item to menu at the position indicated by position.

menu : A HildonAppMenu
item : A GtkButton to add to the HildonAppMenu
position : The position in the item list where item is added (from 0 to n-1).

hildon_app_menu_reorder_child ()

void                hildon_app_menu_reorder_child       (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *item,
                                                         gint position);

Moves a GtkButton to a new position within HildonAppMenu.

menu : A HildonAppMenu
item : A GtkButton to move
position : The new position to place item (from 0 to n-1).

hildon_app_menu_add_filter ()

void                hildon_app_menu_add_filter          (HildonAppMenu *menu,
                                                         GtkButton *filter);

Adds the filter to menu.

menu : A HildonAppMenu
filter : A GtkButton to add to the HildonAppMenu.

Style Property Details

The "external-border" style property

  "external-border"          guint                 : Read

Border between the right and left edges of the menu and the screen edges.

Default value: 40

The "horizontal-spacing" style property

  "horizontal-spacing"       guint                 : Read

Horizontal spacing between each menu item. Does not apply to filter buttons.

Default value: 16

The "inner-border" style property

  "inner-border"             guint                 : Read

Border between menu edges and buttons.

Default value: 16

The "vertical-spacing" style property

  "vertical-spacing"         guint                 : Read

Vertical spacing between each menu item. Does not apply to filter buttons.

Default value: 16