
TpHandleRepoIface — abstract interface for handle allocation


#include <telepathy-glib/handle-repo.h>

gboolean            tp_handle_is_valid                  (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            tp_handles_are_valid                (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         gboolean allow_zero,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            tp_handles_supported_and_valid      (TpHandleRepoIface *repos[NUM_TP_HANDLE_TYPES],
                                                         TpHandleType handle_type,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         gboolean allow_zero,
                                                         GError **error);
void                tp_handle_ref                       (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle);
void                tp_handles_ref                      (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const GArray *handles);
void                tp_handle_unref                     (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle);
void                tp_handles_unref                    (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const GArray *handles);
gboolean            tp_handle_client_hold               (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            tp_handles_client_hold              (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            tp_handle_client_release            (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            tp_handles_client_release           (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         GError **error);
const char*         tp_handle_inspect                   (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle);
void                tp_handle_set_qdata                 (TpHandleRepoIface *repo,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GQuark key_id,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);
gpointer            tp_handle_get_qdata                 (TpHandleRepoIface *repo,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GQuark key_id);
TpHandle            tp_handle_ensure                    (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *id,
                                                         gpointer context,
                                                         GError **error);
TpHandle            tp_handle_lookup                    (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *id,
                                                         gpointer context,
                                                         GError **error);

void                (*TpHandleSetMemberFunc)            (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         gpointer userdata);
TpHandleSet*        tp_handle_set_new                   (TpHandleRepoIface *repo);
void                tp_handle_set_destroy               (TpHandleSet *set);
TpIntSet*           tp_handle_set_peek                  (TpHandleSet *set);
void                tp_handle_set_add                   (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle);
gboolean            tp_handle_set_remove                (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle);
gboolean            tp_handle_set_is_member             (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle);
void                tp_handle_set_foreach               (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandleSetMemberFunc func,
                                                         gpointer userdata);
int                 tp_handle_set_size                  (TpHandleSet *set);
GArray*             tp_handle_set_to_array              (TpHandleSet *set);
TpIntSet*           tp_handle_set_update                (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         const TpIntSet *add);
TpIntSet*           tp_handle_set_difference_update     (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         const TpIntSet *remove);

Object Hierarchy


Known Implementations

TpHandleRepoIface is implemented by TpDynamicHandleRepo and TpStaticHandleRepo.


  "handle-type"              guint                 : Read / Write / Construct Only


Abstract interface of a repository for handles, supporting operations which include checking for validity, reference counting, lookup by string value and lookup by numeric value. See TpDynamicHandleRepo and TpStaticHandleRepo for concrete implementations.



typedef struct _TpHandleRepoIface TpHandleRepoIface;

Dummy typedef representing any implementation of this interface.


typedef struct _TpHandleRepoIfaceClass TpHandleRepoIfaceClass;

The class of a handle repository interface. The structure layout is only available within telepathy-glib, for the handle repository implementations' benefit.

tp_handle_is_valid ()

gboolean            tp_handle_is_valid                  (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GError **error);

self : A handle repository implementation
handle : A handle of the type stored in the repository self
error : Set to InvalidHandle if FALSE is returned
Returns : TRUE if the handle is nonzero and is present in the repository, else FALSE

tp_handles_are_valid ()

gboolean            tp_handles_are_valid                (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         gboolean allow_zero,
                                                         GError **error);

self : A handle repository implementation
handles : Array of TpHandle representing handles of the type stored in the repository self
allow_zero : If TRUE, zero is treated like a valid handle
error : Set to InvalidHandle if FALSE is returned
Returns : TRUE if the handle is present in the repository, else FALSE

tp_handles_supported_and_valid ()

gboolean            tp_handles_supported_and_valid      (TpHandleRepoIface *repos[NUM_TP_HANDLE_TYPES],
                                                         TpHandleType handle_type,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         gboolean allow_zero,
                                                         GError **error);

Return TRUE if the given handle type is supported (i.e. repos[handle_type] is not NULL) and the given handles are all valid in that repository. If not, set error and return FALSE.

repos : An array of possibly null pointers to handle repositories, indexed by handle type, where a null pointer means an unsupported handle type
handle_type : The handle type
handles : A GArray of guint representing handles of the given type
allow_zero : If TRUE, zero is treated like a valid handle
error : Used to return an error if FALSE is returned
Returns : TRUE if the handle type is supported and the handles are all valid.

tp_handle_ref ()

void                tp_handle_ref                       (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle);

Increase the reference count of the given handle, which must be present in the repository. For repository implementations which never free handles (like TpStaticHandleRepo) this has no effect.

self : A handle repository implementation
handle : A handle of the type stored in the repository

tp_handles_ref ()

void                tp_handles_ref                      (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const GArray *handles);

Increase the reference count of the given handles. If a handle appears multiple times in handles it will be referenced that many times. If any zero entries appear in handles they will be ignored without error; it is an error for any other invalid handle to appear in handles.

self : A handle repository implementation
handles : A GArray of TpHandle representing handles

tp_handle_unref ()

void                tp_handle_unref                     (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle);

Decrease the reference count of the given handle. If it reaches zero, delete the handle. It is an error to attempt to unref a handle which is not present in the repository.

For repository implementations which never free handles (like TpStaticHandleRepo) this has no effect.

self : A handle repository implementation
handle : A handle of the type stored in the repository

tp_handles_unref ()

void                tp_handles_unref                    (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const GArray *handles);

Decrease the reference count of the given handles. If a handle appears multiple times in handles it will be dereferenced that many times. If any zero entries appear in handles they will be ignored without error; it is an error for any other invalid handle to appear in handles.

self : A handle repository implementation
handles : A GArray of TpHandle representing handles

tp_handle_client_hold ()

gboolean            tp_handle_client_hold               (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GError **error);

Hold the given handle on behalf of the named client. If the client leaves the bus, the reference is automatically discarded.

Handles held multiple times are the same as handles held once: the client either holds a handle or it doesn't. In particular, if you call tp_handle_client_hold() multiple times, then call tp_handle_client_release() just once, the client no longer holds the handle.

It is an error for handle not to be present in the repository.

self : A handle repository implementation
client : The unique bus name of a D-Bus peer
handle : A handle of the type stored in the repository
error : Set if FALSE is returned
Returns : TRUE if the client name is valid; else FALSE with error set.

tp_handles_client_hold ()

gboolean            tp_handles_client_hold              (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         GError **error);

Hold the given handles on behalf of the named client. If the client leaves the bus, the reference is automatically discarded.

If any of the handles are zero they will be ignored without error. It is an error for any other invalid handle to be in handles: the caller is expected to have validated them first, e.g. using tp_handles_are_valid().

Handles appearing multiple times are the same as handles appearing once: the client either holds a handle or it doesn't.

If FALSE is returned, the reference counts of all handles are unaffected (the function either fails completely or succeeds completely).

self : A handle repository implementation
client : The D-Bus unique name of a client
handles : A GArray of TpHandle representing handles
error : Used to return an error if FALSE is returned
Returns : TRUE if the client name is valid; else FALSE with error set.

tp_handle_client_release ()

gboolean            tp_handle_client_release            (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GError **error);

If the named client holds the given handle, release it. If this causes the reference count to become zero, delete the handle.

For repository implementations which never free handles (like TpStaticHandleRepo) this has no effect.

self : A handle repository implementation
client : The unique bus name of a D-Bus peer
handle : A handle of the type stored in the repository
error : Set if FALSE is returned
Returns : TRUE if the client name is valid and the client previously held a reference to the handle, else FALSE.

tp_handles_client_release ()

gboolean            tp_handles_client_release           (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *client,
                                                         const GArray *handles,
                                                         GError **error);

Releases a reference to the given handles on behalf of the named client.

If any of the handles are zero they will be ignored without error. It is an error for any other invalid handle to be in handles: the caller is expected to have validated them first, e.g. using tp_handles_are_valid().

If FALSE is returned, the reference counts of all handles are unaffected (the function either fails completely or succeeds completely).

self : A handle repository implementation
client : The D-Bus unique name of a client
handles : A GArray of TpHandle representing handles
error : Used to return an error if FALSE is returned
Returns : TRUE if the client name is valid and the client previously held a reference to all the handles, else FALSE.

tp_handle_inspect ()

const char*         tp_handle_inspect                   (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         TpHandle handle);

self : A handle repository implementation
handle : A handle of the type stored in the repository
Returns : the string represented by the given handle, or NULL if the handle is absent from the repository. The string is owned by the handle repository and will remain valid as long as a reference to the handle exists.

tp_handle_set_qdata ()

void                tp_handle_set_qdata                 (TpHandleRepoIface *repo,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GQuark key_id,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);

Associates a blob of data with a given handle and a given key

If destroy is set, then the data is freed when the handle is freed.

repo : A handle repository implementation
handle : A handle to set data on
key_id : Key id to associate data with
data : data to associate with handle
destroy : A GDestroyNotify to call to destroy the data, or NULL if not needed.

tp_handle_get_qdata ()

gpointer            tp_handle_get_qdata                 (TpHandleRepoIface *repo,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         GQuark key_id);

repo : A handle repository implementation
handle : A handle to get data from
key_id : Key id of data to fetch
Returns : the data associated with a given key on a given handle; NULL if there is no associated data.

tp_handle_ensure ()

TpHandle            tp_handle_ensure                    (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *id,
                                                         gpointer context,
                                                         GError **error);

Return a new reference to the handle for the given string. The handle is normalized, if possible. If no such handle exists it will be created.

self : A handle repository implementation
id : A string whose handle is required
context : User data to be passed to the normalization callback
error : Used to return an error if 0 is returned
Returns : the handle corresponding to the given string, or 0 if it is invalid.

tp_handle_lookup ()

TpHandle            tp_handle_lookup                    (TpHandleRepoIface *self,
                                                         const gchar *id,
                                                         gpointer context,
                                                         GError **error);

Return the handle for the given string, without incrementing its reference count. The handle is normalized if possible.

self : A handle repository implementation
id : A string whose handle is required
context : User data to be passed to the normalization callback
error : Used to raise an error if the handle does not exist or is invalid
Returns : the handle corresponding to the given string, or 0 if it does not exist or is invalid


typedef struct _TpHandleSet TpHandleSet;

A set of handles. This is similar to a TpIntSet (and implemented using one), but adding a handle to the set also references it.

TpHandleSetMemberFunc ()

void                (*TpHandleSetMemberFunc)            (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle,
                                                         gpointer userdata);

Signature of the callback used to iterate over the handle set in tp_handle_set_foreach().

set : The set of handles on which tp_handle_set_foreach() was called
handle : A handle in the set
userdata : Arbitrary user data as supplied to tp_handle_set_foreach()

tp_handle_set_new ()

TpHandleSet*        tp_handle_set_new                   (TpHandleRepoIface *repo);

Creates a new TpHandleSet

repo : TpHandleRepo that holds the handles to be reffed by this set
Returns : A new TpHandleSet

tp_handle_set_destroy ()

void                tp_handle_set_destroy               (TpHandleSet *set);

Delete a TpHandleSet and unreference any handles that it holds

set : TpHandleSet to destroy

tp_handle_set_peek ()

TpIntSet*           tp_handle_set_peek                  (TpHandleSet *set);

set : TpHandleSet to peek at
Returns : the underlying TpIntSet used by this TpHandleSet

tp_handle_set_add ()

void                tp_handle_set_add                   (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle);

Add a handle to a TpHandleSet,and reference it in the attched TpHandleRepo

set : TpHandleSet to add this handle to
handle : handle to add

tp_handle_set_remove ()

gboolean            tp_handle_set_remove                (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle);

Remove a handle to a TpHandleSet,and unreference it in the attched TpHandleRepo

set : TpHandleSet to remove this handle from
handle : handle to remove
Returns : FALSE if the handle was invalid, or was not in this set

tp_handle_set_is_member ()

gboolean            tp_handle_set_is_member             (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandle handle);

Check if the handle is in this set

set : A TpHandleSet
handle : handle to check
Returns : TRUE if the handle is in this set

tp_handle_set_foreach ()

void                tp_handle_set_foreach               (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         TpHandleSetMemberFunc func,
                                                         gpointer userdata);

Call func(set, handle, userdata) for each handle in set.

set : A set of handles
func : A callback
userdata : Arbitrary data to pass to func

tp_handle_set_size ()

int                 tp_handle_set_size                  (TpHandleSet *set);

set : A set of handles
Returns : the number of handles in this set

tp_handle_set_to_array ()

GArray*             tp_handle_set_to_array              (TpHandleSet *set);

set : A handle set
Returns : a newly-allocated GArray of guint representing the handles in the set

tp_handle_set_update ()

TpIntSet*           tp_handle_set_update                (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         const TpIntSet *add);

Add a set of handles to a handle set, referencing those which are not already members. The TpIntSet returned must be freed with tp_intset_destroy.

set : a TpHandleSet to update
add : a TpIntSet of handles to add
Returns : the handles which were added (some subset of add)

tp_handle_set_difference_update ()

TpIntSet*           tp_handle_set_difference_update     (TpHandleSet *set,
                                                         const TpIntSet *remove);

Remove a set of handles from a handle set, dereferencing those which are members. The TpIntSet returned must be freed with tp_intset_destroy.

If you want to be able to inspect the handles in the set returned, you must ensure that this function does not cause their refcount to drop to zero, for instance by temporarily taking a reference to all the handles in remove, calling this function, doing something with the result and discarding the temporary references.

set : a TpHandleSet to update
remove : a TpIntSet of handles to remove
Returns : the handles which were dereferenced and removed (some subset of remove).

Property Details

The "handle-type" property

  "handle-type"              guint                 : Read / Write / Construct Only

The TpHandleType held in this handle repository.

Default value: 0

See Also

TpDynamicHandleRepo, TpStaticHandleRepo