
GstQuery — Dynamically register new query types. Provide functions to create queries, and to set and parse values in them.


#include <gst/gst.h>

enum                GstQueryType;
#define             GST_QUERY_TYPE_NAME                 (query)
const gchar*        gst_query_type_get_name             (GstQueryType query);
GQuark              gst_query_type_to_quark             (GstQueryType query);
GstQueryType        gst_query_type_register             (const gchar *nick,
                                                         const gchar *description);
GstQueryType        gst_query_type_get_by_nick          (const gchar *nick);
gboolean            gst_query_types_contains            (const GstQueryType *types,
                                                         GstQueryType type);
const GstQueryTypeDefinition* gst_query_type_get_details
                                                        (GstQueryType type);
GstIterator*        gst_query_type_iterate_definitions  (void);
GstQuery*           gst_query_ref                       (GstQuery *q);
void                gst_query_unref                     (GstQuery *q);
GstQuery*           gst_query_copy                      (const GstQuery *q);
#define             gst_query_make_writable             (q)
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_application           (GstQueryType type,
                                                         GstStructure *structure);
GstStructure*       gst_query_get_structure             (GstQuery *query);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_convert               (GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format);
void                gst_query_set_convert               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 src_value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format,
                                                         gint64 dest_value);
void                gst_query_parse_convert             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *src_format,
                                                         gint64 *src_value,
                                                         GstFormat *dest_format,
                                                         gint64 *dest_value);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_position              (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_position              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 cur);
void                gst_query_parse_position            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *cur);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_duration              (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_duration              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 duration);
void                gst_query_parse_duration            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *duration);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_latency               (void);
void                gst_query_parse_latency             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *live,
                                                         GstClockTime *min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime *max_latency);
void                gst_query_set_latency               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean live,
                                                         GstClockTime min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime max_latency);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_seeking               (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_seeking               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gboolean seekable,
                                                         gint64 segment_start,
                                                         gint64 segment_end);
void                gst_query_parse_seeking             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gboolean *seekable,
                                                         gint64 *segment_start,
                                                         gint64 *segment_end);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_formats               (void);
void                gst_query_set_formats               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,
void                gst_query_set_formatsv              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,
                                                         GstFormat *formats);
void                gst_query_parse_formats_length      (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint *n_formats);
void                gst_query_parse_formats_nth         (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint nth,
                                                         GstFormat *format);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_segment               (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_segment               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble rate,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start_value,
                                                         gint64 stop_value);
void                gst_query_parse_segment             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble *rate,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start_value,
                                                         gint64 *stop_value);
enum                GstBufferingMode;
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_buffering             (GstFormat format);
void                gst_query_set_buffering_percent     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean busy,
                                                         gint percent);
void                gst_query_parse_buffering_percent   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *busy,
                                                         gint *percent);
void                gst_query_set_buffering_stats       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode mode,
                                                         gint avg_in,
                                                         gint avg_out,
                                                         gint64 buffering_left);
void                gst_query_parse_buffering_stats     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode *mode,
                                                         gint *avg_in,
                                                         gint *avg_out,
                                                         gint64 *buffering_left);
void                gst_query_set_buffering_range       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 stop,
                                                         gint64 estimated_total);
void                gst_query_parse_buffering_range     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start,
                                                         gint64 *stop,
                                                         gint64 *estimated_total);
GstQuery*           gst_query_new_uri                   (void);
void                gst_query_parse_uri                 (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gchar **uri);
void                gst_query_set_uri                   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *uri);


GstQuery functions are used to register a new query types to the gstreamer core. Query types can be used to perform queries on pads and elements.

Queries can be created using the gst_query_new_xxx() functions. Query values can be set using gst_query_set_xxx(), and parsed using gst_query_parse_xxx() helpers.

The following example shows how to query the duration of a pipeline:

Example 13. Query duration on a pipeline

 GstQuery *query;
 gboolean res;
 query = gst_query_new_duration (GST_FORMAT_TIME);
 res = gst_element_query (pipeline, query);
 if (res) {
   gint64 duration;
   gst_query_parse_duration (query, NULL, &duration);
   g_print ("duration = %"GST_TIME_FORMAT, GST_TIME_ARGS (duration));
 else {
   g_print ("duration query failed...");
 gst_query_unref (query);

Last reviewed on 2006-02-14 (0.10.4)



typedef struct {
  GstMiniObject mini_object;

  GstQueryType type;

  GstStructure *structure;
} GstQuery;

The GstQuery structure.

GstMiniObject mini_object; The parent GstMiniObject type
GstQueryType type; the GstQueryType
GstStructure *structure; the GstStructure containing the query details.

enum GstQueryType

typedef enum {
  GST_QUERY_JITTER, 	/* not in draft-query, necessary? */
} GstQueryType;

Standard predefined Query types

GST_QUERY_NONE invalid query type
GST_QUERY_POSITION current position in stream
GST_QUERY_DURATION total duration of the stream
GST_QUERY_LATENCY latency of stream
GST_QUERY_JITTER current jitter of stream
GST_QUERY_RATE current rate of the stream
GST_QUERY_SEEKING seeking capabilities
GST_QUERY_SEGMENT segment start/stop positions
GST_QUERY_CONVERT convert values between formats
GST_QUERY_FORMATS query supported formats for convert
GST_QUERY_BUFFERING query available media for efficient seeking. Since 0.10.20.
GST_QUERY_CUSTOM a custom application or element defined query. Since 0.10.22.
GST_QUERY_URI query the URI of the source or sink. Since 0.10.22.


#define GST_QUERY_TYPE_NAME(query) (gst_query_type_get_name(GST_QUERY_TYPE(query)))

Get a constant string representation of the GstQueryType of the query.

query : the query to query

Since 0.10.4


typedef struct {
  GstQueryType   value;
  gchar  	*nick;
  gchar  	*description;
  GQuark         quark;
} GstQueryTypeDefinition;

A Query Type definition

GstQueryType value; the unique id of the Query type
gchar *nick; a short nick
gchar *description; a longer description of the query type
GQuark quark; the quark for the nick

gst_query_type_get_name ()

const gchar*        gst_query_type_get_name             (GstQueryType query);

Get a printable name for the given query type. Do not modify or free.

query : the query type
Returns : a reference to the static name of the query.

gst_query_type_to_quark ()

GQuark              gst_query_type_to_quark             (GstQueryType query);

Get the unique quark for the given query type.

query : the query type
Returns : the quark associated with the query type

gst_query_type_register ()

GstQueryType        gst_query_type_register             (const gchar *nick,
                                                         const gchar *description);

Create a new GstQueryType based on the nick or return an already registered query with that nick

nick : The nick of the new query
description : The description of the new query
Returns : A new GstQueryType or an already registered query with the same nick.

gst_query_type_get_by_nick ()

GstQueryType        gst_query_type_get_by_nick          (const gchar *nick);

Get the query type registered with nick.

nick : The nick of the query
Returns : The query registered with nick or GST_QUERY_NONE if the query was not registered.

gst_query_types_contains ()

gboolean            gst_query_types_contains            (const GstQueryType *types,
                                                         GstQueryType type);

See if the given GstQueryType is inside the types query types array.

types : The query array to search
type : the GstQueryType to find
Returns : TRUE if the type is found inside the array

gst_query_type_get_details ()

const GstQueryTypeDefinition* gst_query_type_get_details
                                                        (GstQueryType type);

Get details about the given GstQueryType.

type : a GstQueryType
Returns : The GstQueryTypeDefinition for type or NULL on failure.

gst_query_type_iterate_definitions ()

GstIterator*        gst_query_type_iterate_definitions  (void);

Get a GstIterator of all the registered query types. The definitions iterated over are read only.

gst_query_ref ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_ref                       (GstQuery *q);

Increases the refcount of the given query by one.

q : a GstQuery to increase the refcount of.
Returns : q

gst_query_unref ()

void                gst_query_unref                     (GstQuery *q);

Decreases the refcount of the query. If the refcount reaches 0, the query will be freed.

q : a GstQuery to decrease the refcount of.

gst_query_copy ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_copy                      (const GstQuery *q);

Copies the given query using the copy function of the parent GstData structure.

q : a GstQuery to copy.
Returns : a new copy of q.


#define         gst_query_make_writable(q)	GST_QUERY (gst_mini_object_make_writable (GST_MINI_OBJECT (q)))

Makes a writable query from the given query.

q : a GstQuery to make writable

gst_query_new_application ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_application           (GstQueryType type,
                                                         GstStructure *structure);

Constructs a new custom application query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it.

type : the query type
structure : a structure for the query
Returns : a GstQuery

gst_query_get_structure ()

GstStructure*       gst_query_get_structure             (GstQuery *query);

Get the structure of a query.

query : a GstQuery
Returns : The GstStructure of the query. The structure is still owned by the query and will therefore be freed when the query is unreffed.

gst_query_new_convert ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_convert               (GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format);

Constructs a new convert query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A convert query is used to ask for a conversion between one format and another.

src_format : the source GstFormat for the new query
value : the value to convert
dest_format : the target GstFormat
Returns : A GstQuery

gst_query_set_convert ()

void                gst_query_set_convert               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat src_format,
                                                         gint64 src_value,
                                                         GstFormat dest_format,
                                                         gint64 dest_value);

Answer a convert query by setting the requested values.

query : a GstQuery
src_format : the source GstFormat
src_value : the source value
dest_format : the destination GstFormat
dest_value : the destination value

gst_query_parse_convert ()

void                gst_query_parse_convert             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *src_format,
                                                         gint64 *src_value,
                                                         GstFormat *dest_format,
                                                         gint64 *dest_value);

Parse a convert query answer. Any of src_format, src_value, dest_format, and dest_value may be NULL, in which case that value is omitted.

query : a GstQuery
src_format : the storage for the GstFormat of the source value, or NULL
src_value : the storage for the source value, or NULL
dest_format : the storage for the GstFormat of the destination value, or NULL
dest_value : the storage for the destination value, or NULL

gst_query_new_position ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_position              (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new query stream position query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A position query is used to query the current position of playback in the streams, in some format.

format : the default GstFormat for the new query
Returns : A GstQuery

gst_query_set_position ()

void                gst_query_set_position              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 cur);

Answer a position query by setting the requested value in the given format.

query : a GstQuery with query type GST_QUERY_POSITION
format : the requested GstFormat
cur : the position to set

gst_query_parse_position ()

void                gst_query_parse_position            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *cur);

Parse a position query, writing the format into format, and the position into cur, if the respective parameters are non-NULL.

query : a GstQuery
format : the storage for the GstFormat of the position values (may be NULL)
cur : the storage for the current position (may be NULL)

gst_query_new_duration ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_duration              (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new stream duration query object to query in the given format. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A duration query will give the total length of the stream.

format : the GstFormat for this duration query
Returns : A GstQuery

gst_query_set_duration ()

void                gst_query_set_duration              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 duration);

Answer a duration query by setting the requested value in the given format.

query : a GstQuery
format : the GstFormat for the duration
duration : the duration of the stream

gst_query_parse_duration ()

void                gst_query_parse_duration            (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *duration);

Parse a duration query answer. Write the format of the duration into format, and the value into duration, if the respective variables are non-NULL.

query : a GstQuery
format : the storage for the GstFormat of the duration value, or NULL.
duration : the storage for the total duration, or NULL.

gst_query_new_latency ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_latency               (void);

Constructs a new latency query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A latency query is usually performed by sinks to compensate for additional latency introduced by elements in the pipeline.

Returns : A GstQuery

Since 0.10.12

gst_query_parse_latency ()

void                gst_query_parse_latency             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *live,
                                                         GstClockTime *min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime *max_latency);

Parse a latency query answer.

query : a GstQuery
live : storage for live or NULL
min_latency : the storage for the min latency or NULL
max_latency : the storage for the max latency or NULL

Since 0.10.12

gst_query_set_latency ()

void                gst_query_set_latency               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean live,
                                                         GstClockTime min_latency,
                                                         GstClockTime max_latency);

Answer a latency query by setting the requested values in the given format.

query : a GstQuery
live : if there is a live element upstream
min_latency : the minimal latency of the live element
max_latency : the maximal latency of the live element

Since 0.10.12

gst_query_new_seeking ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_seeking               (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new query object for querying seeking properties of the stream.

format : the default GstFormat for the new query
Returns : A GstQuery

gst_query_set_seeking ()

void                gst_query_set_seeking               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gboolean seekable,
                                                         gint64 segment_start,
                                                         gint64 segment_end);

Set the seeking query result fields in query.

query : a GstQuery
format : the format to set for the segment_start and segment_end values
seekable : the seekable flag to set
segment_start : the segment_start to set
segment_end : the segment_end to set

gst_query_parse_seeking ()

void                gst_query_parse_seeking             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gboolean *seekable,
                                                         gint64 *segment_start,
                                                         gint64 *segment_end);

Parse a seeking query, writing the format into format, and other results into the passed parameters, if the respective parameters are non-NULL

query : a GST_QUERY_SEEKING type query GstQuery
format : the format to set for the segment_start and segment_end values
seekable : the seekable flag to set
segment_start : the segment_start to set
segment_end : the segment_end to set

gst_query_new_formats ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_formats               (void);

Constructs a new query object for querying formats of the stream.

Returns : A GstQuery

Since 0.10.4

gst_query_set_formats ()

void                gst_query_set_formats               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,

Set the formats query result fields in query. The number of formats passed must be equal to n_formats.

query : a GstQuery
n_formats : the number of formats to set.
... : A number of GstFormats equal to n_formats.

gst_query_set_formatsv ()

void                gst_query_set_formatsv              (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gint n_formats,
                                                         GstFormat *formats);

Set the formats query result fields in query. The number of formats passed in the formats array must be equal to n_formats.

query : a GstQuery
n_formats : the number of formats to set.
formats : An array containing n_formats GstFormat values.

Since 0.10.4

gst_query_parse_formats_length ()

void                gst_query_parse_formats_length      (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint *n_formats);

Parse the number of formats in the formats query.

query : a GstQuery
n_formats : the number of formats in this query.

Since 0.10.4

gst_query_parse_formats_nth ()

void                gst_query_parse_formats_nth         (GstQuery *query,
                                                         guint nth,
                                                         GstFormat *format);

Parse the format query and retrieve the nth format from it into format. If the list contains less elements than nth, format will be set to GST_FORMAT_UNDEFINED.

query : a GstQuery
nth : the nth format to retrieve.
format : a pointer to store the nth format

Since 0.10.4

gst_query_new_segment ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_segment               (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new segment query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. A segment query is used to discover information about the currently configured segment for playback.

format : the GstFormat for the new query
Returns : a GstQuery

gst_query_set_segment ()

void                gst_query_set_segment               (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble rate,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start_value,
                                                         gint64 stop_value);

Answer a segment query by setting the requested values. The normal playback segment of a pipeline is 0 to duration at the default rate of 1.0. If a seek was performed on the pipeline to play a different segment, this query will return the range specified in the last seek.

start_value and stop_value will respectively contain the configured playback range start and stop values expressed in format. The values are always between 0 and the duration of the media and start_value <= stop_value. rate will contain the playback rate. For negative rates, playback will actually happen from stop_value to start_value.

query : a GstQuery
rate : the rate of the segment
format : the GstFormat of the segment values (start_value and stop_value)
start_value : the start value
stop_value : the stop value

gst_query_parse_segment ()

void                gst_query_parse_segment             (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gdouble *rate,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start_value,
                                                         gint64 *stop_value);

Parse a segment query answer. Any of rate, format, start_value, and stop_value may be NULL, which will cause this value to be omitted.

See gst_query_set_segment() for an explanation of the function arguments.

query : a GstQuery
rate : the storage for the rate of the segment, or NULL
format : the storage for the GstFormat of the values, or NULL
start_value : the storage for the start value, or NULL
stop_value : the storage for the stop value, or NULL

enum GstBufferingMode

typedef enum {
} GstBufferingMode;

The different types of buffering methods.

GST_BUFFERING_STREAM a small amount of data is buffered
GST_BUFFERING_DOWNLOAD the stream is being downloaded
GST_BUFFERING_TIMESHIFT the stream is being downloaded in a ringbuffer
GST_BUFFERING_LIVE the stream is a live stream

gst_query_new_buffering ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_buffering             (GstFormat format);

Constructs a new query object for querying the buffering status of a stream.

format : the default GstFormat for the new query
Returns : A GstQuery

Since 0.10.20

gst_query_set_buffering_percent ()

void                gst_query_set_buffering_percent     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean busy,
                                                         gint percent);

Set the percentage of buffered data. This is a value between 0 and 100. The busy indicator is TRUE when the buffering is in progress.

query : A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.
busy : if buffering is busy
percent : a buffering percent

Since 0.10.20

gst_query_parse_buffering_percent ()

void                gst_query_parse_buffering_percent   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gboolean *busy,
                                                         gint *percent);

Get the percentage of buffered data. This is a value between 0 and 100. The busy indicator is TRUE when the buffering is in progress.

query : A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.
busy : if buffering is busy
percent : a buffering percent

Since 0.10.20

gst_query_set_buffering_stats ()

void                gst_query_set_buffering_stats       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode mode,
                                                         gint avg_in,
                                                         gint avg_out,
                                                         gint64 buffering_left);

Configures the buffering stats values in query.

query : A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.
mode : a buffering mode
avg_in : the average input rate
avg_out : the average output rate
buffering_left : amount of buffering time left

Since 0.10.20

gst_query_parse_buffering_stats ()

void                gst_query_parse_buffering_stats     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstBufferingMode *mode,
                                                         gint *avg_in,
                                                         gint *avg_out,
                                                         gint64 *buffering_left);

Extracts the buffering stats values from query.

query : A valid GstQuery of type GST_QUERY_BUFFERING.
mode : a buffering mode
avg_in : the average input rate
avg_out : the average output rate
buffering_left : amount of buffering time left

Since 0.10.20

gst_query_set_buffering_range ()

void                gst_query_set_buffering_range       (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat format,
                                                         gint64 start,
                                                         gint64 stop,
                                                         gint64 estimated_total);

Set the available query result fields in query.

query : a GstQuery
format : the format to set for the start and stop values
start : the start to set
stop : the stop to set
estimated_total : estimated total amount of download time

Since 0.10.20

gst_query_parse_buffering_range ()

void                gst_query_parse_buffering_range     (GstQuery *query,
                                                         GstFormat *format,
                                                         gint64 *start,
                                                         gint64 *stop,
                                                         gint64 *estimated_total);

Parse an available query, writing the format into format, and other results into the passed parameters, if the respective parameters are non-NULL

query : a GST_QUERY_SEEKING type query GstQuery
format : the format to set for the segment_start and segment_end values
start : the start to set
stop : the stop to set
estimated_total : estimated total amount of download time

Since 0.10.20

gst_query_new_uri ()

GstQuery*           gst_query_new_uri                   (void);

Constructs a new query URI query object. Use gst_query_unref() when done with it. An URI query is used to query the current URI that is used by the source or sink.

Returns : A GstQuery

Since 0.10.22

gst_query_parse_uri ()

void                gst_query_parse_uri                 (GstQuery *query,
                                                         gchar **uri);

Parse an URI query, writing the URI into uri as a newly allocated string, if the respective parameters are non-NULL. Free the string with g_free() after usage.

query : a GstQuery
uri : the storage for the current URI (may be NULL)

Since 0.10.22

gst_query_set_uri ()

void                gst_query_set_uri                   (GstQuery *query,
                                                         const gchar *uri);

Answer a URI query by setting the requested URI.

query : a GstQuery with query type GST_QUERY_URI
uri : the URI to set

Since 0.10.22

See Also

GstPad, GstElement