
GstTypeFindFactory — Information about registered typefind functions


#include <gst/gst.h>

GList*              gst_type_find_factory_get_list      (void);
gchar**             gst_type_find_factory_get_extensions
                                                        (GstTypeFindFactory *factory);
GstCaps*            gst_type_find_factory_get_caps      (GstTypeFindFactory *factory);
void                gst_type_find_factory_call_function (GstTypeFindFactory *factory,
                                                         GstTypeFind *find);

Object Hierarchy



These functions allow querying informations about registered typefind functions. How to create and register these functions is described in the section "Writing typefind functions".

Example 14. how to write a simple typefinder

  typedef struct {
    guint8 *data;
    guint size;
    guint probability;
    GstCaps *data;
  } MyTypeFind;
  static void
  my_peek (gpointer data, gint64 offset, guint size)
    MyTypeFind *find = (MyTypeFind *) data;
    if (offset >= 0 && offset + size <= find->size) {
      return find->data + offset;
    return NULL;
  static void
  my_suggest (gpointer data, guint probability, GstCaps *caps)
    MyTypeFind *find = (MyTypeFind *) data;
    if (probability > find->probability) {
      find->probability = probability;
      gst_caps_replace (&find->caps, caps);
  static GstCaps *
  find_type (guint8 *data, guint size)
    GList *walk, *type_list;
    MyTypeFind find = {data, size, 0, NULL};
    GstTypeFind gst_find = {my_peek, my_suggest, &find, };
    walk = type_list = gst_type_find_factory_get_list ();
    while (walk) {
      GstTypeFindFactory *factory = GST_TYPE_FIND_FACTORY (walk->data);
      walk = g_list_next (walk)
      gst_type_find_factory_call_function (factory, &gst_find);
    g_list_free (type_list);
    return find.caps;

The above example shows how to write a very simple typefinder that identifies the given data. You can get quite a bit more complicated than that though.

Last reviewed on 2005-11-09 (0.9.4)



typedef struct _GstTypeFindFactory GstTypeFindFactory;

Object that stores information about a typefind function.

gst_type_find_factory_get_list ()

GList*              gst_type_find_factory_get_list      (void);

Gets the list of all registered typefind factories. You must free the list using gst_plugin_feature_list_free.

Returns : the list of all registered GstTypeFindFactory.

gst_type_find_factory_get_extensions ()

gchar**             gst_type_find_factory_get_extensions
                                                        (GstTypeFindFactory *factory);

Gets the extensions associated with a GstTypeFindFactory. The returned array should not be changed. If you need to change stuff in it, you should copy it using g_stdupv(). This function may return NULL to indicate a 0-length list.

factory : A GstTypeFindFactory
Returns : a NULL-terminated array of extensions associated with this factory

gst_type_find_factory_get_caps ()

GstCaps*            gst_type_find_factory_get_caps      (GstTypeFindFactory *factory);

Gets the GstCaps associated with a typefind factory.

factory : A GstTypeFindFactory
Returns : The GstCaps associated with this factory

gst_type_find_factory_call_function ()

void                gst_type_find_factory_call_function (GstTypeFindFactory *factory,
                                                         GstTypeFind *find);

Calls the GstTypeFindFunction associated with this factory.

factory : A GstTypeFindFactory
find : A properly setup GstTypeFind entry. The get_data and suggest_type members must be set.