
NiceAddress — IP address convenience library

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#define             NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN
void                nice_address_init                   (NiceAddress *addr);
NiceAddress*        nice_address_new                    (void);
void                nice_address_free                   (NiceAddress *addr);
NiceAddress*        nice_address_dup                    (const NiceAddress *addr);
void                nice_address_set_ipv4               (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         guint32 addr_ipv4);
void                nice_address_set_ipv6               (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         const guchar *addr_ipv6);
void                nice_address_set_port               (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         guint port);
guint               nice_address_get_port               (const NiceAddress *addr);
gboolean            nice_address_set_from_string        (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         const gchar *str);
void                nice_address_set_from_sockaddr      (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         const struct sockaddr *sin);
void                nice_address_copy_to_sockaddr       (const NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         struct sockaddr *sin);
gboolean            nice_address_equal                  (const NiceAddress *a,
                                                         const NiceAddress *b);
void                nice_address_to_string              (const NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         gchar *dst);
gboolean            nice_address_is_private             (const NiceAddress *addr);
gboolean            nice_address_is_valid               (const NiceAddress *addr);


The NiceAddress structure will allow you to easily set/get and modify an IPv4 or IPv6 address in order to communicate with the NiceAgent.




The maximum string length representation of an address. When using nice_address_to_string() make sure the string has a size of at least NICE_ADDRESS_STRING_LEN


typedef struct {
    struct sockaddr     addr;
    struct sockaddr_in  ip4;
    struct sockaddr_in6 ip6;
  } s;
} NiceAddress;

The NiceAddress structure that represents an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

nice_address_init ()

void                nice_address_init                   (NiceAddress *addr);

Initialize a NiceAddress into an undefined address

addr : The NiceAddress to init

nice_address_new ()

NiceAddress*        nice_address_new                    (void);

Create a new NiceAddress with undefined address You must free it with nice_address_free()

Returns : The new NiceAddress

nice_address_free ()

void                nice_address_free                   (NiceAddress *addr);

Frees a NiceAddress created with nice_address_new() or nice_address_dup()

addr : The NiceAddress to free

nice_address_dup ()

NiceAddress*        nice_address_dup                    (const NiceAddress *addr);

Creates a new NiceAddress with the same address as addr

addr : The NiceAddress to dup
Returns : The new NiceAddress

nice_address_set_ipv4 ()

void                nice_address_set_ipv4               (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         guint32 addr_ipv4);

Set addr to an IPv4 address using the data from addr_ipv4


This function will reset the port to 0, so make sure you call it before nice_address_set_port()

addr : The NiceAddress to modify
addr_ipv4 : The IPv4 address

nice_address_set_ipv6 ()

void                nice_address_set_ipv6               (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         const guchar *addr_ipv6);

Set addr to an IPv6 address using the data from addr_ipv6


This function will reset the port to 0, so make sure you call it before nice_address_set_port()

addr : The NiceAddress to modify
addr_ipv6 : The IPv6 address

nice_address_set_port ()

void                nice_address_set_port               (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         guint port);

Set the port of addr to port

addr : The NiceAddress to modify
port : The port to set

nice_address_get_port ()

guint               nice_address_get_port               (const NiceAddress *addr);

Retreive the port of addr

addr : The NiceAddress to query
Returns : The port of addr

nice_address_set_from_string ()

gboolean            nice_address_set_from_string        (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         const gchar *str);

Sets an IPv4 or IPv6 address from the string str

addr : The NiceAddress to modify
str : The string to set
Returns : TRUE if success, FALSE on error

nice_address_set_from_sockaddr ()

void                nice_address_set_from_sockaddr      (NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         const struct sockaddr *sin);

Sets an IPv4 or IPv6 address from the sockaddr structure sin

addr : The NiceAddress to modify
sin : The sockaddr to set

nice_address_copy_to_sockaddr ()

void                nice_address_copy_to_sockaddr       (const NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         struct sockaddr *sin);

Fills the sockaddr structure sin with the address contained in addr

addr : The NiceAddress to query
sin : The sockaddr to fill

nice_address_equal ()

gboolean            nice_address_equal                  (const NiceAddress *a,
                                                         const NiceAddress *b);

Compares two NiceAddress structures to see if they contain the same address

a : First NiceAddress to compare
b : Second NiceAddress to compare
Returns : TRUE if a and b are the same address, FALSE if they are different

nice_address_to_string ()

void                nice_address_to_string              (const NiceAddress *addr,
                                                         gchar *dst);

Transforms the address addr into a human readable string

addr : The NiceAddress to query
dst : The string to fill

nice_address_is_private ()

gboolean            nice_address_is_private             (const NiceAddress *addr);

Verifies if the address in addr is a private address or not

addr : The NiceAddress to query
Returns : TRUE if addr is a private address, FALSE otherwise

nice_address_is_valid ()

gboolean            nice_address_is_valid               (const NiceAddress *addr);

Validate whether the NiceAddress addr is a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address

addr : The NiceAddress to query
Returns : TRUE if addr is valid, FALSE otherwise