
MafwDbusDiscover — Discovery of MAFW components over D-Bus


gboolean            mafw_shared_init                    (MafwRegistry *reg,
                                                         GError **error);
void                mafw_shared_deinit                  (void);


These functions are required if you run MAFW plugins out-of-process (using mafw-dbus-wrapper). The mafw_shared_init() function installs handlers for watching the session bus for appearing components and populates the registry with their proxies, which expose the usual MafwSource and MafwRenderer interfaces. To stop tracking out-of-process components use mafw_shared_deinit(), but note that existing proxies will not be removed.


mafw_shared_init ()

gboolean            mafw_shared_init                    (MafwRegistry *reg,
                                                         GError **error);

Tracks renderers and sources exported in session bus and adds/removes them from the provided registry when they show up/get removed from session bus.

reg : registry instance used to store proxy sources and renderers. In 99 percent of the cases it will be mafw_registry_get_instance().
error : location of a possible GError
Returns : TRUE if all went OK, FALSE otherwise.

mafw_shared_deinit ()

void                mafw_shared_deinit                  (void);

Stops tracking of sources and renderers exported on the session bus. Existing proxies will not be removed from the registry.