
OssoABookRoster — Presence aware addressbook view.


OssoABookRoster*    osso_abook_roster_new               (const char *name,
                                                         EBookView *book_view,
                                                         const char *vcard_field);
McAccount*          osso_abook_roster_get_account       (OssoABookRoster *roster);
EBook*              osso_abook_roster_get_book          (OssoABookRoster *roster);
const char*         osso_abook_roster_get_book_uri      (OssoABookRoster *roster);
EBookView*          osso_abook_roster_get_book_view     (OssoABookRoster *roster);
OssoABookCapsFlags  osso_abook_roster_get_capabilities  (OssoABookRoster *roster);
const char*         osso_abook_roster_get_name          (OssoABookRoster *roster);
const char*         osso_abook_roster_get_vcard_field   (OssoABookRoster *roster);
gboolean            osso_abook_roster_is_running        (OssoABookRoster *roster);
void                osso_abook_roster_start             (OssoABookRoster *roster);
void                osso_abook_roster_stop              (OssoABookRoster *roster);


An OssoABookRoster is a presence aware addressbook view simlar to EBookView. It differs from EBookView by yielding rich OssoABookContact instances, instead of EContact instances. Also it provides access to the McAccount providing the address book, when this roster is backed by some instant messaging account.



typedef struct {
        GObject parent_instance;
} OssoABookRoster;

All the fields of this structure are private to the object's implementation and should never be accessed directly.

osso_abook_roster_new ()

OssoABookRoster*    osso_abook_roster_new               (const char *name,
                                                         EBookView *book_view,
                                                         const char *vcard_field);

Creates a new OssoABookRoster. To ensure consistent reporting e_book_view_start() should not be called on the book_view. Call osso_abook_roster_start() instead.

name : the name of the roster
book_view : the EBookView behind the roster
vcard_field : the vCard attribute name describing the roster
Returns : A newly allocated OssoABookRoster.

osso_abook_roster_get_account ()

McAccount*          osso_abook_roster_get_account       (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Retreives the current value of the "account" property.

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The current value of the property.

osso_abook_roster_get_book ()

EBook*              osso_abook_roster_get_book          (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Retreives the current value of the "book" property.

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The current value of the property.

osso_abook_roster_get_book_uri ()

const char*         osso_abook_roster_get_book_uri      (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Retreives the current value of the "book-uri" property.

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The current value of the property.

osso_abook_roster_get_book_view ()

EBookView*          osso_abook_roster_get_book_view     (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Retreives the current value of the "book-view" property.

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The current value of the property.

osso_abook_roster_get_capabilities ()

OssoABookCapsFlags  osso_abook_roster_get_capabilities  (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Query static capabilities of the roster as returned by mc_profile_get_capabilities().

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The static capabilities of the roster.

osso_abook_roster_get_name ()

const char*         osso_abook_roster_get_name          (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Retreives the current value of the "name" property.

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The current value of the property.

osso_abook_roster_get_vcard_field ()

const char*         osso_abook_roster_get_vcard_field   (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Retreives the current value of the "vcard-field" property.

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The current value of the property.

osso_abook_roster_is_running ()

gboolean            osso_abook_roster_is_running        (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Retreives the current value of the "running" property.

roster : a OssoABookRoster
Returns : The current value of the property.

osso_abook_roster_start ()

void                osso_abook_roster_start             (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Starts operation of the roster. After calling this function a sequence of "contacts-added" signals is emitted to report the initial content of the underlying addressbook.

See also: osso_abook_roster_stop(), "running".


Always use this function instead of e_book_view_start().

roster : a OssoABookRoster

osso_abook_roster_stop ()

void                osso_abook_roster_stop              (OssoABookRoster *roster);

Stops operation of the roster.

See also: osso_abook_roster_start(), "running".


Always use this function instead of e_book_view_stop().

roster : a OssoABookRoster

See Also
