
HDPluginManager — Manages plugins defined by configuration files


#include <libhildondesktop/libhildondesktop.h>

HDPluginManager*    hd_plugin_manager_new               (HDConfigFile *config_file);
void                hd_plugin_manager_run               (HDPluginManager *manager);
GKeyFile*           hd_plugin_manager_get_plugin_config_key_file
                                                        (HDPluginManager *manager);
guint               (*HDLoadPriorityFunc)               (const gchar *plugin_id,
                                                         GKeyFile *keyfile,
                                                         gpointer data);
void                hd_plugin_manager_set_load_priority_func
                                                        (HDPluginManager *manager,
                                                         HDLoadPriorityFunc load_priority_func,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);

Object Hierarchy



  "plugin-added"                                   : Run First
  "plugin-removed"                                 : Run Last


A HDPluginManager manages plugins defined in configuration files.

The configuration is read from the configuration file specified on creation of the HDPluginManager instance.

To use the HDPluginManager connect to the "plugin-added" and "plugin-removed" signals. These signals are emitted if a plugin should be added or removed from the application.

Calling hd_plugin_manager_run() results in an initial read of the configuration files in which the "plugin-added" is emitted for each plugin which is loaded.



typedef struct _HDPluginManager HDPluginManager;

hd_plugin_manager_new ()

HDPluginManager*    hd_plugin_manager_new               (HDConfigFile *config_file);

This function creates a new HDPluginManager instance.

config_file : a HDConfigFile which specify the configuration file.
Returns : a new HDPluginManager instance.

hd_plugin_manager_run ()

void                hd_plugin_manager_run               (HDPluginManager *manager);

This function should be called after the callback signals are connected to manager. It does an initial read of the configuration files, loads the plugins according to the configuration and emits the appropiate callback signals.

manager : a HDPluginManager

hd_plugin_manager_get_plugin_config_key_file ()

GKeyFile*           hd_plugin_manager_get_plugin_config_key_file
                                                        (HDPluginManager *manager);

This function can be used in the HDPluginManager::plugin-added and HDPluginManager::plugin-configuration-loaded to get a reference of the plugin configuration key file.

manager : a HDPluginManager
Returns : a reference to the plugin configuration key file. It is owned by the manager and must not be freed.

HDLoadPriorityFunc ()

guint               (*HDLoadPriorityFunc)               (const gchar *plugin_id,
                                                         GKeyFile *keyfile,
                                                         gpointer data);

plugin_id :
keyfile :
data :
Returns :

hd_plugin_manager_set_load_priority_func ()

void                hd_plugin_manager_set_load_priority_func
                                                        (HDPluginManager *manager,
                                                         HDLoadPriorityFunc load_priority_func,
                                                         gpointer data,
                                                         GDestroyNotify destroy);

This function allows it to specify a function which calculates the priority in which plugins are loaded. The lower the unsigned integer returned by load_priority_func is the earlier the plugin is loaded.

manager : a HDPluginManager
load_priority_func : a HDLoadPriorityFunc which should be used to calculate the load priority of a plugin
data : data which is passed to load_priority_func
destroy : function to call when data should be destroyed

Signal Details

The "plugin-added" signal

void                user_function                      (HDPluginManager *manager,
                                                        GObject         *plugin,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run First

Emitted if a new plugin instance is created (loaded).

manager : a HDPluginManager.
plugin : the new plugin.
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

The "plugin-removed" signal

void                user_function                      (HDPluginManager *manager,
                                                        GObject         *plugin,
                                                        gpointer         user_data)      : Run Last

Emitted if a plugin instance is removed.

manager : a HDPluginManager.
plugin : the plugin.
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.