Connection manager life cycle

Connection manager life cycle — entry point for telepathy-glib connection managers


#include <telepathy-glib/run.h>

int                 tp_run_connection_manager           (const char *prog_name,
                                                         const char *version,
                                                         TpBaseConnectionManager* (construct_cmvoid) (),
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv);


tp_run_connection_manager() provides a convenient entry point for telepathy-glib connection managers. It initializes most of the functionality the CM will need, constructs a connection manager object and lets it run.

This function also manages the connection manager's lifetime - if there are no new connections for a while, it times out and exits.


tp_run_connection_manager ()

int                 tp_run_connection_manager           (const char *prog_name,
                                                         const char *version,
                                                         TpBaseConnectionManager* (construct_cmvoid) (),
                                                         int argc,
                                                         char **argv);

Run the connection manager by initializing libraries, constructing a main loop, instantiating a connection manager and running the main loop. When this function returns, the program should exit.

If the connection manager does not create a connection within a short arbitrary time (currently 5 seconds), either on startup or after the last open connection is disconnected, and the PERSIST debug flag is not set, return 0.

If registering the connection manager on D-Bus fails, return 1.

prog_name : The program name to be used in debug messages etc.
version : The program version
construct_cm : A function which will return the connection manager object
argc : The number of arguments passed to the program
argv : The arguments passed to the program
Returns : the status code with which the process should exit