
TpTextMixin — a mixin implementation of the text channel type


#include <telepathy-glib/text-mixin.h>

GQuark              tp_text_mixin_class_get_offset_quark
GQuark              tp_text_mixin_get_offset_quark      (void);
void                tp_text_mixin_class_init            (GObjectClass *obj_cls,
                                                         glong offset);
void                tp_text_mixin_init                  (GObject *obj,
                                                         glong offset,
                                                         TpHandleRepoIface *contacts_repo);
void                tp_text_mixin_set_message_types     (GObject *obj,
void                tp_text_mixin_finalize              (GObject *obj);
gboolean            tp_text_mixin_receive_with_flags    (GObject *obj,
                                                         TpChannelTextMessageType type,
                                                         TpHandle sender,
                                                         time_t timestamp,
                                                         const char *text,
                                                         TpChannelTextMessageFlags flags);
gboolean            tp_text_mixin_receive               (GObject *obj,
                                                         TpChannelTextMessageType type,
                                                         TpHandle sender,
                                                         time_t timestamp,
                                                         const char *text);
gboolean            tp_text_mixin_acknowledge_pending_messages
                                                        (GObject *obj,
                                                         const GArray *ids,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            tp_text_mixin_list_pending_messages (GObject *obj,
                                                         gboolean clear,
                                                         GPtrArray **ret,
                                                         GError **error);
gboolean            tp_text_mixin_get_message_types     (GObject *obj,
                                                         GArray **ret,
                                                         GError **error);
void                tp_text_mixin_clear                 (GObject *obj);
gboolean            tp_text_mixin_has_pending_messages  (GObject *obj,
                                                         TpHandle *first_sender);
void                tp_text_mixin_set_rescued           (GObject *obj);
void                tp_text_mixin_iface_init            (gpointer g_iface,
                                                         gpointer iface_data);


This mixin can be added to a channel GObject class to implement the text channel type in a general way. It implements the pending message queue and GetMessageTypes, so the implementation should only need to implement Send.

To use the text mixin, include a TpTextMixinClass somewhere in your class structure and a TpTextMixin somewhere in your instance structure, and call tp_text_mixin_class_init() from your class_init function, tp_text_mixin_init() from your init function or constructor, and tp_text_mixin_finalize() from your dispose or finalize function.

To use the text mixin as the implementation of TpSvcTextInterface, in the function you pass to G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE, you should first call tp_text_mixin_iface_init(), then call tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_send() to register your implementation of the Send method.



typedef struct {
} TpTextMixin;

Structure to be included in the instance structure of objects that use this mixin. Initialize it with tp_text_mixin_init().

There are no public fields.


typedef struct {
} TpTextMixinClass;

Structure to be included in the class structure of objects that use this mixin. Initialize it with tp_text_mixin_class_init().

There are no public fields.

tp_text_mixin_class_get_offset_quark ()

GQuark              tp_text_mixin_class_get_offset_quark

Returns : the quark used for storing mixin offset on a GObjectClass

tp_text_mixin_get_offset_quark ()

GQuark              tp_text_mixin_get_offset_quark      (void);

Returns : the quark used for storing mixin offset on a GObject

tp_text_mixin_class_init ()

void                tp_text_mixin_class_init            (GObjectClass *obj_cls,
                                                         glong offset);

Initialize the text mixin. Should be called from the implementation's class_init function like so:

tp_text_mixin_class_init ((GObjectClass *) klass,
                          G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SomeObjectClass, text_mixin));

obj_cls : The class of the implementation that uses this mixin
offset : The byte offset of the TpTextMixinClass within the class structure

tp_text_mixin_init ()

void                tp_text_mixin_init                  (GObject *obj,
                                                         glong offset,
                                                         TpHandleRepoIface *contacts_repo);

Initialize the text mixin. Should be called from the implementation's instance init function like so:

tp_text_mixin_init ((GObject *) self,
                    G_STRUCT_OFFSET (SomeObject, text_mixin),

obj : An instance of the implementation that uses this mixin
offset : The byte offset of the TpTextMixin within the object structure
contacts_repo : The connection's TP_HANDLE_TYPE_CONTACT repository

tp_text_mixin_set_message_types ()

void                tp_text_mixin_set_message_types     (GObject *obj,

Set the supported message types.

obj : An object with this mixin
... : guints representing members of TpChannelTextMessageType, terminated by G_MAXUINT

tp_text_mixin_finalize ()

void                tp_text_mixin_finalize              (GObject *obj);

Free resources held by the text mixin.

obj : An object with this mixin.

tp_text_mixin_receive_with_flags ()

gboolean            tp_text_mixin_receive_with_flags    (GObject *obj,
                                                         TpChannelTextMessageType type,
                                                         TpHandle sender,
                                                         time_t timestamp,
                                                         const char *text,
                                                         TpChannelTextMessageFlags flags);

Add a message to the pending queue and emit Received.

obj : An object with the text mixin
type : The type of message received from the underlying protocol
sender : The handle of the message sender
timestamp : The time the message was received
text : The text of the message
flags : the message's flags
Returns : TRUE on success; FALSE if the message was lost due to the memory limit.

tp_text_mixin_receive ()

gboolean            tp_text_mixin_receive               (GObject *obj,
                                                         TpChannelTextMessageType type,
                                                         TpHandle sender,
                                                         time_t timestamp,
                                                         const char *text);

Add a message to the pending queue and emit Received. Exactly equivalent to tp_text_mixin_receive_with_flags() with flags == 0.

obj : An object with the text mixin
type : The type of message received from the underlying protocol
sender : The handle of the message sender
timestamp : The time the message was received
text : The text of the message
Returns : TRUE on success; FALSE if the message was lost due to the memory limit.

tp_text_mixin_acknowledge_pending_messages ()

gboolean            tp_text_mixin_acknowledge_pending_messages
                                                        (GObject *obj,
                                                         const GArray *ids,
                                                         GError **error);

Implements D-Bus method AcknowledgePendingMessages on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text

obj : An object with this mixin
ids : An array of guint representing message IDs
error : Used to return a pointer to a GError detailing any error that occurred, D-Bus will throw the error only if this function returns false.
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error was thrown.

tp_text_mixin_list_pending_messages ()

gboolean            tp_text_mixin_list_pending_messages (GObject *obj,
                                                         gboolean clear,
                                                         GPtrArray **ret,
                                                         GError **error);

Implements D-Bus method ListPendingMessages on interface org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Channel.Type.Text

obj : An object with this mixin
clear : If TRUE, delete the pending messages from the queue
ret : Used to return a pointer to a new GPtrArray of D-Bus structures
error : Used to return a pointer to a GError detailing any error that occurred, D-Bus will throw the error only if this function returns false.
Returns : TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error was thrown.

tp_text_mixin_get_message_types ()

gboolean            tp_text_mixin_get_message_types     (GObject *obj,
                                                         GArray **ret,
                                                         GError **error);

Return a newly allocated GArray of guint, representing message types taken from TpChannelTextMessageType, through ret.

obj : An object with this mixin
ret : A pointer to where a GArray of guint will be placed on success
error : A pointer to where an error will be placed on failure
Returns : TRUE on success

tp_text_mixin_clear ()

void                tp_text_mixin_clear                 (GObject *obj);

Clear the pending message queue, deleting all messages.

obj : An object with this mixin

tp_text_mixin_has_pending_messages ()

gboolean            tp_text_mixin_has_pending_messages  (GObject *obj,
                                                         TpHandle *first_sender);

Return whether the channel obj has unacknowledged messages. If so, and first_sender is not NULL, the handle of the sender of the first message is placed in it, without incrementing the handle's reference count.

obj : An object with this mixin
first_sender : If not NULL, used to store the sender of the oldest pending message
Returns : TRUE if there are pending messages

tp_text_mixin_set_rescued ()

void                tp_text_mixin_set_rescued           (GObject *obj);

Mark all pending messages as having been "rescued" from a channel that previously closed.

obj : An object with this mixin

tp_text_mixin_iface_init ()

void                tp_text_mixin_iface_init            (gpointer g_iface,
                                                         gpointer iface_data);

Fill in this mixin's AcknowledgePendingMessages, GetMessageTypes and ListPendingMessages implementations in the given interface vtable. In addition to calling this function during interface initialization, the implementor is expected to call tp_svc_channel_type_text_implement_send(), providing a Send implementation.

g_iface : A pointer to the TpSvcChannelTypeTextClass in an object class
iface_data : Ignored

See Also
