Network interfaces discovery

Network interfaces discovery — Utility functions to discover local network interfaces

Stability Level

Stable, unless otherwise indicated


#include <interfaces.h>

gchar*              nice_interfaces_get_ip_for_interface
                                                        (gchar *interface_name);
GList*              nice_interfaces_get_local_interfaces
GList*              nice_interfaces_get_local_ips       (gboolean include_loopback);


These utility functions allow the discovery of local network interfaces in a portable manner, they also allow finding the local ip addresses or the address allocated to a network interface.


nice_interfaces_get_ip_for_interface ()

gchar*              nice_interfaces_get_ip_for_interface
                                                        (gchar *interface_name);

Retreives the IPv4 address of an interface by its name

interface_name : name of local interface
Returns : a newly-allocated string with the IP address

nice_interfaces_get_local_interfaces ()

GList*              nice_interfaces_get_local_interfaces

Get the list of local interfaces

Returns : a newly-allocated GList of strings. The caller must free it.

nice_interfaces_get_local_ips ()

GList*              nice_interfaces_get_local_ips       (gboolean include_loopback);

Get a list of local ipv4 interface addresses

include_loopback : Include any loopback devices
Returns : a newly-allocated GList of strings. The caller must free it.