GDigicam CameraBin

GDigicam CameraBin — GDigicam Descriptor for GStreamer camerabin plugin


GDigicamDescriptor* g_digicam_camerabin_descriptor_new  (const GstElement *gst_camera_bin);
GstElement*         g_digicam_camerabin_element_new     (const gchar *videosrc,
                                                         const gchar *videoenc,
                                                         const gchar *videomux,
                                                         const gchar *audiosrc,
                                                         const gchar *audioenc,
                                                         const gchar *imageenc,
                                                         const gchar *imagepp,
                                                         const gchar *ximagesink,
                                                         gint *colorkey);


GDigicam Camerabin provides the tools needed to easily create a complete GDigicamDescriptor which internally makes use of the GStreamer camerabin plugin so it can be used straight away in a GDigicamManager.



typedef struct {
        gchar *model;
        gchar *make;
        gchar *author;
        gchar *unique_id;
        gchar *country_name;
        gchar *city_name;
        gchar *suburb_name;
        gdouble longitude;
        gdouble latitude;
        gdouble altitude;
        guint orientation;
} GDigicamCamerabinMetadata;

Data structure with metadata information to be used during the capture operation.

gchar *model; Device model.
gchar *make; Device maker.
gchar *author; Content author.
gchar *unique_id; Unique id for a device composed of device wlan mac.
gchar *country_name; Country name given the current geolocation coordinates.
gchar *city_name; Town/city name given the current geolocation coordinates.
gchar *suburb_name; Suburb name given the current geolocation coordinates.
gdouble longitude; Geolocation's longitude parameter.
gdouble latitude; Geolocation's latitude parameter.
gdouble altitude; Geolocation's altitude parameter.
guint orientation; Content orientation.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamMode mode;
} GDigicamCamerabinModeHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_mode" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamMode mode; A GDigicamMode indicating the camera mode; still picture or video.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamFlashmode flash_mode;
} GDigicamCamerabinFlashModeHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_flash_mode" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamFlashmode flash_mode; A GDigicamFlashmode indicating the flash mode.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamFocusmode focus_mode;
        gboolean macro_enabled;
} GDigicamCamerabinFocusModeHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_focus_mode" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamFocusmode focus_mode; A GDigicamFocusmode indicating the focus mode.
gboolean macro_enabled; Wether macro mode is enabled or not.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamFocuspoints focus_points;
        guint64 active_points;
} GDigicamCamerabinFocusRegionPatternHelper;

Data structure with helper data and functions to be used during "set_focus_region_pattern" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamFocuspoints focus_points; A GDigicamFocuspoints indicating the focus points array shape.
guint64 active_points; The active points in the focus points array.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamExposuremode exposure_mode;
} GDigicamCamerabinExposureModeHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_exposure_mode" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamExposuremode exposure_mode; A GDigicamExposuremode indicating the exposure mode.


typedef struct {
        gdouble exposure_comp;
} GDigicamCamerabinExposureCompHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_exposure_comp" operation for 'camerabin'.

gdouble exposure_comp; The exposure compenastion level.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamIsosensitivitymode iso_sensitivity_mode;
        guint iso_value;
} GDigicamCamerabinIsoSensitivityHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_iso_sensitivity_mode" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamIsosensitivitymode iso_sensitivity_mode; A GDigicamIsosensitivitymode indicating the ISO mode.
guint iso_value; The ISO level in case of auto mode.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamWhitebalancemode wb_mode;
} GDigicamCamerabinWhitebalanceModeHelper;

Data structure with helper data and functions to be used during "set_white_balance_mode" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamWhitebalancemode wb_mode; A GDigicamWhitebalanceMode indicating the white balance mode.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamQuality quality;
} GDigicamCamerabinQualityHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_quality" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamQuality quality; A GDigicamQuality indicating the quality level.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamAspectratio aspect_ratio;
        GDigicamResolution resolution;
        GDigicamPreview preview_mode;
} GDigicamCamerabinAspectRatioResolutionHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_aspect_ratio" and "set_resolution" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamAspectratio aspect_ratio; A GDigicamAspectratio indicating the aspect_ratio.
GDigicamResolution resolution; A GDigicamResolution indicating the resolution.
GDigicamPreview preview_mode; A GDigicamPreview indicating the preview mode.


typedef struct {
        GDigicamLock locks;
} GDigicamCamerabinLocksHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_locks" operation for 'camerabin'.

GDigicamLock locks; A GDigicamLock indicating the locks.


typedef struct {
        gdouble value;
} GDigicamCamerabinZoomHelper;

Data structure with helper data to be used during "set_zoom" operation for 'camerabin'.

gdouble value; The zoom value.


typedef struct {
        const gchar *file_path;
        GDigicamCamerabinMetadata *metadata;
} GDigicamCamerabinPictureHelper;

Data structure with helper data and functions to be used during "set_focus_region_pattern" operation for 'camerabin'.

const gchar *file_path; Filename in which store the taken picture.
GDigicamCamerabinMetadata *metadata; A GDigicamCamerabinMetadata with the metadata information to add to the taken picture.


typedef struct {
        const gchar *file_path;
        GDigicamCamerabinMetadata *metadata;
        gboolean resume;
        GDigicamAudio audio;
} GDigicamCamerabinVideoHelper;

Data structure with helper data and functions to be used during "start/pause/stop_recording_video" operation for 'camerabin'.

const gchar *file_path; Filename in which store the recorded video.
GDigicamCamerabinMetadata *metadata; A GDigicamCamerabinMetadata with the metadata information to add to the recorded video.
gboolean resume; If used in pause/resume function, wether it is pause or resume.
GDigicamAudio audio; A GDigicamAudio indicating the audio mode.

g_digicam_camerabin_descriptor_new ()

GDigicamDescriptor* g_digicam_camerabin_descriptor_new  (const GstElement *gst_camera_bin);

Creates a GDigicamDescriptor customized to deal with GStreamer camerabins.

gst_camera_bin : The GstElement described by this descriptor.
Returns : A new GDigicamDescriptor with the proper functions to deal with a GStreamer camerabin

g_digicam_camerabin_element_new ()

GstElement*         g_digicam_camerabin_element_new     (const gchar *videosrc,
                                                         const gchar *videoenc,
                                                         const gchar *videomux,
                                                         const gchar *audiosrc,
                                                         const gchar *audioenc,
                                                         const gchar *imageenc,
                                                         const gchar *imagepp,
                                                         const gchar *ximagesink,
                                                         gint *colorkey);

Creates a customized CameraBin GstElement.

videosrc : name of a valid video source GstElement.
videoenc : name of a valid video encoder GstElement.
videomux : name of a valid video muxer GstElement.
audiosrc : name of a valid audio source GstElement.
audioenc : name of a valid audio encoder GstElement.
imageenc : name of a valid image encoder GstElement.
imagepp : name of a valid post processing GstElement.
ximagesink : name of a valid X image sink GstElement.
colorkey : output parameter to retrieve the colorkey.
Returns : A new and complete CameraBin GstElement.