
EUrl — A URI data structure and associated functions.


char*               e_url_shroud                        (const char *url);
gboolean            e_url_equal                         (const char *url1,
                                                         const char *url2);
EUri*               e_uri_new                           (const char *uri_string);
void                e_uri_free                          (EUri *uri);
const char*         e_uri_get_param                     (EUri *uri,
                                                         const char *name);
EUri*               e_uri_copy                          (EUri *uri);
char*               e_uri_to_string                     (EUri *uri,
                                                         gboolean show_password);



e_url_shroud ()

char*               e_url_shroud                        (const char *url);

Removes the moniker (i.e. mailto:) from a url.

url : The url to shroud.
Returns : The newly-allocated shrouded url.

e_url_equal ()

gboolean            e_url_equal                         (const char *url1,
                                                         const char *url2);

Checks two urls for equality, after first removing any monikers on the urls.

url1 : The first url to compare.
url2 : The second url to compare.
Returns : TRUE if the urls are equal, FALSE if they are not.


typedef struct {
	char  *protocol;
	char  *user;
	char  *authmech;
	char  *passwd;
	char  *host;
	int    port;
	char  *path;
	GData *params;
	char  *query;
	char  *fragment;
} EUri;

A structure representing a URI.

char *protocol; The protocol to use.
char *user; A user name.
char *authmech; The authentication mechanism.
char *passwd; The connection password.
char *host; The host name.
int port; The port number.
char *path; The file path on the host.
GData *params; Additional parameters.
char *query;
char *fragment;

e_uri_new ()

EUri*               e_uri_new                           (const char *uri_string);

Creates an EUri representation of the uri given in uri_string.

uri_string : The uri to represent as an EUri.
Returns : The newly-allocated EUri structure.

e_uri_free ()

void                e_uri_free                          (EUri *uri);

Frees the memory of an EUri structure.

uri : A pointer to the EUri to free.

e_uri_get_param ()

const char*         e_uri_get_param                     (EUri *uri,
                                                         const char *name);

Retrieves the value of the parameter associated with name in uri.

uri : The EUri to get the parameter from.
name : The name of the parameter to get.
Returns : The value of the parameter.

e_uri_copy ()

EUri*               e_uri_copy                          (EUri *uri);

Makes a copy of uri.

uri : The EUri to copy.
Returns : The newly-allocated copy of uri.

e_uri_to_string ()

char*               e_uri_to_string                     (EUri *uri,
                                                         gboolean show_password);

Creates a string representation of uri. The password will only be included in the string if show_password is set to TRUE.

uri : The EUri to convert to a string.
show_password : Whether or not to show the password in the string.
Returns : The string representation of uri.