
ETrie — A trie data structure.


ETrie*              e_trie_new                          (gboolean icase);
void                e_trie_free                         (ETrie *trie);
void                e_trie_add                          (ETrie *trie,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         int pattern_id);
const char*         e_trie_search                       (ETrie *trie,
                                                         const char *buffer,
                                                         size_t buflen,
                                                         int *matched_id);




typedef struct _ETrie ETrie;

A trie data structure.

e_trie_new ()

ETrie*              e_trie_new                          (gboolean icase);

Creates a new ETrie. If icase is TRUE, then pattern matching done by the ETrie will be case insensitive.

icase : Case sensitivity for the ETrie.
Returns : The newly-created ETrie.

e_trie_free ()

void                e_trie_free                         (ETrie *trie);

Frees the memory associated with the ETrie trie.

trie : The ETrie to free.

e_trie_add ()

void                e_trie_add                          (ETrie *trie,
                                                         const char *pattern,
                                                         int pattern_id);

Add a new pattern to the ETrie trie.

trie : The ETrie to add a pattern to.
pattern : The pattern to add.
pattern_id : The id to use for the pattern.

e_trie_search ()

const char*         e_trie_search                       (ETrie *trie,
                                                         const char *buffer,
                                                         size_t buflen,
                                                         int *matched_id);

Try to match the string buffer with a pattern in trie.

trie : The ETrie to search in.
buffer : The string to match against a pattern in trie.
buflen : The length of buffer.
matched_id : An integer address to store the matched pattern id in.
Returns : The matched pattern, or NULL if no pattern is matched.