


#define             E_DLIST_INITIALISER                 (l)
void                e_dlist_init                        (EDList *v);
EDListNode*         e_dlist_addhead                     (EDList *l,
                                                         EDListNode *n);
EDListNode*         e_dlist_addtail                     (EDList *l,
                                                         EDListNode *n);
EDListNode*         e_dlist_remove                      (EDListNode *n);
EDListNode*         e_dlist_remhead                     (EDList *l);
EDListNode*         e_dlist_remtail                     (EDList *l);
int                 e_dlist_empty                       (EDList *l);
int                 e_dlist_length                      (EDList *l);
EMCache*            em_cache_new                        (time_t timeout,
                                                         size_t nodesize,
                                                         GFreeFunc nodefree);
void                em_cache_destroy                    (EMCache *emc);
EMCacheNode*        em_cache_lookup                     (EMCache *emc,
                                                         const char *key);
EMCacheNode*        em_cache_node_new                   (EMCache *emc,
                                                         const char *key);
void                em_cache_node_unref                 (EMCache *emc,
                                                         EMCacheNode *n);
void                em_cache_add                        (EMCache *emc,
                                                         EMCacheNode *n);
void                em_cache_clear                      (EMCache *emc);
EMsgPort*           e_msgport_new                       (void);
void                e_msgport_destroy                   (EMsgPort *mp);
int                 e_msgport_fd                        (EMsgPort *mp);
void                e_msgport_put                       (EMsgPort *mp,
                                                         EMsg *msg);
EMsg*               e_msgport_wait                      (EMsgPort *mp);
EMsg*               e_msgport_get                       (EMsgPort *mp);
void                e_msgport_reply                     (EMsg *msg);
void                (*EThreadFunc)                      (EThread *,
                                                         EMsg *,
                                                         void *data);
EThread*            e_thread_new                        (e_thread_t type);
void                e_thread_destroy                    (EThread *e);
void                e_thread_set_queue_limit            (EThread *e,
                                                         int limit);
void                e_thread_set_msg_lost               (EThread *e,
                                                         EThreadFunc destroy,
                                                         void *data);
void                e_thread_set_msg_destroy            (EThread *e,
                                                         EThreadFunc destroy,
                                                         void *data);
void                e_thread_set_reply_port             (EThread *e,
                                                         EMsgPort *reply_port);
void                e_thread_set_msg_received           (EThread *e,
                                                         EThreadFunc received,
                                                         void *data);
void                e_thread_put                        (EThread *e,
                                                         EMsg *msg);
int                 e_thread_busy                       (EThread *e);
enum                e_mutex_t;
EMutex*             e_mutex_new                         (e_mutex_t type);
int                 e_mutex_destroy                     (EMutex *m);
int                 e_mutex_lock                        (EMutex *m);
int                 e_mutex_unlock                      (EMutex *m);
void                e_mutex_assert_locked               (EMutex *m);
int                 e_mutex_cond_wait                   (void *cond,
                                                         EMutex *m);




typedef struct {
	struct _EDListNode *next;
	struct _EDListNode *prev;
} EDListNode;


typedef struct {
	struct _EDListNode *head;
	struct _EDListNode *tail;
	struct _EDListNode *tailpred;
} EDList;


#define E_DLIST_INITIALISER(l) { (EDListNode *)&l.tail, NULL, (EDListNode *)&l.head }

l :

e_dlist_init ()

void                e_dlist_init                        (EDList *v);

v :

e_dlist_addhead ()

EDListNode*         e_dlist_addhead                     (EDList *l,
                                                         EDListNode *n);

l :
n :
Returns :

e_dlist_addtail ()

EDListNode*         e_dlist_addtail                     (EDList *l,
                                                         EDListNode *n);

l :
n :
Returns :

e_dlist_remove ()

EDListNode*         e_dlist_remove                      (EDListNode *n);

n :
Returns :

e_dlist_remhead ()

EDListNode*         e_dlist_remhead                     (EDList *l);

l :
Returns :

e_dlist_remtail ()

EDListNode*         e_dlist_remtail                     (EDList *l);

l :
Returns :

e_dlist_empty ()

int                 e_dlist_empty                       (EDList *l);

l :
Returns :

e_dlist_length ()

int                 e_dlist_length                      (EDList *l);

l :
Returns :


typedef struct _EMCache EMCache;


typedef struct {
	struct _EMCacheNode *next, *prev;
	char *key;
	int ref_count;
	time_t stamp;
} EMCacheNode;

em_cache_new ()

EMCache*            em_cache_new                        (time_t timeout,
                                                         size_t nodesize,
                                                         GFreeFunc nodefree);

Setup a new timeout cache. nodesize is the size of nodes in the cache, and nodefree will be called to free YOUR content.

timeout :
nodesize :
nodefree :
Returns :

em_cache_destroy ()

void                em_cache_destroy                    (EMCache *emc);

destroy the cache, duh.

emc :

em_cache_lookup ()

EMCacheNode*        em_cache_lookup                     (EMCache *emc,
                                                         const char *key);

Lookup a cache node. once you're finished with it, you need to unref it.

emc :
key :
Returns :

em_cache_node_new ()

EMCacheNode*        em_cache_node_new                   (EMCache *emc,
                                                         const char *key);

Create a new key'd cache node. The node will not be added to the cache until you insert it.

emc :
key :
Returns :

em_cache_node_unref ()

void                em_cache_node_unref                 (EMCache *emc,
                                                         EMCacheNode *n);

unref a cache node, you can only unref nodes which have been looked up.

emc :
n :

em_cache_add ()

void                em_cache_add                        (EMCache *emc,
                                                         EMCacheNode *n);

Add a cache node to the cache, once added the memory is owned by the cache. If there are conflicts and the old node is still in use, then the new node is not added, otherwise it is added and any nodes older than the expire time are flushed.

emc :
n :

em_cache_clear ()

void                em_cache_clear                      (EMCache *emc);

clear the cache. just for api completeness.

emc :


typedef struct _EMsgPort EMsgPort;


typedef struct {
	EDListNode ln;
	EMsgPort *reply_port;
	gint flags;
} EMsg;

e_msgport_new ()

EMsgPort*           e_msgport_new                       (void);

Returns :

e_msgport_destroy ()

void                e_msgport_destroy                   (EMsgPort *mp);

mp :

e_msgport_fd ()

int                 e_msgport_fd                        (EMsgPort *mp);

mp :
Returns :

e_msgport_put ()

void                e_msgport_put                       (EMsgPort *mp,
                                                         EMsg *msg);

mp :
msg :

e_msgport_wait ()

EMsg*               e_msgport_wait                      (EMsgPort *mp);

mp :
Returns :

e_msgport_get ()

EMsg*               e_msgport_get                       (EMsgPort *mp);

mp :
Returns :

e_msgport_reply ()

void                e_msgport_reply                     (EMsg *msg);

msg :

EThreadFunc ()

void                (*EThreadFunc)                      (EThread *,
                                                         EMsg *,
                                                         void *data);

Param1 :
Param2 :
data :

e_thread_new ()

EThread*            e_thread_new                        (e_thread_t type);

type :
Returns :

e_thread_destroy ()

void                e_thread_destroy                    (EThread *e);

e :

e_thread_set_queue_limit ()

void                e_thread_set_queue_limit            (EThread *e,
                                                         int limit);

e :
limit :

e_thread_set_msg_lost ()

void                e_thread_set_msg_lost               (EThread *e,
                                                         EThreadFunc destroy,
                                                         void *data);

e :
destroy :
data :

e_thread_set_msg_destroy ()

void                e_thread_set_msg_destroy            (EThread *e,
                                                         EThreadFunc destroy,
                                                         void *data);

e :
destroy :
data :

e_thread_set_reply_port ()

void                e_thread_set_reply_port             (EThread *e,
                                                         EMsgPort *reply_port);

e :
reply_port :

e_thread_set_msg_received ()

void                e_thread_set_msg_received           (EThread *e,
                                                         EThreadFunc received,
                                                         void *data);

e :
received :
data :

e_thread_put ()

void                e_thread_put                        (EThread *e,
                                                         EMsg *msg);

e :
msg :

e_thread_busy ()

int                 e_thread_busy                       (EThread *e);

e :
Returns :


typedef struct _EMutex EMutex;

enum e_mutex_t

typedef enum _e_mutex_t {
	E_MUTEX_SIMPLE,		/* == pthread_mutex */
	E_MUTEX_REC,		/* recursive mutex */
} e_mutex_t;

e_mutex_new ()

EMutex*             e_mutex_new                         (e_mutex_t type);

type :
Returns :

e_mutex_destroy ()

int                 e_mutex_destroy                     (EMutex *m);

m :
Returns :

e_mutex_lock ()

int                 e_mutex_lock                        (EMutex *m);

m :
Returns :

e_mutex_unlock ()

int                 e_mutex_unlock                      (EMutex *m);

m :
Returns :

e_mutex_assert_locked ()

void                e_mutex_assert_locked               (EMutex *m);

m :

e_mutex_cond_wait ()

int                 e_mutex_cond_wait                   (void *cond,
                                                         EMutex *m);

cond :
m :
Returns :