
HildonWeekdayPicker — A widget for picking days on which a certain event should take place.


#include <hildon/hildon.h>

GtkWidget*          hildon_weekday_picker_new           (void);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_day       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day    (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_all       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);
void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);
gboolean            hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonWeekdayPicker implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "selection-changed"                              : Run Last / Action


HildonWeekdayPicker supports non-mutually exclusive selection of days of the week. Selected days of the week are shown with a pushed-in effect.

HildonWeekdayPicker is used where users are required to pick days on which a certain event should take place, for example, which days a Calendar event should be repeated on. It is used in Calendar in the Repeat dialog, in Tasks in the Repeat dialog and in the Email set-up wizard.


HildonWeekdayPicker has been deprecated since Hildon 2.2 and should not be used in newly written code. See Migrating Date Widgets section to know how to migrate this deprecated widget.

Example 21. HildonWeekdayPicker example

gint i;
HildonWeekdayPicker *picker = hildon_weekday_picker_new ();

hildon_weekday_picker_set_day (picker, i);
hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day (picker, i);
hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day (picker, i);
hildon_weekday_picker_set_all (picker);

hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all( picker );



typedef struct _HildonWeekdayPicker HildonWeekdayPicker;


HildonWeekdayPicker is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

hildon_weekday_picker_new ()

GtkWidget*          hildon_weekday_picker_new           (void);


hildon_weekday_picker_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Creates a new HildonWeekdayPicker.

Returns : pointer to a new HildonWeekdayPicker widget.

hildon_weekday_picker_set_day ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_day       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_set_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets specified weekday active.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be set active

hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_unset_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Unselect specified weekday.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be set inactive

hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day    (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_toggle_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Toggles current status of the specified weekday.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be toggled

hildon_weekday_picker_set_all ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_set_all       (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);


hildon_weekday_picker_set_all is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets all weekdays active.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget

hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all ()

void                hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker);


hildon_weekday_picker_unset_all is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets all weekdays inactive.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget

hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day ()

gboolean            hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day     (HildonWeekdayPicker *picker,
                                                         GDateWeekday day);


hildon_weekday_picker_isset_day is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Checks if the specified weekday is set active.

picker : the HildonWeekdayPicker widget
day : day to be checked.
Returns : TRUE if the day is set, FALSE if the day is not set

Signal Details

The "selection-changed" signal

void                user_function                      (HildonWeekdayPicker *hildonweekdaypicker,
                                                        gint                 arg1,
                                                        gpointer             user_data)                : Run Last / Action

hildonweekdaypicker : the object which received the signal.
arg1 :
user_data : user data set when the signal handler was connected.

See Also
