
HildonSortDialog — A widget for defining the sorting order of items.


#include <hildon/hildon.h>

GtkWidget*          hildon_sort_dialog_new              (GtkWindow *parent);
gint                hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_key     (HildonSortDialog *dialog);
GtkSortType         hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_order   (HildonSortDialog *dialog);
void                hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_key     (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         int key);
void                hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_order   (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         GtkSortType order);
gint                hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key     (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         const gchar *sort_key);
gint                hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key_reversed
                                                        (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         const gchar *sort_key);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonSortDialog implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "sort-key"                 gint                  : Read / Write
  "sort-order"               GtkSortType           : Read / Write


HildonSortDialog is used to define an order (ascending/descending) and a field by which items are sorted in a list. The combo boxes display the current value when the dialog is opened.


HildonSortDialog has been deprecated since Hildon 2.2 See Migrating Sort Dialogs section to know how to migrate this deprecated widget.

Example 29. An example for using HildonSortDialog

HildonSortDialog *sort_dialog = HILDON_SORT_DIALOG (hildon_sort_dialog_new (parent));

gint response_id, add_sort_index;

sort_by[0] = STR_SORT_BY_DATE;
sort_by[1] = STR_SORT_BY_NAME;
sort_by[2] = STR_SORT_BY_SIZE;
sort_by[3] = NULL;

sorting_order[2] = NULL;

add_sort_index = hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key (sort_dialog, STR_SORT_BY_DATE);

hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key (sort_dialog, STR_SORT_BY_NAME);

hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key (sort_dialog, STR_SORT_BY_SIZE);

if (dialog.first_time_clicked == TRUE)
	hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_key (sort_dialog, add_sort_index);

if (dialog.first_time_clicked == FALSE)
	hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_key (sort_dialog, dialog.sort_key);
	hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_order (sort_dialog, dialog.sort_order);

gtk_widget_show (GTK_WIDGET (sort_dialog));

response_id = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (sort_dialog));

if (response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
	dialog.sort_key = hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_key (sort_dialog);

	gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (dialog.label1), sort_by [dialog.sort_key]);

	dialog.sort_order = hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_order (sort_dialog);

	gtk_label_set_text (GTK_LABEL (dialog.label2), sorting_order [dialog.sort_order]);

	dialog.first_time_clicked = FALSE;



typedef struct _HildonSortDialog HildonSortDialog;


HildonSortDialog is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

hildon_sort_dialog_new ()

GtkWidget*          hildon_sort_dialog_new              (GtkWindow *parent);


hildon_sort_dialog_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

HildonSortDialog contains two HildonCaptions with combo boxes.

parent : widget to be transient for, or NULL if none
Returns : pointer to a new HildonSortDialog widget

hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_key ()

gint                hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_key     (HildonSortDialog *dialog);


hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_key is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Gets index to currently active sort key.

dialog : the HildonSortDialog widget
Returns : an integer which is the index value of the "Sort by" field

hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_order ()

GtkSortType         hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_order   (HildonSortDialog *dialog);


hildon_sort_dialog_get_sort_order is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Gets current sorting order from "Sort order" field.

dialog : the HildonSortDialog widget
Returns : current sorting order as GtkSortType

hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_key ()

void                hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_key     (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         int key);


hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_key is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets the index value of the HildonSortDialog widget.

dialog : the HildonSortDialog widget
key : combo box's index value

hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_order ()

void                hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_order   (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         GtkSortType order);


hildon_sort_dialog_set_sort_order is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Sets the index value of the HildonSortDialog widget.

dialog : the HildonSortDialog widget
order : combo box's index value

hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key ()

gint                hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key     (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         const gchar *sort_key);


hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Adds a new sort key and returns the respective index in sort key combobox.

dialog : the HildonSortDialog widget
sort_key : combo box's index value
Returns : an integer which is the index of the added combo box's item

hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key_reversed ()

gint                hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key_reversed
                                                        (HildonSortDialog *dialog,
                                                         const gchar *sort_key);


hildon_sort_dialog_add_sort_key_reversed is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Adds a new sort key and returns the respective index in sort key combobox. The default sort order for this key is reversed (Descending first).

dialog : the HildonSortDialog widget
sort_key : combo box's index value
Returns : an integer which is the index of the added combo box's item

Property Details

The "sort-key" property

  "sort-key"                 gint                  : Read / Write

The currently active sort key.

Default value: 0

The "sort-order" property

  "sort-order"               GtkSortType           : Read / Write

The sort order for the currently active sort key.