
HildonSeekbar — A widget used to identify a place from a content.


#include <hildon/hildon.h>

GtkWidget*          hildon_seekbar_new                  (void);
gint                hildon_seekbar_get_total_time       (HildonSeekbar *seekbar);
void                hildon_seekbar_set_total_time       (HildonSeekbar *seekbar,
                                                         gint time);
gint                hildon_seekbar_get_position         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar);
void                hildon_seekbar_set_position         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar,
                                                         gint time);
void                hildon_seekbar_set_fraction         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar,
                                                         guint fraction);
guint               hildon_seekbar_get_fraction         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonSeekbar implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "fraction"                 gdouble               : Read / Write
  "position"                 gdouble               : Read / Write
  "total-time"               gdouble               : Read / Write


HildonSeekbar allows seeking in media with a range widget. It supports for setting or getting the length (total time) of the media, the position within it and the fraction (maximum position in a stream/the amount currently downloaded). The position is clamped between zero and the total time, or zero and the fraction in case of a stream.

HildonSeekbar has been deprecated since hildon 2.2. Use GtkScale instead. See hildon_gtk_hscale_new() and hildon_gtk_vscale_new().



typedef struct _HildonSeekbar HildonSeekbar;


HildonSeekbar is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

hildon_seekbar_new ()

GtkWidget*          hildon_seekbar_new                  (void);


hildon_seekbar_new is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Create a new HildonSeekbar widget.

Returns : a GtkWidget pointer of HildonSeekbar widget

hildon_seekbar_get_total_time ()

gint                hildon_seekbar_get_total_time       (HildonSeekbar *seekbar);


hildon_seekbar_get_total_time is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Gets the total playing time of the media (in seconds).

seekbar : a HildonSeekbar
Returns : total playing time.

hildon_seekbar_set_total_time ()

void                hildon_seekbar_set_total_time       (HildonSeekbar *seekbar,
                                                         gint time);


hildon_seekbar_set_total_time is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Set total playing time of media in seconds.

seekbar : a HildonSeekbar
time : integer greater than zero

hildon_seekbar_get_position ()

gint                hildon_seekbar_get_position         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar);


hildon_seekbar_get_position is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Get current position in stream in seconds.

seekbar : pointer to HildonSeekbar widget
Returns : current position in stream in seconds

hildon_seekbar_set_position ()

void                hildon_seekbar_set_position         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar,
                                                         gint time);


hildon_seekbar_set_position is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Set current position in stream in seconds.

seekbar : pointer to HildonSeekbar widget
time : time within range of >= 0 && < G_MAXINT

hildon_seekbar_set_fraction ()

void                hildon_seekbar_set_fraction         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar,
                                                         guint fraction);


hildon_seekbar_set_fraction is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Set current fraction value of the range. It should be between the minimal and maximal values of the range in seekbar.

seekbar : pointer to HildonSeekbar widget
fraction : the new position of the progress indicator

hildon_seekbar_get_fraction ()

guint               hildon_seekbar_get_fraction         (HildonSeekbar *seekbar);


hildon_seekbar_get_fraction is deprecated and should not be used in newly-written code.

Get current fraction value of the rage.

seekbar : pointer to HildonSeekbar widget
Returns : current fraction

Property Details

The "fraction" property

  "fraction"                 gdouble               : Read / Write

Current fraction related to the progress indicator.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "position" property

  "position"                 gdouble               : Read / Write

Current position in this media file.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0

The "total-time" property

  "total-time"               gdouble               : Read / Write

Total playing time of this media file.

Allowed values: >= 0

Default value: 0