
HildonDateSelector — A widget to select the current date.


#include <hildon/hildon.h>

GtkWidget*          hildon_date_selector_new            (void);
GtkWidget*          hildon_date_selector_new_with_year_range
                                                        (gint min_year,
                                                         gint max_year);
gboolean            hildon_date_selector_select_month   (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint month,
                                                         guint year);
void                hildon_date_selector_select_day     (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint day);
gboolean            hildon_date_selector_select_current_date
                                                        (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint year,
                                                         guint month,
                                                         guint day);
void                hildon_date_selector_get_date       (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint *year,
                                                         guint *month,
                                                         guint *day);

Object Hierarchy


Implemented Interfaces

HildonDateSelector implements AtkImplementorIface and GtkBuildable.


  "max-year"                 gint                  : Read / Write / Construct Only
  "min-year"                 gint                  : Read / Write / Construct Only


HildonDateSelector is a date widget with multiple columns. Users can choose a date by selecting values in the day, month and year columns.

The currently selected month and year can be altered with hildon_date_selector_select_month(). The day can be selected from the active month using hildon_date_selector_select_day().



typedef struct _HildonDateSelector HildonDateSelector;

hildon_date_selector_new ()

GtkWidget*          hildon_date_selector_new            (void);

Creates a new HildonDateSelector

Returns : a new HildonDateSelector

Since 2.2

hildon_date_selector_new_with_year_range ()

GtkWidget*          hildon_date_selector_new_with_year_range
                                                        (gint min_year,
                                                         gint max_year);

Creates a new HildonDateSelector with a specific year range. If min_year or max_year are set to -1, then the default upper or lower bound will be used, respectively.

min_year : the minimum available year or -1 to ignore
max_year : the maximum available year or -1 to ignore
Returns : a new HildonDateSelector

Since 2.2

hildon_date_selector_select_month ()

gboolean            hildon_date_selector_select_month   (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint month,
                                                         guint year);

Modify the current month and year on the current active date

Utility function to keep this API similar to the previously existing HildonCalendar widget.

selector : the HildonDateSelector
month : the current month (0-11)
year : the current year
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

Since 2.2

hildon_date_selector_select_day ()

void                hildon_date_selector_select_day     (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint day);

Modify the current day on the current active date

Utility function to keep this API similar to the previously existing HildonCalendar widget.

selector : the HildonDateSelector
day : the current day (between 1 and 31)

Since 2.2

hildon_date_selector_select_current_date ()

gboolean            hildon_date_selector_select_current_date
                                                        (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint year,
                                                         guint month,
                                                         guint day);

Sets the current active date on the HildonDateSelector widget

selector : the HildonDateSelector
year : the current year
month : the current month (between 0 and 11)
day : the current day (between 1 and 31)
Returns : TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise

Since 2.2

hildon_date_selector_get_date ()

void                hildon_date_selector_get_date       (HildonDateSelector *selector,
                                                         guint *year,
                                                         guint *month,
                                                         guint *day);

Gets the current active date on the HildonDateSelector widget

selector : the HildonDateSelector
year : location of the current year, or NULL
month : location of the current month (between 0 and 11), or NULL
day : location of the current day (between 1 and 31), or NULL

Since 2.2

Property Details

The "max-year" property

  "max-year"                 gint                  : Read / Write / Construct Only

The maximum available year in the selector.

Allowed values: [1900,2100]

Default value: 2037

The "min-year" property

  "min-year"                 gint                  : Read / Write / Construct Only

The minimum available year in the selector.

Allowed values: [1900,2100]

Default value: 1970